NEVER again will I eat...

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re foods lol

OMG were do I start!! onions, green veg, fruits of any kind, chips, peppers, stuffing, (wind or what) egg white, fibrus foods and could pos think of a few more but me pillow calling me and I aint done me tegs yet,:eek: so nighty night xx

Sue x
no more breakfast bites from 7-11 they was really good this morning but now paying the price for them
I can tolerate greasy and fried food, I can tolerate onions when cooked. I live in a country where mediterranean cooking is our everyday cooking and I havent touched a salad in one year and counting.

I can tolerate Extra virgin olive oil and I am glad its reasonably cheap and can be found anywhere in Greece
wendys spicy chicken sandwiches...which is sooo sad because that is my all time favorite thing to eat but the last time i had one i was in terrible pain and basically lived in the bathroom for 2 days so no more for me. ive basically sworn off anything thats too spicy...and i love spicy food so much.
Chris - I hear you. I miss spicy food so much!! My first job was working at Wendyˇs, and the Spicy was always my favorite.

I have also determined that I can never again eat A & W onion rings... :( *tear*
spicy food is like an addiction.

ah yes, onion em but they give me terrible heart burn, even with the heart burn meds.
I found that for the most part my food restrictions are specific. Pizza from a chain in Canada called Pizza Pizza. And anything super spicey.
I agree! Evil carrots! LOL!! And shrimp, very tasty but very dangerous!

My disease is concentrated in my colon so that eating it isn't a problem for me. Getting rid of it can be. And it is so variable. Sometimes I can eat a salad. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have, and sometimes it doesn't bother me. And then there are the times that I want a salad, but I can't bring myself to put it in my mouth.
never again cornmeal pancakes. i was feeling better finally so i decided to try and see now i regret it after two fire trips to bathroom in 10 mins and crampy tummy
Afman, nooooo! I just bought cornmeal yesterday to try cornmeal pancakes for the first time in ages. You've scared me. ;)
I used to love cornmeal hot cereal, a fews years back, holy heartburn and nausea. Basically anything with a corn base in it , gonna wreck your gut. Very hard to digest!
spicy food is like an addiction.

Sure, but one that I'll gladly claim as my own!

When I'm fasting for a test, at the end of the first day I usually "cheat" with a teaspoon of hot sauce. It makes everything feel all better. :)
I just found out the hard way, the souvlaki dinner at the deli near work. I had it on Friday for lunch, spent the entire night and most of Saturday morning on the toilet or kneeling in front of it. It managed to it to put every single aspect of my flare up into overdrive.
Turnip Greens. Ate them last night and they didn't digest. You know it's bad when you wipe your ass and see green shredded leafs.

Pizza. What kind of college student can't eat pizza?!!??!
Only pizza I've found that doesn't bother me is Little Caesars. Pizza Hut, Dominoes, and Papa John's always have me running to the toilet within 20min. (guess it's the spices). It's ironic since I use to be a delivery driver for all three companies.
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Ugh... so I'm feeling better taking Creon, this digestive enzyme for whatever the hell is wrong with me (doc thinks pancreas or Crohn's)... not absorbing fat. I take it right before and right after I eat. Cool.

BUT - I just spent the last 15 minutes in the bathroom, with stomach spasms, almost in tears from what I ate last night while we were out w/friends.

SO..... NEVER again will I eat:

Pepper jack cheese on ANYTHING!!! :ymad:

What about you? What will you never eat again because it makes you feel so horrible?

I will never drink milk again which is sad cause I use to drink like 1/2 gallon a day. Same with coffee use to do like 30 or so ounces everyday. Now just the smell gives me diarreiah.
Shwarmas (sp?) Everyone at work ordered them one day for lunch - I ate a few bites and didn't care for the taste. A few hours later my gut informed me that it didn't care for shwarmas either!
Popcorn, corn pretty much in any form bothers me.
Harvey's (if I'm constipated, I go there. It works faster than the colonoscopy prep on me!)
I like liver if done properly (most of the time its over cooked and dry)

Kiwi fruit .. god did those lil seeds hurt me (all came out with a bit of blood tho)
granary bread
corn on the cob

Does anyone else get that omg feeling when shown a piece of food that they cant eat. Im fine jumping out of planes but show me a corn kernal and I quiver in fear
Ice Cream, had the real thing last night and did I pay??? Oh yes!!! Stupid, and it was only cause they didnt have my frozen yogurt brand.. throwing food at me lol.
Popcorn (which was my favorite food of all time), salad, veggies except green beans which I eat with most meals, no corn no way, spicy foods, etc., etc.
Befor my op, me and my family went to a beefeater for my birthday. I had just the usual roast dinner, mash, roast potatoes, chicken, gravy, yorkies, etc.

