NEVER again will I eat...

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It's the really marbley meats and high fiber stuff I gotta stay away from..which I can't stand anyway..yuck.
all those above I can consume well generally without any pain..weird.

Well, the caffeine part for me is probably because I was allergic to it in the first place, lol. I could tolerate it, but now that I'm in this flare it just tears my stomach apart and makes the D SO much worse!

Its interesting how this series of diseases can vary so much from person to person....
Frozen pork and vegetable Chinese dumplings from the supermarket. I found this out last night. There was a round of vomiting immediately followed by 30 minutes on toilet.
I'm incredibly lucky as I've yet to find anything I can't have... maybe it's because my Crohn's is currently limited to the large intestine? I will stay away from hard-to-digest foods when I'm flaring though, just to be on the safe side.

The only thing I've noticed is that since my worst flare a year ago (which revealed I have CD, not UC as they originally thought), I suffer more than I used to after drinking alcohol. But I mean after drinking a LOT (like I did on NYE, silly boy), and when spirits are involved. I can go to the pub and have a few pints or glasses of wine and be absolutely fine. I DON'T smoke though. And I never did so at least I haven't had to go through the agony of quitting!

I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts because I'm convinced my dietry freedom has an expiration date lol.
I hear you with the drinking. The next morning used to be a killer for me. It's the dehydration that does it. I find if I go a pint of water no ice for every drink pint it works out okay the next morning. I'ce got to hit he head a lot, but worth it the next morning.
For me it's the b/ms... I used to get the standard alcohol poo (unavoidable, I think everyone gets it lol) after a heavy night. Now it's like turning on a tap! I can pretty much avoid any other hangover symptoms with some food, two pints of water and two paracetamol before bed. I really need to be more sensible though... I graduate in 6 months so there will be less opportunity after that!

That sounds like a good idea, drinking water between alcoholic drinks. Does it stop you feeling the effects of alcohol though? Unfortuneately I'm a bit dependable on it when I'm out, I can't relax in bars and night clubs if I'm sober...
Well it's hard to say. I've always been very good at drinking the background is a fine Irish stock, so it's genetics. I tend to have a really hard time getting drunk, but the intake of water doesn't seem to hinder the effects of the alcohol. It just makes my hangovers better. Right after diagnosis I was getting hangovers with out ever actually drinking enough to get drunk, I'd have 5 or 6 and wake up with a splitting headache. I tend to match water and alcohol pint for pint for the first 4 or 5 drinks, and then as the night goes on it's water for every 2 pints.
I can't eat dairy, wheat, eggs or yeast.... makes my face swell up.. and gives me 'issues' the next day

Anything with nettles (i.e. nettle tea gives me gastritis)
Popcorn, or any kind of corn, or corn product,
raspberries (ouch),
peppers (green, red, orange, yellow, they all hurt),
grapes (I'm still mourning those)
ordered a starbucks mocha last night, and didnt get decafe. will never ever ever drink it ever again. real coffee kills me :(
I've been in remission for awhile now but on Prednisone and Cylcosporine for the PG sore on my leg. I stared slowly eating things that were hurting me while I was in the flare up and gradually I've gone back to trying everything. I've gained 18 lbs. since Christmas and can't sleep at night because I feel so miserable from the weight gain. Just last night the pain was starting in my colon off an on in the night. I am holding a lot of fluid and having labored breathing. I went for a blood test yesterday to check my kidneys. I know I need to quit drinking coffee and eating bad stuff. It's like a kid in a candy store after not being allowed there for so long.
cut up some cucumber earlier today and put some salt and pepper on it and thought id have it after walking the dog as a pre-dinner snack - oh dear! went to the loo 3 times in an hour after eating a tub worth and before that i had gone 7hrs without going to the loo.

needless to say the rest have gone in the bin....!
I think I've been quite lucky food-wise, there isn't too much I cant eat/drink. It's just one or two of the things I can't eat make me so so sad!

Cheese, or anything containing cheese. Which means no more pizza, lasagne, macaroni! GAH! - clearly still in morning for the loss of cheese in my diet! And it wouldn't be so bad if cutting out cheese meant losing a bit of weight - but the pred shot that one out of the window! Strangely though, I can still eat soft cheese like philadelphia. Not sure why that is but probably some science behind it.

Pork. Pork steaks, pork chops, roast pork, sausages - I can't eat them. Thankfully, though, with bacon I'm fine (in small portions) which (like the philly) I find strange. Maybe to do with the way it's cured? I don't know.

