Nervous about Remicade

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Aug 28, 2012
Obviously people on this forum have had remicade treatment. I am beginning next week due to ineffectiveness with other treatments. I just wanted anyone's input on how you feel pre and post infusion and any side effects that they have. I read the side effect online and of coarse it scared me but I'm trying to be positive. Any info would be great. Thanks guys
Hey Ian - if you check through the Remicade sub-forum you will see lots of stories.

Personally, on the day of my infusion I work a half day, go to my infusion then the past I have even had my infusion in the morning and gone to work after - this is with Benadryl and solumedrol as pre-meds.....

As for side effects, none, really - at least nothing that would cause me to stop the treatment that took care of my multiple fistulas.....

I'm hoping I can stay on it for at least a few more years - so far it is almost 10 years and counting.....
Thanks for your input Lisa. I'll check the remicade sub forum for other stories. It seems like it's remicade is working for you and I am so happy to see that. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again!

I've been on it about a year and a half so far and it has worked great for me. I've been in remission since starting it. I get benadryl and tylenol as premeds. I was working night shift so I would just walk over to the infusion center at my hospital after I got off work, get my infusion, then go home and sleep. My next one will be the first one where I will not be coming from work, but i'll go in the morning and plan to still come home and relax the rest of the day and the following day. In the past I have always been exhausted (similar to the exhausted one feels when first getting sick) for the day of and the day after, but after that I am good to go and feel great again. No major side effects thus far :) Hope it works just as well for you!
Hello. My daughter has been on remicade for almost three years. She goes and use her computer, sometimes she goes back to school. She does not have any side effects at all. I hope remicade works wonders for you.