I am just looking advice - for my husband, or more to the point me as I'm tired listening to him.
I think He suffers from some illness but as He won't go to the doctor he just suffers and it is terrible.
It all started about 4 years - he suffers from a little IBS, due to stress. His is a stressful life - abridged version, his father was murdered in the troubles here in NI, his mother was 7 mths pregnat with him and witnessed it outside the family home, he had an unusual and stressful upbringing as a result, his mum was diagnosed with PTSD and acute IBS in 1997 and he has been a full time carer for her since.
He very rarely has a solid stool - it mostly looks semi-solid - what I can only describe as being like cow pat - it swirls up like a whippy in the bowl!:lol:
He always gets wind after eating.
He gets blood in his stools regularly and has an itchly bum.
now - sorry for tmi - he has a creamy residue on his bum all the time.
Looking some comments advice - do you think its something he should see the doctor about?
I am just looking advice - for my husband, or more to the point me as I'm tired listening to him.
I think He suffers from some illness but as He won't go to the doctor he just suffers and it is terrible.
It all started about 4 years - he suffers from a little IBS, due to stress. His is a stressful life - abridged version, his father was murdered in the troubles here in NI, his mother was 7 mths pregnat with him and witnessed it outside the family home, he had an unusual and stressful upbringing as a result, his mum was diagnosed with PTSD and acute IBS in 1997 and he has been a full time carer for her since.
He very rarely has a solid stool - it mostly looks semi-solid - what I can only describe as being like cow pat - it swirls up like a whippy in the bowl!:lol:
He always gets wind after eating.
He gets blood in his stools regularly and has an itchly bum.
now - sorry for tmi - he has a creamy residue on his bum all the time.
Looking some comments advice - do you think its something he should see the doctor about?