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Apr 4, 2013
I was diagnosed with Crohn's 50+ years ago and have been in remission since. In late January I began having an acute pain/ hard knot in my lower right abdomen. I had no idea it was Crohn's since I did not have this symptom years ago. I went in for a Colonoscopy and they also did a ct scan of the low abdomen. All this showed was the Crohn's. So, my GI put me on 1000mg of Sulfasalazine 3x a day and 10mg of Prednisone 2x a day. I have been on this regimen for 9 days and I am still in a great deal of pain with the hard knot. I also have no appetite and am finding it very hard to get any food down. I am having normal bowel movements which is good at least.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions on my treatment or anything else I should be doing? Thanks!
If you are having trouble getting food down you could go with a low residue diet(<--click here) or a liquid diet to ensure you are getting enough calories. Your Pred may not be at a high enough dose to relieve symptoms, you should give your GI a call and make him aware of the symptoms you are still experiencing. It could be that the steroid just hasn't had enough time to work but it usually works fairly fast.
I agree with Clash about the low residue, or liquid diet and calling your doctor. As far as helping with the pain some, I have never had a knot with my disease but often times when I am feeling a lot of discomfort a heating pad will help. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't ever completely relieve pain, but it often lessens it at least. A heating pad, and sitting in a recliner so that I am neither flat, or sitting up is the best non-pharmaceutical relief I find. I know it's kind of a shot in the dark, but I wanted to mention it just in case it could provide a little relief. Best of luck!
How are you doing arthurmcw? Have the steroids started helping at all? Did you contact your GI/what did they say? What dose of Prednisone did they start you on? Keep us posted on how you're doing. :)
Thanks for asking. I went back to the GI and he upped my prednisone to 80mg per day and switched me from Sulfasalazine to Pentasa, 1000mg x 4 a day. Doing much better! Hope to begin tapering the Prednisone in a few days.
I'm an endurance athlete and refuse to bow down to this. I am forcing myself to continue my workouts daily and other than these meds I'm not on anything and hate having to take these! But I'm so happy to be feeling much better now. I'm also so happy with my GI! Best guy on the planet!