Hi, I need to vent and seek advice from the people I know who will know what I am on about... (sorry this is long)
Nine years ago I was very unwell, terrible diarrhea, stomach pains, low grade fever. I was travelling an hour to work and would fine it very hard to get there and deal with the pain as I was driving. I went to my GP who referred me to a gastroenterologist. I went to him and he did an endoscopy and colonoscopy. He didnt find anything and ushed me out of his rooms with the belief that I had irritable bowel.
My bosses sister had Crohns and suggested I go to see her Dr. He was excellent and did another Colonoscopy, but found nothing. He said I believe you have Crohns disease but it is very tricky to find. I also remember him doing another test where dye was injected in to me, all showed up nothing. I was about to get married, so he suggested that I go and do that and come back to him after. In the meantime my GP suggested I go off of Wheat and Dairy which I did and it seem to relieve some of the pain.
For the past 8 years I have had on and off constrant pain, getting lots of blood test done and getting no results. It effects me on a daily basis. I have had two children during that time too, which made me put off another Gastro Dr.
My GP sent me to an immunologist (last year) as he thought I had food allergies. This doctor proceed to check Thyroid allergies etc. Finally he did a Hydra breath Test which showed positive for SIBO. He wasnt satisfied with that and wanted me to go to another Gastro Dr. I was so over it and thought, not again I cant do it.
In December and January I had toncilitis and couldnt be rid of it. Then in February I started bleeding from my bowel and have mucas (sorry for the details). I would also have blood clots etc. I finally went to the Dr after 4 weeks of this (as I started to throw up and choke on my food) and thought I would just mention it. He suggested I go to another Gastro Dr.
I finally went in to the Gastro Dr and he did a sigmoidoscopy and said yes you have IBD. I then had an Endoscopy and Colonoscopy. This test showed that I had GERD and Inflamation from my rectum to sigmoid. The biopsy showed ulcerated colits. I asked this Dr why then do I have so much Diarrhea and he said 'well you probably have IBS' - NOOOOO!!!!
My frustration is that when these tests were done 8 years ago none of this showed up and as it stands today is pretty visable. Am I right in saying UC runs in a line and does not come and go in patches, so therefore UC should of showed on the colonoscopy. When I was suffering years ago the uc would of showed up in my large bowel. I believe with Crohns it is patchy and shows in the small bowel also (which I have no tests done on). Also when looking at other suffers it seems that GERD and Crohns go hand in hand for some cases but not with UC????
I am currently suffering from stabbing pains in my left thigh and dreadful pains in the arches of my feet. I went to my dr last week for blood test as thought it may be from the medication I am now on for the GERD. The blood test showed nothing out of the ordinary and my GP has sent me back to the orginal Crohns specialist I saw 8 years ago. I cant get in to see him until the 1st May and in the meantime I have cut Gluten from my diet as well as anything acidy, alcohol and coffee :sign0085:
Occasionally I throw up but I think this is due to the GERD, I always have pain whether I eat or not and still bleeding, hot sweats, My paid in lower on the left and right side and cramps under my ribs. When something doesnt agree with my I will be on the toilet constantly with Diarrhea and when I dont have Diarrhea I am constipated. When it is that time of the month, my pains are so severe, feels like my ovaries are on fire (sorry fella readers). Also I have researched the people with Crohns also would show up posetive for the Hydra breath test I had.... dont know, I believe I have had Crohns all along, what do you think????
Hi, I need to vent and seek advice from the people I know who will know what I am on about... (sorry this is long)
Nine years ago I was very unwell, terrible diarrhea, stomach pains, low grade fever. I was travelling an hour to work and would fine it very hard to get there and deal with the pain as I was driving. I went to my GP who referred me to a gastroenterologist. I went to him and he did an endoscopy and colonoscopy. He didnt find anything and ushed me out of his rooms with the belief that I had irritable bowel.
My bosses sister had Crohns and suggested I go to see her Dr. He was excellent and did another Colonoscopy, but found nothing. He said I believe you have Crohns disease but it is very tricky to find. I also remember him doing another test where dye was injected in to me, all showed up nothing. I was about to get married, so he suggested that I go and do that and come back to him after. In the meantime my GP suggested I go off of Wheat and Dairy which I did and it seem to relieve some of the pain.
For the past 8 years I have had on and off constrant pain, getting lots of blood test done and getting no results. It effects me on a daily basis. I have had two children during that time too, which made me put off another Gastro Dr.
My GP sent me to an immunologist (last year) as he thought I had food allergies. This doctor proceed to check Thyroid allergies etc. Finally he did a Hydra breath Test which showed positive for SIBO. He wasnt satisfied with that and wanted me to go to another Gastro Dr. I was so over it and thought, not again I cant do it.
In December and January I had toncilitis and couldnt be rid of it. Then in February I started bleeding from my bowel and have mucas (sorry for the details). I would also have blood clots etc. I finally went to the Dr after 4 weeks of this (as I started to throw up and choke on my food) and thought I would just mention it. He suggested I go to another Gastro Dr.
I finally went in to the Gastro Dr and he did a sigmoidoscopy and said yes you have IBD. I then had an Endoscopy and Colonoscopy. This test showed that I had GERD and Inflamation from my rectum to sigmoid. The biopsy showed ulcerated colits. I asked this Dr why then do I have so much Diarrhea and he said 'well you probably have IBS' - NOOOOO!!!!
My frustration is that when these tests were done 8 years ago none of this showed up and as it stands today is pretty visable. Am I right in saying UC runs in a line and does not come and go in patches, so therefore UC should of showed on the colonoscopy. When I was suffering years ago the uc would of showed up in my large bowel. I believe with Crohns it is patchy and shows in the small bowel also (which I have no tests done on). Also when looking at other suffers it seems that GERD and Crohns go hand in hand for some cases but not with UC????
I am currently suffering from stabbing pains in my left thigh and dreadful pains in the arches of my feet. I went to my dr last week for blood test as thought it may be from the medication I am now on for the GERD. The blood test showed nothing out of the ordinary and my GP has sent me back to the orginal Crohns specialist I saw 8 years ago. I cant get in to see him until the 1st May and in the meantime I have cut Gluten from my diet as well as anything acidy, alcohol and coffee :sign0085:
Occasionally I throw up but I think this is due to the GERD, I always have pain whether I eat or not and still bleeding, hot sweats, My paid in lower on the left and right side and cramps under my ribs. When something doesnt agree with my I will be on the toilet constantly with Diarrhea and when I dont have Diarrhea I am constipated. When it is that time of the month, my pains are so severe, feels like my ovaries are on fire (sorry fella readers). Also I have researched the people with Crohns also would show up posetive for the Hydra breath test I had.... dont know, I believe I have had Crohns all along, what do you think????