Need to drop weight

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Dec 15, 2011
San Antonio, TX
need to drop weight

Well, here it is, I've been trying to drop about 40 or 50lbs started a couple months ago (gotta get this years of built up steroid weight off!) but I'm so sick that its hard. I hate that I have so many good excuses, I have extremely active crohn's so no fiberous foods, so I miss out on salads and whole grains, plus nuts or raw fruit or veggies. Next I do work out, I work out pretty much every day for varying lengths of time (30 mins to 2 hours) but I have some weeks where the only food I can eat without barfing is chicken wings, or somedays where I can't walk my joints are so bad, or my gut is bleeding so bad and I'm so anemic and feverish I medically shouldn't be working out.
I try hard, and I am losing some...slower than I ever would have thought, but what do I do? I'm not obese but to just be as healthy as possible I want this weight gone but on a no resolute diet and active Crohn's how do I do that? I do lose some weight from a flair but I want this stuff to be gone because I'm doing HEALTHY things not SICKER. any tips?
I know I'll eventually get there I just have no patience for it to take forever I'd love to hear from others that get it, cause no one I know does
What are your exercise routines? If they are proper routines (ie not just a slow walk around the bloack) then you shouldnt be exercising virtually everyday, it wont allow your body to heal.

Also chicken wings are very fatty (especially with thte skin on), is it really the only food you can eat or just the only food you want to eat (breast is healthier, so is chicken soup). What about having juicing vegetables?

Also losing weight is a slow process, crash dieting doesnt work and only a lifestyle change will keep the weight off (rather than dieting for 2mnths or so)
Yea when I work out I run 2.5 miles then do weights for like 30mins and maybe 20 mins of yoga. my shorter workouts are just runs or just yoga.

ya and the chicken wing comment, I didn't mean that be thats all I eat (maybe once a month) I just mean I can't always keep down food, my normal meal is like steamed veggies maybe a roll some seasoned chicken or fish. so I'm doing what I should be when I can its just when I've been to sick to eat for 2 days and I finally get hungry for a burger I'm gonna eat it- you know? I hope that clears it up.
I'm on remicade and MTX injections so sometimes I guess my workouts arn't stellar, cause lets face it my runs on the days I missed 2 class from being sick are more like walks but I think thats my best interest. right? or should I work myself harder?
I hate to advocate this diet because it is soy based and expensive but I lost 100lbs in a little over a year doing this. It is a low residue diet with fully fortified meal replacements and one normal meal that you make yourself per day. It's called Medifast.

It's definitely not for everyone but it works.
I wouldnt work too hard. Im on Remicade and feeling much better due to it, but working out too much causes me problems (bloating mainly). Personally I would only train hard 3 times a week (allowing rest days in between) If yoga isnt too much of a hardworkout (not sure as ive never been to classes) im sure it would be ok to do on rest days.

My dad would run a good 12miles 3-4times a week and never lost weight due to him being so used to it. Your body quickly adapts and uses the least amount of energy possible. I try and do 2mile runs to warm up then interval training for the last 1mile (slow jog to 1 lampost, sprint to the next and repeat etc). This stops your body finding a natural rhythm so has to work much harder.

I also do kickboxing and circuit training (once or twice a week) and find that good enough to keep fit, in shape and strong.

Lastly I wouldnt worry about weight. If you do it correctly then you will weigh more than others due to muscle being heavier than fat.
Just a thought..
My PT trainer told be that if your body is burning to many calories than your consuming in a day your body will hold onto the fat..
Rest days in between weights is a must for recovery..I used to do weights 3 times a week and interval train 4/5 days a week running/cycling with a least 1 rest day. Eat small healthy meals 5 to 6 a day, this speeds up the metaborlism and might help if you feeling nausea eating.

Since the crohns I gained a heap because of the terrible fatigue an I've fallen off the wagon. I can't wait to loose this crappy weight too, I have all the knowledge but I'm lacking motivation..

Good luck! Perserverance pays off..
For me the key was fixing my diet. I started working out long before I changed my eating habits and never had much luck (Though I have Klippel-Trenaunay on top of Crohn's so cardio has always been extremely difficult for me) losing weight. When I started journaling (I use what I ate, and reading more on nutrition (used to start) it became alot easier to keep my eating habits healthier. I fall off the wagon a bit now and then (mainly with holidays or immediately after a flare-up) but it's helped a ton. Though because I travel alot, it's also meant I may now be Subway's most valued customer because in some locales I go to (Germany and Southern US especially) I find it hard as hell to eat healthy locally.
Yeah, I definitely agree with the diet thing; I think it is key whenever we want to down down or up in weight - The fact we have problems eating or with some food groups just makes it that much more challenging (or fun, depending on how you look at it :) ).

Believe me, I know what you mean with the burger and chicken wing comment, but that right there may be a good starting point. I know when I've been off solids for a few days and finally get my appetite back, all I want is a couple pounds of wings and a brew. I usually end up with a plate of healthy stuff though, not necessarily because I want it, but because I know I should have it.

And as for workouts, I'd definitely recommend rest days, and also to, as much as possible, keep cardio training and strength training on separate days
I have never dieted, but certainly avoided certain foods if I feel a need to drop weight. We all know breads are killer weight gainers and by adding more veggies to the diet you can drop weight. Careful of the calories you drink! We tend to forget that. Yes, you will have hunger pangs at times, when you are losing weight, but keep your mind focused on dropping it and you can lose it! Figure out a substitute for feeling hungry. When you feel it, perhaps have a glass of water. That will fill you up and try not to eat after 7pm. It is difficult, but you can do it!
I do lose some weight from a flair but I want this stuff to be gone because I'm doing HEALTHY things not SICKER. any tips?
I know I'll eventually get there I just have no patience for it to take forever I'd love to hear from others that get it, cause no one I know does

Drink a large glass of fresh vegetable juice before each meal (say 500ml or more). This will fill you up a bit so you eat less, is very healthy for you, will aid in the digestion of the meal you eat with it.
Hi Cosmojo,
Do increase your running distance gradually and increase your water intake. Prefer raw food over processed food and break your meals in 5 small meals. Drink green tea daily and avoid beverages and soda.

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