NEVER again will I eat...

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TACO BELL!! At first I thought I just couldn't eat anything spicy from there, but I've since learned that I can't have anything from there. The food sends me all the way back to having full symptoms and bad cramps, even to the point of throwing up. Ugh...never again!!! Probably says a lot about what they put in their food...I know the meat is probably fake lol.

Although, I still do...if I know I'm going to be home and near a bathroom for the next few hours. >_<
oh where to start:
gluten, wheat, grains, legumes, corn, sugar free candy, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, carbonated anything, garlic, onions, asparagus...thai food, chinese, etc etc etc
plus I'm vegan so that cuts it back even more
I don't digest apples, mushrooms, peas, tomato skins or grapes either....I still eat mushrooms though :(
also I do still eat nuts and seeds but they clog up my system
oh where to start:
gluten, wheat, grains, legumes, corn, sugar free candy, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, carbonated anything, garlic, onions, asparagus...thai food, chinese, etc etc etc
plus I'm vegan so that cuts it back even more
I don't digest apples, mushrooms, peas, tomato skins or grapes either....I still eat mushrooms though :(
also I do still eat nuts and seeds but they clog up my system

I tried to do a vegan diet for awhile, but most of the things I was eating, I wasn't digesting or they were irritating the hell out of my fistulas. Passing a seed through a fistulas is a hellish experience.
Ah people out there just like me. Since being diagnosed last year i am seriously trying to find my feet when it comes to what i can and cannot eat. Some times a dish that is fine one day has a bad reaction the next. Pizzas and popcorn are foods that are a big no no. As is my beloved Thai food. Though at the moment i cant quite make sense of it all with regards to my diet. Only sushi, chicken and potatoes seem to be ok.
Ah people out there just like me. Since being diagnosed last year i am seriously trying to find my feet when it comes to what i can and cannot eat. Some times a dish that is fine one day has a bad reaction the next. Pizzas and popcorn are foods that are a big no no. As is my beloved Thai food. Though at the moment i cant quite make sense of it all with regards to my diet. Only sushi, chicken and potatoes seem to be ok.

I love sushi! Too much flagyl last year killed all my gut flora though and now I can't tolerate it without becoming violently ill.
No potatoes. I just ate one for the first time in a long time to prove to myself that it is a trigger and it definetly is. So now i am in gut wrenching pain and i will prolly not sleep well tonight. Oh well...:yfrown:
I never want to eat anything ever again for as long as I live. No matter what goes down the hatch, I expect severe pain. My bowels DO NOT LIKE FOOD.
Cheese, fruit like apples, lemon, lime and oranges, milk, chinese food, any fast food Mcdonalds & KFC etc and mums good old sunday roasts, these can have me crippled within a matter of minutes. All of the above food are my absolute favourites but have finally come to the conclusion I cannot keep doing this to myself so am going to explore a more natural diet and get all my vitamin levels tested :ybiggrin:
chinese food KILLS me -(even before I was diagnosed!) salad (it's like going through hell and back)-veggies :( (always hurt!)- red meat - pork - oatmeal :/

It's safe to say my tummy hates me. But it's mutual so it's ok! hehe
oh yes and fruit. Eating an apple is like asking to have a flare. So much for the "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" motto-not in our books!
I havent looked at the forum for a while. Im not able to eat anything without it coming out again within an hour of eating it. And yes I am in chronic disscomfort whilst ejecting my intake of anything with a food based origon. Getting very slim and cranky
I would like to find a way to avoid ALL food at ALL times. Twenty five hospitalizations and four small bowel resections have made me llergic to all food.
All the sudden, I have a hard time with rice. I know! I get so much gas it is scary, I could have filled up the Hindenburg.
Any food or beverage containing Fructose/High-Fructose/High-Fructose Corn Syrup. (Items containing non-fructose based Corn Syrup were okay.)

Tried an elimination diet test... Day 1: ate foods that had no fructose and no indication to be triggers for me in the past, except added a diet soda as my beverage. Day 2, repeated the meals from day 1 exactly, except took regular soda (containing Fructose) as my beverage(s). And bam-o --- sitting on the pot within 15-20 minutes in pain.

