How do I water my flowers?
Click on the toolbox on the lower right-hand menu and select the watering can from the pop-up menu. Move the green square that appears over the flowers you would like to water. Hold down the mouse button, not simply click you dont have to hold it down too long though to activate the watering process. All the flowers beneath the square will be watered, and 1 coin will be deducted for each flower/plant watered within that square. This process will fill all the raindrops regardless of how many drops were empty when you started.
Do flowers die if not watered?
Flowers do "die" if they arent watered at least once every three farm town days a farm town day is 20 hours long. As soon as you water them again they come back to life.
How long does it take for flowers to be fully grown?
The flowers take about 3 days till they are fully grown and are in full bloom.
Do I earn experience points for watering flowers on my farm or a neighbours farm?
You do not earn experience points when watering flowers.
Why can I not see the flowers I placed on my farm?
Make sure you have Show Flowers checked click on the wrench symbol on the upper right menu of your farm and refresh your farm once you have done so.
Why do I get a message that says Flowers can only be watered once a day when I try to water my flowers?
Your neighbours can water your flowers for you and earn 1 coin for each flower when they do so. Watering flowers is on a first-come-first-serve basis. Once a neighbour has watered them, you will not be able to water them as well. You are only able to water your flowers if there are two empty rain drops.
Is there another way to differentiate when flowers need watering?
When you activate the watering can all flowers will show a blue square around the base. Those that need watering are a light/dull blue and those that have been watered are a darker/brighter blue.
Why am I being charged for watering my flowers?
You are charged 1 coin per flower/plant that is watered. If your neighbours water your plants for you, they will earn 1 coin per flower/plant that they water.
Can I harvest the flowers?
The flowers cannot be harvested but you can sell them. If you click on them whether just planted or in full bloom the pop-up menu will give you the option to sell.
Can I water a buddies flowers?
You can only water a neighbours flowers and only those neighbours who are on your neighbour bar at the bottom left of your farm NOT neighbours on your neighbour listing that dont appear on your neighbour bar. You cannot water buddies flowers.
Can you freeze your flowers if you go away on holiday and cannot water them?
This is not possible. The flowers, at this point in time, will die if not watered but, will revive once watered again. If you click the "Freeze Growth" option on a flower, it DOES need to be watered as all you are doing is stopping it at whatever stage of growth it is at. In other words, if you like your roses to be rosebuds rather than in full bloom, you can freeze them at the rosebud stage. But the flower still needs to be watered. Please remember though that, when you unfreeze them, they will revert back to the first stage of growth.
Why did a flower revert back to the first stage of growth when I moved it?
When you move a flower it goes back to the first stage of growth. Once you have refreshed the game the plant will be back to the size it was BEFORE you moved it.
I saw someone at level 6 planting flowers. Im at level 26 and all my flowers are locked. How is that possible?
The person that you saw planting flowers would have received those flowers as gifts as they are not available for purchase at that level.
Storing flowers
You can now store flowers. Click on the flower you want, click "Add to storage" and then you will get a confirmation if you want to store. Some have reported that when they take a flower from storage and put it on their second farm, it no longer requires watering.
I cannot plow/harvest my plots near flowers, what do I do?
If youre trying to plow/harvest your plots near flowers, deselect "Show Flowers" in your preferences remember to reselect it when you are done or you can simply Hide the flowers temporarily.
The moderation team would like to thank Sunshine who combed through countless posts to compile all of this information.