Need Help and Ideas...Please

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Oct 28, 2015
Hello All, I am a 21 year old female who is need of some help/advice. I have been experiencing symptoms for just over 9 months now and I have had absolutely zero answers to my questions. I've turned to this blog in hopes someone, somewhere, has an idea for me.

So here is my story. Back in May of 2015, I had an appendectomy. The surgery went well and there were no complications during the surgery. Well, I noticed that I was taking longer than normal to heal. Not necessarily externally (all my incisions were great) but just in terms of how I felt. I had a hard time eating much and began to lose weight. My energy levels were low, and my desire to do anything other than sleep was lacking. I vomited once two weeks after surgery. I contacted the surgeon and the doctors office and was told that it was normal to take up to a month to fully heal. Trusting the doctors, I took it and ran with it.

Well, a few months later, I was still experiencing symptoms, but just became more and more intense. I was still losing weight at rather a quick pace, not able to eat, suffering from severe nausea and lower right quadrant pain in my stomach. At that point I had gone back to the doctor twice. They ran tests for: C. Diff, food allergies, parasites, H. Pylori, and various other conditions. And guess what?? They all came back "normal" One doctor even prescribed medication thinking it was acid reflex.

Well, at this same time, I started to pass blood in my stool. At this point, they decided to schedule a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Well, it all looked "normal."

Long story short....I need answers still..

A lot of my symptoms are consistent with Crohn's and UC.

Here are my symptoms:

1. Nausea both with and without eating
2. Vomiting
3. Blood in stool
4. Lower Right stomach pain-severe
5. Headache
6. Dizziness/light headed
7. Losing weight (lost 25 lbs since May 2015)
8. Diarrhea/constipation without warning or triggers.
9. Sudden need/urge to have a bowel movement that's unproductive.
10. Occasional mouth sores
11. Weakness/fatigue
12. Low grade fevers

You could ask your GI about having an MRE (magnetic resonance enterography), to visualize the whole of the small bowel since there is a large portion of it that can't be viewed with an upper endoscopy or colonoscopy.

Also, you may want to get them to check all of your vitamin levels. A fecal calprotectin stool test is some times utilized to determine if there is inflammation present in your bowels though it isn't specific to IBD.

A pill cam is also another tool that is sometimes used to visualize the small bowel.
Did they take biopsies of the normal areas???
Ds had a scope at dx that looked normal but biopsies told a different tale
He was dx with crohns from biopsies
I had a normal looking scope as an adult so they took no biopsies

Thoughts on things that mimic crohns
Such as bechets
And a few others
Hello All, I am a 21 year old female who is need of some help/advice. I have been experiencing symptoms for just over 9 months now and I have had absolutely zero answers to my questions. I've turned to this blog in hopes someone, somewhere, has an idea for me.

So here is my story. Back in May of 2015, I had an appendectomy. The surgery went well and there were no complications during the surgery. Well, I noticed that I was taking longer than normal to heal. Not necessarily externally (all my incisions were great) but just in terms of how I felt. I had a hard time eating much and began to lose weight. My energy levels were low, and my desire to do anything other than sleep was lacking. I vomited once two weeks after surgery. I contacted the surgeon and the doctors office and was told that it was normal to take up to a month to fully heal. Trusting the doctors, I took it and ran with it.

Well, a few months later, I was still experiencing symptoms, but just became more and more intense. I was still losing weight at rather a quick pace, not able to eat, suffering from severe nausea and lower right quadrant pain in my stomach. At that point I had gone back to the doctor twice. They ran tests for: C. Diff, food allergies, parasites, H. Pylori, and various other conditions. And guess what?? They all came back "normal" One doctor even prescribed medication thinking it was acid reflex.

Well, at this same time, I started to pass blood in my stool. At this point, they decided to schedule a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Well, it all looked "normal."

Long story short....I need answers still..

A lot of my symptoms are consistent with Crohn's and UC.

Here are my symptoms:

1. Nausea both with and without eating
2. Vomiting
3. Blood in stool
4. Lower Right stomach pain-severe
5. Headache
6. Dizziness/light headed
7. Losing weight (lost 25 lbs since May 2015)
8. Diarrhea/constipation without warning or triggers.
9. Sudden need/urge to have a bowel movement that's unproductive.
10. Occasional mouth sores
11. Weakness/fatigue
12. Low grade fevers


I am not saying this is what is occurring with you but I had trouble healing from surgeries for hemmrhoids and a fistula. A surgeon determined that it was due to Crohns Disease. There are other tests the doctor can run. Ask him about them . Let us know. Best to you.
They did take biopsies- three from the colonoscopy and three from the endoscopy and they came back normal.
I'm guessing it's not UC or they would have seen it on the endoscopy and/or biopsies. That leaves small bowel CD or some other non-IBD condition.

I second the idea of a pill cam and/or MRE to get a look at the small bowel.

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