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Jun 13, 2011
My name is David and I've been diagnosed with severe Crohn's disease since 2008. It's been a rough last 3 years. I have Crohn's is a rare location, the duodenum (part of the small intesting that comes out of your stomach). Started out with prednisone and immuran, that didn't work. Then tried Cimzia, that didn't work. Then tried Humira, that didn't work. Hospitalized for 7 days and put on heavy doses of prednisone. Then tried Remicade for a few months and got histoplasmosis from the suppressed immune system. Spent 9 days in the hospital with histo. Spent months trying to recover from that (terrible). Duodenum almost completely closed up from ulcers in Feb. 20011. Had surgery in March 2011 (a gastro jajunoscome sp?) Took a loop of small intestine and attached it to my stomach to allow another place for food to go down. As of June 13, 2011 I'm still sore, but eating good.
Hiya David
and welcome

oooooooooo poor you, that sounds awful!
Glad you're on the mend now tho and eating well.
Also glad you found us, loads of Crohnie friends here for you, half of them are probably fast asleep!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi David and welcome

You have really been through the mill with that one. Sorry to hear some many meds wouldn't work for you. Its tough enough without having to go through all that.
Hopefully your pain will start to ease soon, its good that you are back to eating though that will help the repair process.

best of luck

Gwen xxx
Hi David,

Hope you find the forum helpful.
You really have had a tough time.I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Best Wishes
Hello David and welcome to the forum! :)

My goodness you have really had a rough go of it!!
Let's hope things settle for you now..
feel free to roam the forums and any questions just holler!

Welcoming Hugs~Nancy
Hi David! I’m glad you found us! Surgery takes sooo much more out of you then you ever expect, and I’m sure that right about now you are feeling like you will never be back to the old you again. Don’t worry! It won’t last forever! Keep getting better, and be grateful for the little things (like being able to eat solid foods- yippy!). You will find a lot of love and support here.
Hi David and welcome!

Hope the surgery was a success and that it gives you years of remission. Sounds like you've tried just about every drug out there - sometimes you need to go under the knife to get things fixed up!

Hope you have a quick and speedy recovery. I had surgery in March myself and I am just now getting my energy back.


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