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Jun 25, 2012
i have had crohns disease since i was 12 years old. i am actually really grateful for it. i feel like it made me who i was supposed to become. who knows who i would be if i didn't have it. it has been an up and down battle finding comfort with the disease. i had tried about every drug out there by the time i was 15 and nothing worked...one landed me in the hospital because it made me so sick. for five years, remicade was my miracle. but as all good things dont last, its effectivness wore off and only a few short weeks after i was married i found myself bed ridden and barely able to work 15 hours a week without feeling completely ill.
in a series of sad events, my husbands grandpa was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma. not a lot was working for him so they decided to take him to a kinisiologist. she helped him heal and live comfortably for nine months when the doctors only gave him a few.
being a firm believer in western medicine. when my in-laws suggested i give the kinesiologist a try for my own heath, i was very skeptical. the self proclaimed "witch dr." said she had healed crohns before.... then why was i told this was terminal.
a few days after thanksgiving i had hit bottom. i was beyond done. i was a newlywed and wanted to feel good and enjoy my life with my husband (who has been an ALL STAR in this ordeal, by the way.) so, i called up my mother in law, invited her to come and we went on up to salt lake city.

...........i have done a complete 180. i am enjoying my life, i have dodged fatigue, i am not having any symptoms and i am working full time....best of all: i am almost out of medical debt and am completely off my expensive medications. its taken about 6 months but it has been worth it everyday. i spend about 100 bucks on average a month for the consultation and cost of herbs...it may seem steep...but i was spending 5200 every eight weeks for remicade...so this seems like a breeze! besides, this is working better!
it seems weird. i wont lie. its an odd process. the first time i went to this lady i thought to myself: if this isnt a miraculous change...i am not coming back. but it was miraculous. and i am a firm believer that i can help for many different diseases.
i had hit a wall that i thought i wasnt going to be able to overcome and i did it! i feel better than i have since i was 12. i urge beg and PLEAD that if anyone is suffering beyond what they can handle, or even if its a minor annoyance....look into alternate medicine. everything was put on this earth for our benefit. please...look into it!

happy healthy healing!
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I am happy you found a method to control the disease. I am no stranger to alternative treatments, or standard ones, but Kinesiology is something I am not too familiar with.

Welcome to the forum, and I hope you can live a normal life with what you have learned.

Hi there and welcome!

Can you share what sort of treatments the kinesiologist does on you that have helped so much?

are you aware that if you have no medication insurance drug companies have programs for the uninsured where they can get their medicatons/IV treatments for free.

Also, if you have no health insurance, you can apply for uncompensated care at the hospital you frequent by going to the billing office and ask for the forms to fill out. It's based upon your income and it's good for an entire year and will cover inpatient stays, surgeries, ER visits, & diagnostic tests. Most MD offices have gov't forms as well for those who have no insurance and the billing office can work with the patient in regards to filling out the forms.
Hello and welcome to the forum, I am glad you have found something that works for you.

I was also wondering what the kinesiologist does?

Apparently there are two different and distinct terms that are not interchangeable.

Kinesiology addresses physiological, mechanical, and psychological mechanisms. Applications of kinesiology to human health include: biomechanics and orthopedics, strength & conditioning, sport psychology, rehabilitation, such as physical and occupational therapy, as well as sport and exercise

Then there is Applied Kinesiology which is more controversial, and probably what the original poster is referring to.

Applied kinesiology (AK) is an alternative medicine method used for diagnosis and determination of therapy. According to practitioners using Applied Kinesiology techniques, it provides feedback on the functional status of the body. AK has been criticized on theoretical and empirical grounds,[1] and characterized as pseudoscience[2][3] and quackery.[1] Several medical associations have advised that applied kinesiology should not be used to diagnose allergies.[4][5][6][7][8][9]

I guess I have had this method used on me in a limited way in the past. My Chiropractor used it to diagnose the cause of my hay fever that I used to get every Fall.

I had already had the conventional pin prick test prior to this and it pointed to a rather pronounced allergy to ragweed, and a lesser allergy to a couple of other things. But no practical solution to the allergy.