I'm not sure what it was, but I think it was the skin of the roast potaotes. I payed for it the next day. One of the worst episodes of pain, due to Crohns, I have ever had.

Sausages were also a bad one for me befor the op. I seem able to eat them now...boy, I have missed certain foods.

Mushrooms- I love them, but they pass right through, completely untouched by digestion (jeeze). Corn and all corn products. Sugar.
I believe that sugar, being highly processed, is extremely hard to digest. I think I read about it somewhere. Honey, on the other hand, is much easier to digest. I believe the sugar has something to do with altering the microflora of the gut too. I forget. I need to go find out again somewhere. I do know, from experience, that cutting out sugar ( along with processed foods, and foods with additives), makes a big difference. Sugar is a big trigger.
I love my candy. I keep it at home and work always. I don't think I could cut out my candy.
Pre-op I was fine with chocolate...thank god lol.

I always used to avoid really fatty meats, greasy foods or skins of fruit and veg.
I like liver if done properly (most of the time its over cooked and dry)

Kiwi fruit .. god did those lil seeds hurt me (all came out with a bit of blood tho)
granary bread
corn on the cob

Does anyone else get that omg feeling when shown a piece of food that they cant eat. Im fine jumping out of planes but show me a corn kernal and I quiver in fear

Rygon, I know exactly what you mean. It can make me feel uncomfortable and quite anxious, especially the foods I know have given me lots of pain in the past.

A bit of a psychological barrier.
Add me to the list of folks who can't eat apples! I tried every form I could think of: baked, fresh, sauce, jelly, juice... it all nearly kills me with pain. It's the only food that I have clearly linked to severe pain at the moment... I make all my own stuff (except the juice and jelly) and make sure to remove the skins and core, but it's just no good.

Popcorn tears me up bad though, which is a shame because it's my favorite snack food... I even got a popper for my birthday last year and was THRILLED. :-(
Popcorn tears me up bad though, which is a shame because it's my favorite snack food... I even got a popper for my birthday last year and was THRILLED. :-(

Aww Elle that's just downright sad.........................:(

Dusty. :hug:
I must have run into my first never again food last night (since diagnosis), which is strange, since I've been making it for years: vegetarian spaghetti bolognase (with soy mince). Can't say if it was the garlic or the soy. I've been eating store bought pasta sauce since I got out of hospital last week, so it can't be the tomatoes. It was nearly as bad as the pain that sent me to hospital, luckily it hasn't persisted today.
My question for the forum, is: what do you do when you eat those 'bad' foods and are in pain for the rest of the night/day? Is this what I have to look forward to?
eilsew when that happens to me it gets put on the never again list. Not worth the pain. I have many foods on that list and even tho I like and miss them it's just not worth it. Good Luck.
I'll add myself to list list of those that can't eat corn...what's the point of eating something that looks exactly the same when it comes out as when it goes in ?!?!

Ice berg lettuce is bad!
Blueberries = no good, as well

When I'm flaring it's a completely different story altogether...there are a lot of no eats!
Okay, Farm, I must thank you for the best laugh I have had in months. I can so totally see my husband doing that! Elmer's Glue, huh? No running trips to the bathroom? MIght try it, I have certainly been deseprate enough at times!

I will NEVER eat popcorn or lots of leafy veggies (even though I love them).
Hi All,
I havent been diagnosed yet (next month I go for an end/colonoscopy) but have been suffering from classic symptoms of Crohns for years. I empathize with the "can't eat pizza"...Whereas we used to order pizza every friday, now if somebody in my family even mentions Pizza 73 or Chicago, it can send me gagging. Because I do love pizza, I have found a way to still kind of enjoy it without any gut issues. Here is what I do :

Tortilla Pizzas

Flour Tortillas
sauted veggies - mushrooms, green peppers, onions (I can eat little onion if its cooked)
black olives, pineapple
ham or gluten free sausage
pizza sauce
low fat mozzarella

What I do is I spray a non-stick frying pan with cooking oil and fry the tortillas on both sides until golden brown. This will make them hard enough to hold the toppings. Then I spread on a couple of spoonfuls of pizza sauce, add toppings, cover with a little cheese and bake in the oven at 350 until the cheese melts. (You just have to be careful not too load too much on). I make a combo of veggie and hawaiian - my family enjoys these as well as I do too.

