We have been doing a lot of peanut butter and nutella sandwiches on white bread, lots of high fat yogurt (9% MF), bagels and cream cheese, Ritz crackers, french toast (cramming as much egg into it as possible), bacon (very crispy), grilled cheese sandwiches, eggs (scrambled, fried with very little oil, and soft boiled), ice cream, bananas, apple sauce, canned peaches, the occasional bit of grilled salmon or chicken, small amounts of steamed carrots and TONS of milk. My son can ALWAYS detect things I try to hide in smoothies. He mostly hates the various nutritional liquid drinks, he says they taste like vitamins. He will drink chocolate Boost if I blend it with lots of ice and call it a Frappuccino!
We have cut WAY back on fruits and veggies, so counter intuitive!!!!!!!!!!!