Alcohol!! Oh no! This one is kind of hard to deal with, especially when I already feel like I'm not "normal" anymore - it's kind of worse when you have to admit in front of others who have seen you drinking many times that you no longer drink alcohol. But still, I didn't find this one half as hard to come to terms with as cheese - I LOVE YOU MATURE CHEDDAR!
Any type of shredded or stringy beef. Slept last Saturday night sleeping on the bathroom floor.... never again.
Broccoli, cabbage, mushrooms, onions, grapes, nuts, bananas, milk, pizza, bread...Hope things improve after my surgery:ywow:
Good luck with your surgery, Ari. I hope you are able to eat more of what you like afterward.
I think somewhere back there I said lettuce. but guess what?? MMmmmmm had some salad last week with Escarole, Romain and baby spinach! twas yummy and went through just fine :D

Never say never :p
Coffee goes through me faster than it comes out of the machine, never pleasant.
East Indian food (being a Brit once my favourite food) or maybe anything too spicy but holy cow i was in agony for a full day and most of the night after having only a mild curry dish for lunch one friday. That is deffo a never again lol

I read that most ppl with Crohn also suffer lactose intolerance and i know im one of them and strangely, since i got the Crohn symptoms i have become allergic to Shellfish. Dont show any symptoms of an allergy but when it reaches my large intestine my throat closes up and its a whole world of worry. Used to eat sushi once a week for ages then boom, one night the world changed! wierd.
I will never drink "diet" soda. Or Lucozade. :stinks:

I also hate "Low Fat" or "Light" options of food, because they contain crap, like artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup.

e.g. Müller Lights... Yuk! :hallo3:
The only thing (no flare right now) that Claire won't eat because she says it "hurts" is popcorn. I told her that I can't eat it either. :)
I guess I'm really blessed that I'm eating anything I want while I'm in remission. With the Prednisone and the Cyclosporine, I've also gained nearly 20 lbs. too which is the other side of that coin. I couldn't eat much of anything while I was in the flare up. Still got the sore on my leg though from early Nov. and it's still spreading and hurts a lot.
popcorn - always a killler

deep fried foods always get me, but if I am in non flare mode, I will occasionally partake
I think this is the most interesting thread Ive seen on any of these boards. comparing the similarities and differences is really interesting.
salads, sodas, anything gluten ,dairy (other than yogurt and hard cheese), pepper, paprika, bacon, chocolate , any caffeine, something in Italian seasoning, any fried foods, some fish,most veggies no matter how much they are cooked (thank god for v-8 and smoothies) most fruits ....
if it hadn't of been for the gluten/allergen free food now made I would have starved I think.....and bananas a blessing too for me.
Its amazing reading what affects different people, even healthy foods you think would be ok cause problems, its so confusing.

Nothin really seems to be agreeing with me right now in the middle of my flare up, aside from the flare up, i avoid bread, that makes me soooo bloated !! uurrggghhh!!
The main things I could eat during the flare up were soda crackers, white toast, white rice, hot chocolate, cocoa wheats hot cereal, and some chicken noodle soup. I drank tea too. I still hurt and had the runs so maybe something in there was still bothering me, but I could manage that much for the most part.
water,potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, aubergine (eggplant), butternut squash, cabbage, broccoli, onions, apricots, apples, cherries, peaches, plums, pears, nectarines, cucumber, lamb, turkey, chicken, duck, beef, salmon, tuna, dairy, gluten, yeast, coffee, tea, water, hazelnuts, eggs, blackcurrants, lentils, corn, soya bean, coconut, grapefruit, kiwi, trout, sole, plaice....

Sometimes it's easier to list those that I can :(

Not to mention anything processed or containing more than 5g sugar!
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Claire VP, you cannot have water??? What you have have instead? I'm really sad to read all those foods you can't eat, you poor thing, will your condition ever improve enough for you to maybe reintroduce some of them foods again? I really hope so chick, thatsounds like such a terribly restricted diet
Lettuce, Spinach, Pork, Seafood, sweet potato and gluten free oats are staples. I think I was a rabbit in a former life :)
Dear God... Popcorn...................