The Chiropractor did a muscle test which consisted of her putting various allergens near me, these were in bottles.

As she put these near me she tested my muscle resistance in my arm. Apparently the response was less or more when the correct allergen was near me.

This seemed to me to be on a scale of 90% certain this could not work. And I am rather receptive to many alternative treatments as plausible, mostly from actual use and positive results.

This seemed really implausible to me, but what harm could it do? The Chiropractor said that my allergy was to mold, and that a Homeopathic Remedy for mold may help.

So now I have two different alternative modalities being used on me, and I am skeptical of both of them. Applied Kinesiology and Homeopathy. I was not as skeptical of Homeopathy since it does have some scientific basis, and I know several intelligent people that used it successfully.

In the end I used the homeopatic remedy and it eliminated my hayfever symptoms. The next year I used it again although my symptoms were not bad that year. It worked well, and I had no symptoms, as long as I used it.

Last year I had no symptoms. I do not know why, as the remedy is not thought to be a cure. It may be a lack of the allergen for weather reasons. We will see what this Fall brings.

I also had my adult son use the remedy as he is far worse than I am. It worked very well for him also.

So did she get lucky and nail the allergen that did not show up on the pin prick test?

Did the treatment work twice on two different people just from a placebo effect?

I think that it is possible that she got lucky in the diagnosis, but I also think it is equally possible that she could tell what my allergy was by the questionable testing.

I do not believe the Homeopathic remedy was a placebo effect since I am not stranger to alternative treatments. I have had more failures than successes, and a placebo effect is generally not going to work long term.

I also have used many conventional methods that I had more faith in, that work to a degree, but not as well as this did.

It also worked on my son whose allergies were far worse than my own.

That is the sum of my experience with Applied Kinesiology and Homeopathy.

I did look for some evidence anywhere that Homeopathy could help Crohn's but never found anything indicating that it could. Given that, I never pursued it further.

If something put you into remission, I see no reason to change anything. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Dan and angry bird,
Kinisiology is a series of muscle testing to see if your body will "project" trough auras and energies to see what it's lacking. It sounds so crazy when explained...bu it's helpin so I am NOT above it!!
Gutlesswonder, I am aware of certain financial aides and I did them for a while after my parents turned my bills over to me. However,my husband makes too much,even though it's not that much, (and it feels like never enough when it comes to medical bills) to now qualify for those programs. I was doubly insured but it didn't make
That much of a dent when it comes to how expensive that medication was. I am content with the alternative healing and the progress I am making with it...but thanks for your advice.
P.s. Dan,
This muscle testing technique is very different from those of which a chiropractor
Would use because she is testing auras and energies strengths and weaknesses in your body and not putting allergens near you to test your bodys reaction.
its not necessarily that i was lacking anything...she believes the cause of most IBS related illnesses are parasites and bacteria. they nest in the walls of your intestine causing inflamation and the feed off of certain foods...therefor explaining why many peoples reactions are soooo different to different foods....(we think the change in my water source from getting married set me off as bad as i was...drinking a VERY purified water source has helped turn me around as well) she starts by figuring what my body in particular needed to get rid of the parasites and bacteria and i have been doing a cleanse ever since. she explains it like an onion and there are layers the parasites live in so each "program" will be different. shes says its a different process for everyone she's worked with who has any IBS. i am young so i have reacted really well and i moniter my eating habits pretty strictly so i gave her a jump start into taking care of it. the herbs work as a cleanse and "cure" not just a bandaid like most of our western medicines. i dont know if any of this explaination has helped, all i know is that my case is a miracle.
What kind of herbs are you taking for the cleanse? And are you eating a special diet in addition to them?

And does your doctor refer to your Crohn's as "IBS" or "IBD"?