Fructose is in many things we eat and drink, friends! Graham crackers, condiments like mayo and catsup, some canned goods, salad dressings, most everyday non-neighborhood bakery breads, some yogurts, not to mention the most obvious culprit, regular soda.
Yes, beans are like bombs as they explode in my gut. No carbonation either. Pasta is fine as is a red wine ( thank God for that). I will try to think clearly about pain is managed with morphine sulfate 30 mg or tincture of opium. Easier to take the tincture at night. Appropriate physical activity is good, too. But sometimes the real battle is the one one I have to fight inside my head. Going to sleep and no pain is a gift, a wonderful gift. I might mention, oddly, that absinthe has a soothing and gentle rlief
I LOVE raw nuts and spicy roasted seeds and beans.........(I can hear you all groaning) but they absolutely hate me.I buy them,try them, then sling them,time after time.I'd be very wealthy if I was paid every time I said "Never again",but alas I'm addicted.I don't tolerate greasy food, but I'm not bothered about that,fortunately,Just nuts and seeds.
Ah people out there just like me. Since being diagnosed last year i am seriously trying to find my feet when it comes to what i can and cannot eat. Some times a dish that is fine one day has a bad reaction the next. Pizzas and popcorn are foods that are a big no no. As is my beloved Thai food. Though at the moment i cant quite make sense of it all with regards to my diet. Only sushi, chicken and potatoes seem to be ok.

Hi Martin, my diet at the moment consists op pumpkin, carrots and chicken:lol: so sad cause i really love my veggies.
Tomatoes :( makes me sad since I love them - but clearly my gut doesn't! I would probably swap popcorn for pizza at this point D:
Anything with milk, carbonated drinks, red meat, and onion rings are the worst! I have read almost all of these posts, and what I've learned is that everyone is so different! I have just bought a couple of books, one is "The Paleo Solution", and the other is, "Breaking the Vicious Cycle". I am hoping between these two diets, I can find one that works for me!
The crisps 'onion rings' in the green bag. Omg I had the WORST pain after eating these!
Also anything like granola, nuts, red Doritos 😩 Garlic bread, onions and fruit!
The onion ring crisps in the bag... I feel your pain I can't eat those either. I really want to eat the food dr dried bean mix or the dried soya beans but I know they are so bad for me and cause so much pain but I keep having cravings for them. I always want what I can't have lol x
anything with tomato sauce and fried foods. Fast foods I may as well eat on the toilet and sometimes shrimp goes right through me too. Lettuce and peppers, OMG peppers are the worst and all spicy foods.
I am new to this forum I was diagnosed with Crohn's last year and I am still figuring things out. I also am lactose intolerant so no dairy for me. :( And no popcorn. Also I am 23 and no alcohol I was never ever a big drinker but still is hard when my friends invite me to go out with them or want me to drink.....Its just to painful.
My daughter takes lactrase enzymes with dairy products and this seems to help. We are going gluten free though she doesn't have celiac disease. She eats lots of white potatoes,and low fiber vegetables and melons.
Oats! One bite of something with oats in it and I'm spending the entire day the next day in the bathroom. No pain or cramping or anything, but diarrhea that even immodium can't slow down.
Beets because they turn my stool red and I don't know if I'm having major bleeding or not. Scares the hell out of me!
No, never again popcorn. No nuts, no cashews. Steak is a real gamble. Never, ever salads. A salad would put me into the ER. I get to have yet another colonoscopy this Friday. I've had so many of them. I dread the prep which keeps me in the bathroom and wipes me out for two days. Sometimes I think I just rent my food. If only I didn't have to eat. Food is my enemy. In the mornings, after having to get up five times during the night, I sometimes just try to take a deep breath, control the anxiety, and try to eat with he least pain. The doctors are kind but just don't really understand how bad it can be. I try not to complain --- except here. Good luck to all crohns patients. Thank God alcohol doesn't bother me in moderate amounts.
If only I didn't have to eat. Food is my enemy. In the mornings, after having to get up five times during the night, I sometimes just try to take a deep breath, control the anxiety, and try to eat with he least pain. The doctors are kind but just don't really understand how bad it can be. I try not to complain --- except here. .

I feel like life would be so much easier if only I didn't have to eat. I would not have to stress over food, whether I am eating the right thing, will I get the nutrients that I need, will I lose weight if I don't eat enough, etc...And then once I do eat, the pain and nausea is just awful. I also get really fatigued after I eat, especially if the food triggered a lot of pain or nausea. I'm not sure why. Eting is such a battle with my body; I never have an appetite, and then when I try to eat I end up regretting it so much. But I have found that it is easier to drink calories than eat them. Soups, protein drinks, and nondairy milkshakes are what I've been living off of lately.
Sweet potato french fries.

I went out to dinner with my mom on her birthday last weekend and ordered a side of sweet potato french fries. Uh, not so smart. Don't usually eat fried stuff and I had to re-learn why.
Nuts - too risky getting stuck and because they don't get broken down they are too sore on my butt - im not into scratchy poo hee hee :) Sorry - the scratchy poo is my friends saying and always makes me chuckle!

lol, this is too weirdly funny....but sadly I get it!
For me, its any Italian food with red sauce, especially pizza. The thing I miss most though is coffee. I really miss coffee!
Carrot soup. Made so nauseous and crampy for two days after. Just thinking about it makes me want to hurl.