I think that its the combination of the low fat cheese and the lack of dough that make these tolerable for myself. I really hope that somebody can benefit from this recipe :)

Just made myself a couple of these bad boys!
Awesome! Thanks Corndog!
corn, nuts,seeds, rough skins on fruits, tough to eat raw veggies like broccoli or cauliflower unless steamed or softened somehow.
Brussel sprouts and cauliflower. Love 'em both but they cause terrible pain, like my insides are about to burst.
Popcorn, Salad and Milk.
I really like salad so sometimes I will eat a small side salad, with very little dressing, but it comes right out, but it is good going in. Not always worth it though :)
popcorn ( will never enjoy movies the same again) , steak, anything spicy, romaine lettuce, tomato sauce... still learning so im sure there are many many more.:stinks:

Tomatoes. In all of their delicious forms.

I mean, I love tomatoes. With an obsession. I used to eat tomato sandwiches, pizza, spaghetti, I'd eat tomatoes like their were apples during the summer.

I had no problems with them until a couple of years ago, which was three years post-diagnosis, and then all of a sudden ... boom! I'd eat something with tomato in it and I felt like I was going to die.

I still sneak tomatoes every once in a while because sometimes the pain is worth the deliciousness. And I'm hard-headed ... or just dumb. :)

However, Chinese food isn't. I've thrown up in more Chinese restaurants than I care to admit thinking "this time will be different". Which is funny because I've never liked Chinese food. It has ALWAYS made me sick, even as a child.

So, yeah. Tomatoes and Chinese food.

And I'll add cookies made with glue simply because I don't want to have to try them to figure out whether they make me sick or not!
Dairy. It's evil. And I am starting to see a common thread from these food forums -- we all LOVE dairy. I have a strong suspicion that dairy has something to do with causing Crohn's.
Wheat....BOOO~! Its a grass and I am allergic to it! Can't eat anymore Hostess pies, twinkies, more great wheat breads...cakes, TOASTED RAVIOLI! The list goes on forever. It sucks. :(
Wheat....BOOO~! Its a grass and I am allergic to it! Can't eat anymore Hostess pies, twinkies, more great wheat breads...cakes, TOASTED RAVIOLI! The list goes on forever. It sucks. :(

I've been Gluten-free (wheat, barley, rye and oats that are not certified gluten-free) for 5 years now, and there are some very good gluten-free foods out there, that a few years ago, I could only wish for.
Good luck, I know it's very hard, but it's worth having no pain.

I will chime in on this. I have been having problems for the last 5 years and it took me a while to figure things out. everyone is apparently different. I avoid all things related to cabbage as it kills me, I love broccoli and corned beef and cabbage. dont eat it. onions, oatmeal (love oatmeal and eat it when I cant go, painful but it helps) Dairy doesnt bother me, although cheese stops me up. I can handle meat and pasta, eat a lot of that. salads are ok just no extra veggies in it. potatos are good. I avoid things that cause gas, cucumbers and such. I have handled squash well. avoid all nuts, they get stuck and scrape...not nice. ABSOLUTELY avoid high fructose corn syrup and MSG. I have been symptom free once I eliminated as much hfcs and msg and other preservatives from my diet and watched what I ate. remembering which foods caused problems and which did not. my last trip to ER was for fistula UTI, crohns was there and inflamed but hadnt bothered me in over a year. I personally believe diet can really help. mine is not perfect but I try to balance.

I would like to add, try to avoid store bought meat, it has been washed and injected with all sorts of chemicals to kill bacteria. I raised my own beef and pork and I really started doing much better once I was eating my own clean raised meat. if you cant raise your own, buy from a private farmer who most likely feeds them clean feed and no hormones, antibiotics, or sanitizer injected when processing.
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I've been reading articles on the Genetically Modified Foods from Monsanto and they are in all the corn and soy products now. You can hardly buy anything without ingesting them. I have a list on it. I also read that the pesticides they put into each seed stays in the food which we eat and is making people really sick. It's taking doctors a long time to track down what the problem is because it's such a new thing, but it accumulates in your body. Read labels carefully. They're supposed to disclose it but they don't always. Corn & Soy are the worst.
Popcorn.....I really miss popcorn, and salad.