Thanks for continuing to answer my questions, I appreciate it!
of course! i love sharing this! i am on MULTIPLE herbs. some are "chinese" i do recommend that if someone were to want to try this, they do see a kinisiologist...i tried to use some herbs that i looked up in the "little herb dictionary" before a saw this lady and they worsened my symptoms cause i didnt know what i was doing. the way she does the muscle testing is really critical to what your body needs. currently though i am on vsc, uno de gato, blood build, blood mix, (they sound gross...but they arent really blood :) ) tsc-w/hops, i cant remember the others off the top of my head...but they are all natures sunshine.

my dr refered to it as ibs when i was actually seeing a dr. :)
My kinisiologist blends a bunch of herbs together for
The blood mix and I just put them in capsules. I honestly have no idea...I just trust her. Lol sorry I wasnt more help. All I know is that this mix helps
With the elimination of parasites.
Hi Smileykyli- How did you first hear about kinesiology and where did you find your kinesiologist? Was there a website that you first heard about this through or was it by word of mouth? I've never heard of this, but it sounds interesting and I'm glad that it's working for you.
My husbands grandpa was seeing a kinisiologist for his cancer and that is how I decided to go to her. I knew a lady when I was younger who did it...but she was so darn expensive I couldn't swallow it. I'm sure you could find a kinisiologist online. I noticed some of the things you listed in your post about diet and such...ever tried kombucha? (sp) its like Keifer on steroids and isn't dairy! (I try to shy away from milk products...but that's just me.)
Well, I am going to play devil's advocate. I used to be a strong believer in all forms on alternative medicine. But as it turns out, the very first naturopath I saw ended up ruining my life :quack: Of course, I didn't know this at the time or I would have turned around and walked straight out of his office. Long story short, he took x-rays of my colon/intestines and convinced me that I needed extensive colonic (water) therapy in order to heal. He ended up causing so much damage that there was nothing that could be done to reverse it. Eventually he was arrested for malpractice (or the equivalent for alternative docs) and sexual touching. Obviously I switched to a different naturopath who was absolutely fantastic and he helped me a lot but the damage was done and even he suggested that I would need to return to Western medicine to treat my condition. About a week later I had emergency ileostomy surgery in order to save my life.

Alternative medicine will absolutely work for some, but please do your homework before jumping into anything.

SmileyKyli I am so pleased that this is working for you!! Good luck.
I remember going to a naturopath years before I was diagnosed with crohns.i didnt have gi symptoms then..just so much fatigue. I was pretty open but thought in my mind she was too expensive. Honestly?i wish I had listened to her. She said my adrenal glands were way stressed and I was on the verge of adrenal exhaustion which in her modality meant all sorts of systems could break down.i bought and half heartedly took the herbal tincture but didn't change my lifestyle of working long stretches of 12-14 hour night shifts in a stressful job in nursing..forward 7 years later..crohns diagnosis..
I too have tried so many alternative health practices...with vigor. I've tried to s of diets and although they have relieved symptoms, nothing has really stopped flares for me. Im still open and as much as I can look for them here in Kentucky which is scarily conservative in medicine, I'll keep looking.
My pet theory is that there are a multitude of causes for IBD. I have had set backs doing an absolutely clean diet and everything positive I can including integrative health while I'll go into a remission doing every possible thing that experts say will cause huge problems.
I think for me when I was diagnosed I was first exposed repeatedly to bacterial infections in developing countries that caused a cascade to happen.
I'm not sure about the parasite argument. I was tested for every possible parasite after peace corps by the peace corps standards which are far above the usual ova and parasite tests routinely run by labs in the USA..not a one.
So I'm fairly certain that I didn't have parasites but bacteria?sure!!
Having said that,no one else I knew in India or Africa was ever diagnosed with IBD or even had symptoms even closely resembling mine except for bouts of diarrhea that were self limiting. I ran fevers,pooped blood,And had so much pain on the right side...I knew after my diagnosis that I couldnt pursue my goal of international medicine.
I'm so curious what worked for others and it's great to read stories!if we get a very good run on a remission or feeling good..that's a great thing in itself!!
Sorry, but I don't think there's a cure. I wish there was!!i can't think myself into not having crohns. I honestly have tried this with huge amounts of energy!!disnt work for me!
Thanks for sharing what is working for u though!!

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