It came out four days later. Stuck into one giant mass, but still popcorn.
Hopefully it will improve - severity of symptoms have decreased over the last few months, but I have to rotate foods on 2-3 day cycle to prevent from developing further food intolerance issues.
I have to have my water filtered to remove chlorine, fluorine and other impurities, then I can drink it. Certain makes of bottled water are okay.
It would make it so much easier if there was a specific list of foods to avoid and things that are okay so it's not different for everyone. It's such a hit and miss thing. You think it's okay and bam! you're suffering again. I am just beginning to heal from my last flare up and ate some Fritos. Ouch! Hurt every time and I kept trying like a fool. In between I can eat most anything, but when I'm sick I stay away from a lot of things. I wish I could just quit eating and not worry about cramps and diarrhea when it's bad and resume when it's over.
Wow Claire, never again will I complain about the few things that bother my tummy when i eat them! You have it far worse, you poor girl! Keep strong and I hope it improves a bit for you soon!
Well, don't want to offend anyone, but right now the only thing i would touch is a...cock. At least, it's just - usually - sucking. So I won't endup with balls in my ass...

Sorry... I'm in a flare.
Lulu2 - lol, thanks. I have had to learn to enjoy eat the foods that don't produce symptoms. Hard, but you know what - All of a sudden I enjoy food more, it tastes better (no more sugar or processed food) and best of all my cookery skills are developing by the day.

It's not all so bad...I just take the positives from it to keep me going. Dwelling on it is only going to add more stress and worsen symptoms.

I'm sure you all know where I am coming from.
Mushrooms! learned the hard way no more for me,

And strawberries, they are going to keep company to peaches and mandarines on my not to eat list
For the first time in years I got rid of my Crohn's belly! I went off carbs and sugars completely to wrok on getting rid of a wicked systemic yeast infection - and a happy unsuspected side effect was that my swelling went down! I thought I was being "good" to myself by eating "easy to digest" foods like white flours, white rice and stuff. I tested it and ate some flour and sugars and WHAM! Belly is back. So, it looks like I have some rethinking to do on my diet! LOL!! My Crohn's is in my large intestine so I don't have as many eating problems as a lot of you do - thank goodness. I do have lots of inflammation that won't go away. So, I am thinking it must be food intolerances. Wow, it takes a long time for me to figure things out sometimes! LOL!!
Dairy, mustard, wheat/gluten, anything with vinegar in it, and raw veggies (when I'm in a flare) don't work for me. I would not even try popcorn anymore.
Cauliflower. Well, not for a while anyway. It's allowed on SCD so I made soup which I thought would be easy on the stomach. NOT!!!
Ah well, this safe eating business is a great big learning curve.
I know this is an older thread, but I wanna post! I can't have sports drinks of any kind, ensure or boost, meatloaf, certain spices often itailian spices, anything spicy, including Wendy's spicy chicken which I love. Also iceberg lettuce, I lived on salads and raw veggies before Crohns and now I can't have them. Although I can have some veggies but they have to be cooked, I like the streamer bags. Quick, easy, and tasty. I can no longer have chili or milk. Chocolate seems to be upsetting me mow too. No apples, bananas only every great once in awhile, broccoli, corn, in any form. Can't even eat tortilla chips, my fav. Currently cutting out all chips because of this. Also French onion anything now. No cream based soups. Sausage on most days. I know there is more, I will think of it later.
BBQ chicken, BBQ ribs, BBQ pork, BBQ beans, (mouth starting to water.......) BBQ Anything! :angry-banghead:

(Wiping the drool from my chin!)LOL
Almonds, caused me a partial bowel obstruction in January 2012. But I bought almond butter instead. I love it too.

i was doing ok since surgury, besides 3 partial obstructons with no pain, now i am in pain every day ever since those peas, i guess they activated my disease, oh well, thats life . now have to look at humira which i was trying to avoid
Corn products for me too... two or so years before I knew what crohn's was noticed that corn, even fresh off the cob was bothering me so have been avoiding it for a long time now.
any dairy. Milk is the worst. But I've grown to like SilkMilk. The vanilla flavor is good with cereal.
Anything breaded and deep fried. Usually OK with french fries in moderation or a few un-breaded chicken wings. A single breaded onion ring wil ruin me for at least a day.

Also went on a business trip and I ended up eating a bunch of wings. Went out to lunch at a pub and split some wings with some co-workers. Then we went out after work and watched a football game. We weren't terribly hungry so we just ordered some wings. Later he had a friend show up who wanted wings. I never really considered that I had eaten so many without really eating anything else. Wow, talk about a bad day. Of course I was on the road and didn't have any of the usual drugs that might help. Ended up making an emergency trip for a concoction of Pepto, Immodium and some soothing agents to calm the fire. :)
Ground almonds and semolina combined. I was out and couldn't see anything else that I could eat (it all looked heavy in onions, pepper and spices or lots of raw vegetables), so I had a slice of orange cake. I knew when I was eating it that I was doing the wrong thing, but...

I have an ileostomy and the ground almonds and semolina formed a ball behind my stoma that grew larger and larger, harder and harder, and more and more painful as the liquid drained out.

