New girl

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Sep 20, 2010
New girl (updated 1st Oct)

Hi everyone, just joined the forum, I can see I'm going to be spending sometime here! I'll start with my story, and will try to keep it short.

I was already ill with ME when my IBD started at 19. The only time I would keep food in was lunchtime as I was so empty. GP gave me colofac an, Lopermide, taking 6 of those a day just to keep food in. I had abnormal blood tests and a normal endoscopy and was told I had IBS. Despite reporting symptoms such as night attacks and heavy sweating during attacks. Given amitryptiline, which did allow me to eat fairly normally but that was it.

Last year at 23 I woke up with a swollen upper arm. This has turned into a painful upper arm, shoulder, neck and back around that area. Tests and more tests passed 6 months and was sent to a Rheumatologist who went into my whole medical history. Luckily he ordered a WBC scan of my digestive area which surprise surprise revealed inflammation in the bowel. He sent a report to Gastro a month ago and still waiting to hear from them, also waiting to hear about Physio in the meantime to try but I don't hold out much hope.

Can't do an awful lot. I am always in pain with the shoulder and it has gotten bad. The fatigue is just awful, I am up at 9am, back to bed 3-6 pm sleeping (struggle to get up from that honestly) and then I go back to bed anytime from 10:30pm onwards. Often watch a dvd for a few hours then go to sleep. I read alot of books, use the internet and watch dvds to keep occupied as I can't always make it out the bus stop is a fair walk (to me anyway, and sloped upwards on the walk home). The IBD symptoms beginning to run away from me so made the decision to stop eating out which I mainly did at lunchtime. Sticking to 3 meals a day of similar foods helps minimise symptoms.

My social life is non-existent and had rarely manage anything like Cinema (i was going 4-7 times a month, unlimited card!) as i'm just too tired and in too much pain to get the bus there and back. I do have a small volunteer job which I do mainly from home.

Well i'm sorry that was so long, but I look forward to having a look round the forum and meeting you all :
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Hi Star and welcome :)

Wow, I can't believe you've been waiting a month to hear back from the GI, you should be following up on that one ASAP so you can get yourself a diagnosis and into some sort of treatment.

My social life seems to go down the toilet every time I flare too so I know exactly where you're coming from. There are quite a few people on here around our age who can relate to that feeling too haha.
welcome to the Forum, sorry you are going through all the stuff, but there are some great people here that are able to give you support.

Being TIRED all the time sucks, know what you are going through. Have them check your B-12, that might help you.

Wish you the best and if you should have any questions let us know.
Hi Star, welcome!! Were you on any meds for the ME? I'm curious if they may have contributed to the development of the ibd. Glad you found us!! I hope you hear from the GI soon and get some solid answers so they can get you some relief and a life!! Sounds like you need to raise some H@#$ so you can be seen soon!! Good luck!!
Hi Star and :welcome:

Do you think your original diagnosis of ME was correct or do you now think your symptoms may have been related to IBD?

Do you know where in the bowel your infammation is? You may be suffering with malabsorption and have low B12, Folate and Iron Stores. If it is possible chase the GI up, don't wait for them to contact you, go on the offensive so you can get some help and relief sooner rather than later. Please stick around and keep us updated on how you are going and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, just like I have! :lol:

Welcome aboard! :)
Thanks for the replies :) I suppose I will get onto the Hospital soon I just lack motivation and energy at the moment!

I certainly have considered whether the ME and IBD were linked (wasn't on any meds). They started 3 years apart so I don't think a link is likely in that sense; the start of my ME was a textbook case and before the IBD started I was making a very slow recovery.

From the WBC scan they couldn't tell where the inflammation was, just that it's there. Guess that means more gastro tests, lovely!
oh my goodness StarGirrrrl -- You've had a lot of troubles. :( You need to get to the hospital and start being pushier with them. ;) Yay for GI tests. *ugh*

thinking of ya. hoping for some relief for you!!
Hi Star
and welcome fellow Brit

I'm appalled that you have to wait so long for gastro!
I'm also with Dusty, are you sure it's ME, it's chronic fatigue syndrome isn't it? If you do have Crohns, it makes more sense why you're so fatigued?
I'm on amitriptyline too, for neuralgia, it really helps me to sleep ok, especially now I've got Pred insomnia too! Feel a bit groggy in the morning tho! But still managing to go to work.
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
I think what's happened is the IBD has made the ME (yes CFS is one of the many names it is known by) worse, it nose dived after my symptoms started, never improved and became even worse when the shoulder pain started.

I did think seriously about whether the IBD alone is causing the fatigue but as i said they started 3 years apart and it was a classic beginning for ME.

Thanks to everyone for their kind words :D
Well I decided and I am getting more and more unwell to put in an official complaint about the delay which should be given to the head person at Gastro. Can't believe it's had to come to this.

When I come to sue them over the misdiagnosis and previously delayed test results, this is going on the list!
Hi again Star! I'm curious about the "textbook" symptoms that led to the dx of the ME?? Could you elaborate?? Did you have no gastro symptoms at the time?
Sure no problem. No I didn't have any problems in the gastro department. I had an illness that "was probably glandular fever" (this is the textbook bit). All bloods were normal unlike after the onset of IBD when they found raised CRP every time it was tested (in the last 3, 4 years).
I slowly recovered and was fine until I got a bad infection the next winter. It took 4 weeks for the Dr to give me anti-biotics but by then it had pulled the ME down so to speak. Over the next couple years I was making a slow recovery although I had to be careful, I certainly managed college full time living in a rural area which meant a commute of 45mins each way. Then a total of 3 years after the gastro symptoms hit and i've been poorly ever since.
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Welcome Star

Sure sounds like you've had a rought time of it. I hope you get the GI folks to speed things up so you can head on down the road to remission.

Well was so bad Wednesday went to A&E. They couldn't find anything else in the blood (CRP still raised in low 20's but not higher than before) and could only offer the advice to make more of an effort to rehydrate to replace fluids. They tried the Gastro Dr's secretary to get me an appointment who said I was in the system but they were not in a position to offer me an appointment. Poor Dr didn't know how to tell us.

Personally after having IBD now for 4 years untreated I simply think my body can't take anymore.

Haven't bothered making a formal complaint I do not see it will do any good. Mum did send a few emails but doubt it'll get me an appointment any sooner.

For now I am still feeling bad, and after 9 trips to the loo in 5 hours yesterday painfully getting rid of the meagre amount of food I had Wednesday (before I gave in and took lopermide, after it turned green) i'm simply not eating until I absolutely have to, it's just not worth it.

Very upset because these last weeks in the back of my mind and A&E trip was my back up plan to get help if things got bad and now I have nothing, nothing anyone can do now except Gastro.

On a funny side (looking into private care once I sue current hospital), two of the Gastro Doctors who work for the private hospital are one who isn't helping now and one who got me into this mess! Unbelieveable that people pay to see them.

Having to cancel all my plans, I won't be able to try Physio now nor go to a most anticipated concert next Sunday :(

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