Never get D?

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Nov 19, 2011
I have Crohn's, but my doctor also thinks that I have IBS with Crohn's because I don't get D at all, even when I was extremely sick. I constantly have C problems that never go away, like my bowels are really slow on moving things through so it takes forever and things build up and it's really painful.

I'm on milk of magnesia all the time, I chug down some of it when I need it because sometimes I don't go to the bathroom for over a week!

I've also had problems with C since I was very young, so it's nothing new. I've been on pretty much everything and MoM is the only thing that helps...

Which is why it took me almost two years of constant problems and pain before they found out I had Crohn's, they didn't see the most common symptom which was D... I was often sent home from the doctor's and them just telling me to take some ex-lax and that exercise would fix the problem! (it made it much worse haha....)

:confused: Does anyone else only get C and no D?
I don't have diarrhoea, I have more or less normal bowel movements. If you are constantly constipated I would be concerned that you have a narrowing in your intestines, or something similar- has this been checked for?
I was always constipated, never ever got D unless I had the flu. Keep on top of it though...I wound up perforating my sigmoid colon and distending my bowel because I hadn't had a movement for 8 days. Are you taking stool softeners as well? My doctor always recommended them but I was silly and didn't take them as directed.
Hi wildrose and :welcome:

Both of my children have ileal Crohn's and neither of them had diarrhoea pre diagnosis. I agree with Rebecca and Cindy in ensuring you keep on top of things and having the problem checked out further if it hasn't already been done.

Good luck and welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx
Hi, and thank you!

Never been checked for, I had a colonoscopy in January which was when I was diagnosed, and concerning the ongoing problems with C my new GI doc wants to do another one just to make sure.

I don't take any stool softeners, I just take milk of magnesia and it seems to do the job. My doc wants me to take it 1 tblspoon a day, but I have forgotten to do so lately so I have to get right on that...

I usually never have pain unless it's been close to 2 weeks, and there is never any blood so it's just a problem of not going to the bathroom a lot, I'm not sure if there is actually any narrowing, but I have had a CT scan of my abdomen very recently and it came back with no problems concerning my intestines, just having C. (They did discover a tumour on my ovary though hmm, good thing I went for one!)

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