I can't eat lettuce on anything, seeds, whole grain breads, tomatoes.... I've been eating low fibre for a while - I feel like one of those picky 4-year-olds who won't eat their veggies
oh how I miss popcorn..... :(

have any of you found that you can eat some things again when you are not having a flare? There are certain things that will kill me when I am having a flare, but during months of no symptoms I can eat some of the stuff I avoid when sick. but not popcorn...:( I have not been willing to take the chance trying to eat it.
I found out about 18 months ago that I have Crohn's and until this past month during my fourth bout of it, I hadn't paid any attention to food. I just suffered with cramps for a month or two then gradually came out of it with the meds. This time though I switched to bland food, like white bread, white rice, white crackers, potatoes, etc. and it's helped a lot. It took me years to learn to eat the brown stuff because it's healthier, now I'm back to not worrying much about nutrition, only pain. Tomatoes really hurt. I tried spaghetti and was up all night and homemade pizza and was up all night. I don't dare try popcorn as much as I love it. Reading this has helped me be more aware. I got some peppermint tea which is good.
Can you eat these things again when the flare up is over? I'm feeling better now and starting to eat things that kept me up all night in agony a month ago. Things that bothered me a lot then don't seem to have any effect on me now. Is it because I'm still on steroids for the horrible sore on my leg that foods aren't triggering cramps right now? I'm still not brave enough to try popcorn but soon.
Found a new one!

After dealing with Crohn's for 26 I thought I had it figured out. WRONG! Turkey. I had turkey last night and spent most of the night and morning in the bathroom moaning. :stinks:
I've stayed away from really marbly meats and high-fiber and raw veggies/fruits and i've been fine..which all in all, I dont like any of that to begin with so it's all in my favor!
hum.. i was missing all my veggies, fruits and cheese (0%lactose is not the same thing..) but this week my gi told me to eat everything so after living his office i ate a huge pizza with a lot of fruit and cheese and nothing happened!! im sooo happy! :D
I ate Pizza Hut cheese pizza last night and leftovers for lunch today with no ill effects. It killed me a few weeks ago. I've gone overboard eating things I couldn't have and am gaining weight. Time to get some control back and some common sense for me. :)
bagels- had 2 last week, ended up with bowel obstruction, partial, thank god, no surgury, had that already.
Popcorn... movies aren't the same without.

Buffalo Wings.

Was in Germany last week and treated myself to a sick vice: they were selling McRibs... the sweet, sweet taste of regret... now realize i'll never be able to do that again :p
Really? I can eat veggies long as they're cooked..I can eat popcorn too sometimes. but its gotta be smothered in butter you can forget it..I noticed when its not my stomach would get upset..strange.
Apples make me absolutely want to cry...:( It is HORRIBLE. I even tried to peel one, then use a vegetable peeler to eat little tiny slivers one at a time...STILL hurt!
Popcorn: this is something you will want to do when alone, even if your family and friends think you are weird now, this will only reinforce it! Bite off just the puffy part of the popcorn and put the sharp hulls/seed bits in another bowl. I had a bowl of popcorn this way (home alone of course) and it was wonderful. I have tried that puffcorn stuff, but it isn't even close. Like butter-flavored packing peanuts...
I had my entire shirt and couch covered with popcorn bits but it was damn good!
Chestnuts. My mum had some tonight and they smelled so good. So I said 'just one won't hurt'. All together now: Oh yes it will! Just got off the toilet and my bum is sooo sore. But at least I didn't get stomach pains!
I finally got the nerve to try popcorn last night and it didn't bother me so tonight I ate some caramel corn and we'll see... So far since the cramps stopped, I've been able to eat most anything again that put me in agony for 6 weeks. Since I've been on the steroids again and now the Cyclosporun too for the pyroderma sore on my leg, my stomach has cleared up pretty much. Now if my leg would just heal. It's starting to spread some. Any one have experience with those?
Half a box of Captain Crunch late at night and then I pay for it the next morning lol Uggghh I had some pretty narley stomach pain from the gas but wow I felt better within 45 mins after taking my meds.
What I have figured out so far: Bread, eggs, caffeine, and anything spicy.

Oh how I miss my energy drinks and coffee.... :(