Needing advice.

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Nov 13, 2013
I have not worked in almost 3 years. I used to work in an animal shelter for 9 yrs before I became a stay at home mom. Now it is time for me to try and go get at least a part time night job. I unfortunately get sick easily so I really can't work with a whole lot of people any suggestions?

Also, I am dying to have a drink or two (alcoholic of course) and I have never drank with any meds should I or should I not drink them? I don't drink much or even often but every now and then I like to have a couple. I will have to wait until monday to ask the doctor but I wanna know how everyone else feels about it.
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What is your skill set or area of interest? This will help us in terms of ideas for jobs without too many people.

Alcohol varies by person but many drugs do interact and it puts more stress on your liver. I personally avoid alcohol due to my stomach, not caring for it and the drug interactions.
It's difficult to find part time positions that aren't physically demanding (I'm looking, too!) but secretarial is a good bet. There aren't many part-time, but there are some, and it's not very demanding and doesn't require any trade type skills. I worked as a part-time paralegal as well, but finding that in part-time is even more difficult (and finding an attorney willing to train you if you're not certified and don't have experience isn't easy, either). I'm focusing my search on secretarial and bank teller positions. You're going to get people coming through, but it's possible a bank would allow you to work the drive through due to your compromised immune system. Would you be able to stand for an entire shift? I know Target has nighttime stock crews, so you wouldn't need to interact with customers there. I'm sure many other stores do as well. There would be some lifting with that, but you could probably arrange to take the lighter items if needed. Have you looked for positions similar to what you had before, or would that be difficult for you now?

What medications are you on? As far as I know, Flagyl is the only one used for Crohn's that interacts badly with alcohol. The main concern is generally the alcohol aggravating your symptoms. I'm okay with it, myself; occasionally I'll have a couple seconds of severe pain the morning after, but it's usually only if I drank something I'm not used to or more than I'm used to. Usually, I have no problems. The important thing is to just take it slow and find out how your body reacts.
I don't know that I really have any advice as far as the job goes. It really depends on your interests and skill set.

As far as alcohol, I really tried to drink while have this disease for awhile but it just isn't worth it for me anymore. I'd feel so uncomfortable the next day, I have completely eliminated alcohol. That being said, it's a personal choice for everyone and you'll probably need to weigh the benefits vs. how it makes you feel afterward. Good luck!
How about as a caretaker for research laboratory animals? There's been a lot of changes in how research is conducted, to the benefit of the animals (plus someone figured out that stressed animals don't produce accurate results!), and there's a real need for workers who care about animal welfare and humane treatment. You'd be helping them, the work is not physically demanding, conditions are clean, you wouldn't have a lot of people around, and night work is often available. Salaries are around $30,000, but probably most work is part-time. Your past experience would be very relevant.

Best wishes for your job search. And my doctor told me to open a bottle of champagne and celebrate getting out of the hospital. Of course I am in France.
If your concerned about germs, a bank is the last place to work. Money is filthy.People are filthy. I was a teller for 2 years and sometimes when I washed my hands before lunch or when I got off work the water coming off of my hands would be black. And, it is physically demanding. A lot of bending, stooping and lifting. Not to mention the stress because it is a sales position with competitive sales goals.
I have only worked physically demanding jobs. The jobs I have had were Janitor (cleaning bathrooms and offices), Stock ( Weis supermarket), Worked in daycare ( 90hr cert in early childhood development) and my last job was my longest was at the animal shelter for 9 yrs ( Kennel technician,vet tech,adoption counselor, C.E.T., cat behavior evaluations).

The medicine that I am taking is Humira, Pentasa (500mg 2pills 4xdaily) and I am being weened off of Prednisone (I have one more week before I am off of it Yay!).
I see alcohol is a personal choice. I guess I will just have to see but I think I will wait until I am off the prednisone before I have a drink.
driving jobs come to mind, medical courier or package distribution. or deliver pizza, but that may be very fast paced. get a cdl and find a part time driving job, just you and the truck.
When you say a night job, do you mean night shift is OK? Night manager at a nice hotel might be an option. Generally I think you can even rest. Or at least most night managers I've seen look like I just woke them up.
Yes to the night shift because I still want to be a stay at home mom since my son will not be going to school until next year. My fiance works during the day.

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