Nervous about my colonoscopy

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Dec 22, 2011
I'm finally going in for my first colonoscopy after 5 years of possibly having chrons. I'm super nervous, and have been given the magnesium citrate prep. I finished the first one, no probelm, down in less than an hour. But I can't finish the second one and I'm nervous that I won;t be... 'ready.' I am still going to take the 2 ducolex (sp?) tablets tonight, should this be enough? I ate light for the previous day and I am very nervous, if any one could help? Thanks :)
From what they told my son you are to take all of it. He is 18 and did fine with his. He also had an Endoscopy too.
You should really try to finish it. You shouldn't leave more that a couple of tablespoons full. The Better cleaned out the better they will be able to see!