Need Advice About Possible Reoccurent Abscess

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Sep 28, 2011
Memphis, Tn.
In Feb., I had two intra-abdominal abscesses removed. They tried to drain them first, but one of the fistulas got even bigger and I had to have emergency surgery. I am about 8 weeks post-op, and I'm wondering if these abscesses have returned. Since my surgery, I have not had a menstrual cycle.I should be happy about that, but I keep on having the lower back pain with menstrual like cramps. My blood work is kind of jacked up, but my dr seems to think it is as a result of prednisone. My abdomen isn't distended but I'm having almost the same kind of pain that I experienced initially. I have a permanent ileostomy, and I can feel bm's as they pass over my female area(LOL). Keep in mind, I'm VERY thin. Yesterday, I had a CT scan done and I haven't heard anything. Maybe, no news is good news. When I had my surgery back in Feb, the surgeon said that my right ovary had been previously removed ( My GI in Memphis said my symptoms were as a result of polycystic ovarian disease. I no longer see this quack anymore) Then, the radiologist said yesterday that my right ovary was still there. I'm pretty sure that I should go with what the surgeon said considering he was in there. The hospital did give me a copy of the images. If my dr will ever call me back, I plan to mail them to Nashville so someone with a more trained eye can view them. At this point, I really don't know what to think. I am a hot mess and my nerves are shot just thinking about what hell I went through back in Feb. Does anyone have any suggestions? It seems as if I get more knowledgeable advice on here than from the quacks here in Memphis.. :confused:
Ksiwek- Sorry to hear about what you are dealing with. It is so frustrating to deal with doctors that don't know their elbow from their a-hole as the saying goes ;-) I mean come on people either it is there or it is not right?? SO frustrating for you I am sure!
Unfortunately I don't have any useful suggestions for you. I am currently dealing with abscesses and trying to treat with antibiotic (levaquin), but I feel it is not helping and am at a loss myself. I hope you get everything figured out. Sorry I couldn't be more help!

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