Natural ways to slow/stop D???

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Mar 3, 2012
Just wondering if any of you, have any suggestions on how to stop slow down D. I think I'm flaring a bit, which isn't a problem normally just at home, as I wait to go shopping etc until my gut slows down. I've just taken on a little part time cleaning. Normally if I'm close to a toilet this wouldn't worry me, but its for a complete stranger. Any ideas? Oh and don't say don't eat before hand, because that was my first thought too, but then realised because I'm flaring, regardless of not eating anything today, I've already been to the toilet a few times.
Any suggestions???
White rice and bananas I suppose. Not too many bananas though, too many give me diarrhea. :p Basically a more bland diet may help. For me though I tend to just pop a Lomotil if needed. :p Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids (diet drink sweeteners can cause diarrhea so be careful what you're drinking as well).
Yes I was told rice water. The doc said cook some white rice in double the amount of water let it cook and than drink the rice water. I have never done this. If you do tell me how it goes.
Thanks heaps Crabby! I'll have rice for dinner, and only a banana through today if I'm hungry. I drink milk in the mornings, but even if I'm going to my sisters I try to have 2 max, then none till I get home, so I might have tea in the morning. It would be way to embarrassing to go to her (this lady I'm cleaning for tommorrow) place to clean, and completely stink out her toilet every half hour for the first two hours. Which seems to be what I do in the mornings and nights the most. Thanks again xo
Ahhhhh the BRAT diet- bananas, rice, apple sauce (?) and rice!

Black tea has tanic acid in it- its a smooth muscle relaxer- your gut is a smooth muscle.
That also helps me!

Have you tried Imodiun? To be honest at this point I use half a pain pill for the cramping and diarrhea. Its just to painful!

I hope you get your stomach to settle down soon!

I would also add insure. when i have D i slow my eating to a maximum and drink protein shakes in the form of ensure. this why i am calming my gut and i am not hungry.
i seen someone mention in a post that marshmallows were good for binding the poo...i was also warned against eating bananas by my IBD nurse as she said thye were harder to digest,but everyone is different,
That rise water sounds boak material.full of the starch that you try to wash out when boiling rice but if it was to work i might just hold my nose and gulp it down....
Oh and immodium is a good shout....
Ripe bananas(unripe bananas are tough to digest, ripe are easy to digest), potatoes, rice. Maybe try activated charcoal or psyllium Husk(make sure to drink alot of water with the last 2).

Also drink ginger and/or peppermint tea.
I have yet to find a food that really helps me with my D (maybe oatmeal and brown rice, but I never really paid enough attention to notice if it was those two items that helped...I will pay more attention now lol)

I have found that ginger actually helps calm my gurgling sounds, and clears me out to go to the bathroom/pass gass instead of bulking me up. Applesauce doesn't affect me, I could see potatoes working but haven't given it a try during diarrhea. Basically the BRAT diet does more to soothe my stomach/gut discomforts than to bind me I guess.


So I actually tested out the rice water theory last night as I have been experiencing major diarrhea the last few days (no other symptoms but a small eczema flare, thankfully).

I boiled then simmered 1/2 c. white rice and 3 cups of water. I strained the rice water into the cup, drank it warm and ate the rice. Didn't do much but I went back online, searched and found out I should have tried it with brown rice instead lol. I will give it another shot this evening to see if it helps :)
Thanks for all those replies!

Tots- I tried gastro stop which is like Imodium, and it didn't do anything for me. That was years ago though, but I've had constant D for 7 years now :/

Bangarang- no way I'm trying psyllium husk. That's like Metamucil and I think fiber would make things worse.

Crohns Chicago- I'm like you. Nothing seems to stop my D, though other symptoms are heaps better on humira. Instead of 15-20 D per day, its less then 5 on a good day, but 6-7 on average. How did you go with brown rice? Isn't that worse- as in its not low residue?

Farms wife- no I haven't tried that- maybe if I'm desperate- the rice water sounds yuk.

So what I ended up doing the other day when I posted this, is only having 2 pieces of toast- white bread- for dinner, and didn't eat until I got home the following afternoon. I thought that's pretty bland, and thankfully the D did slow down for the next morning. Felt the urge to go once but didn't until I got home,lol.

If the rice water really works ill do that the night before I have to go out somewhere, where I'd rather not use the loo. Which is everywhere really, but I mean an all day thing.

Thanks again xo
Brown rice actually is one of those things that doesn't bother me much so long as it doesn't fill up my plate too much. I'm a crazy rice lady...I love the stuff! It sucks because a few years back I switched from white rice to brown rice to be more "healthy" and I enjoyed it. Now I tend to eat more white rice

Drinking the brown rice water was not much different than the white rice....kind of helped I guess, but I had eaten mashed potatoes earlier in the day that may have helped as well...
to reduce diarrhea, avoid/reduce lactose(milk sugar) and sucrose(table sugar or added sugar, also in most fruits).

also, try coconut oil(up to 14 grams per day) and pure psyllium(not metamucil brand) with every meal.

i put coconut oil in empty pill caps, its real easy to take them this way.