Fortunately my stoma nurse had run me through what to try at home in such a situation before going to emergency. Lots of warm drinks, hot shower water running on the stoma and massage managed to move it, but it was a scary experience. :ywow:
Anything with corn
Too many nuts
Seeded or multi grain bread, or sesame seed buns
Greasy fatty foods
And spicy foods :pale::pale:
I was feeling much better after my loading doses of Remicade, so last night at the mall I had deep fried scallops and sweet potatoes fries. Then later I had a coffee and a cinnabon. I've woken up at 4:30 am in a lot of pain. Just when I thought I was getting better. So I guess deep fried food is still off limits.
SNIP, SNIP Then later I had a coffee and a cinnabon. I've woken up at 4:30 am in a lot of pain. Just when I thought I was getting better. So I guess deep fried food is still off limits.
Cinnamon really affects me badly. When my Crohns is flaring, I swear that I can feel every speck of it passing through - and it was far worse before my ileostomy. :thumbdown:
Turns out I was getting the flu - Norwalk virus - so all the pain and discomfort was from that - spent 5 days feeling really yucky and one day being checked out by dr in ER.
my daughter is always trying to say she can eat anything... but.. she just knows what she can't even think about eating..
lettuce salad... popcorn.. nothing w/artificial sweetner... tries chinese but not good at all.. nothing w/more than 3 g of fiber..
she drinks alot of water..
sounds about the same to me M2M, I think we would all say we dont understand it but what u said is what i cant eat. Drinking a lot of water is a sign of dehydration. Is she got a lot of diroeahha (sp?)
she drinks alot of water b/c the doctor told her its very important to stay hydrated.. and when she was on meds.. entocort and antibiotics; he said water is vital. she only has issues once in a while depending on what she eats... so if she eats too much stuff w/fiber; she will have a bit of diarrhea the next day.. but she doens't have it constantly. We think its due to all the supplements she is on; all anti inflammatory agents to them..

I cannot eat seafood of any kind, nuts or peanuts, and the worst of them all: Oolong tea!!!That evil wretched tea ruined my life for a while.. :ymad:

kisses, aya
MILK I used to drink 2 gallons a week
CORN ON THE COB period mmmm who doesn't love corn on the cob in the fall
LETTUCE lol it is frightening when you check the bowl
TOMATOES sigh garden fresh zingy red ripe tomatoes with sea salt how I miss eating the effort of my green thumb.
BEEF nothing need be said here/BUFFALO is a nice sub tho :)
PORK never really liked it cept bacon.....perfect with pancakes and syrup:(
ICE CREAM sorbet is nice sub but i will miss the efforts of making it I use an arm cranker and make it for the kids now.
PIZZA although on occasion I suffer a few hours later I can't resist pizza
CHILE RELLANOS giant jap peppers fried and cheesy oh how i miss you
TUNa ode to the loss of the moms easy dinner fix I love Tuna Noodle Casserole
BEER yeah a slightly ice cold beer on a hot summer lake sitting beside the campfire yeah enuff said.

oh how I loved to eat oh how i savored the flavors and morsels before Crohns tamed my palette the family dinners the holidays dinner oh how we sufferers of IBD are tortured at the sight and thought of food. No one truly understands what it is to want to eat to partake of tasty explosions of sensational bites, that if we do become twisting turning knots of pain in the pits of our tummys.
I'm with Imisspopcorn, thinking that recipe would come in handy, hee hee! My first specialist was pretty easy going when it came to diet, he would just say, "eat whatever you want, just eat. If it bothers you, don't eat it"! What I have found over the years is that I can eat something one day and it not bother me, but the next time it might. My diet would only be changed due to inflammation and possible blockage, or stomach acid being high. But what is miss the most, I think, are SALADS and raw veggies.
I know its suppose to help people with digestive issues but Aloe Vera Juice gave me the biggest flare up of my life!
Sauerkraut-filled perogies. I thought they were potato and cheddar. Big oops.
Never again will I eat steamed broccoli (or broccoli of any kind!)....had me curled up in with stabbing cramps all night. I could track the path of the broccoli because it left a tearfully painful trail as it moved through my gut. I couldn't do a damn thing about until it passed out of my system.

And CHEETOES :(....the worst thing I could have ever found out about my Crohn's. Sends me to the bathroom after I finish one snack bag. This has been my favorite snack both in childhood and adulthood and I can't eat it anymore without consequences.
Mince beef! I love it in a nice spag bol, but last few times it gone right through me....

Actually almost anything at the moment, but this is something I know for certain!