Hi so I was diagnosed with crohns when I was just under 2 years old. I got a stoma around that time to. When I was 8 I had some of my large intestine removed and was given a new stoma. I am 20 now and have had a stoma ever since I was just under 2 and I remember the doctors telling me before I could have it reversed in my later years which is about now. I have been on no medication for the past 12 years and have had no flare ups either and only need to go see my doctor once a year for a check up. I am at that age now where I want it reversed but I just wondering how difficult it will be for me to get back to going to the toilet normally as I haven't in bout 19 years
Also recently I noticed my stoma has reduced in size recently and wondering what could cause this
Also recently I noticed my stoma has reduced in size recently and wondering what could cause this