New guy

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 29, 2011
new guy

Hello everyone!
I am a 36 yr old police officer currently on parental leave with my first child! I was diagnosed with crohns last december after complaining to my doctor of over 7 years about abdominal pains, diareaha, etc. I am currently on humira after getting pancreatitis on a previous medication. This year has sucked big time. Other then the birth of my daughter, this crohns desease has taken over my life. I have daily pains in the right side of my back (the doctors are not sure what it is) and I have extreme arthritis in my legs all day long and worse at night. NExt visit with the docs in 2 weeks away. Feeling very alone and kinda scared.

Welcome Ryan!

Congrats on the birth of your daughter! I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis with Crohn's Disease, however I hope it was a bit of a relief to finally get a diagnosis after the years of symptoms.

It is totally normal to feel alone and scared with this disease. I hope you see that you are definately not alone though and that many others have gone through and live with the same disease. There is a lot of useful info and knowledgable people on this forum, so please use us as much as you need to!
Hi Ryan and :welcome:

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! I bet you are so proud and rightly so! :)

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles though. :(

How long have you been on Humira?

Where is your Crohn's located?

If you haven't been on Humira long then perhaps it hasn't had a chance to work, otherwise I would have to think that if you are still experiencing joint pain and have abdominal/back pain then you are still flaring.

Have you been on Prednisone at all?

Sorry for all the questions! :eek2:

Dusty. xxx

ive been on humira for the last 2 months. I have crohns in the large and small intestine. I was on predisone (sp) previously and that gave me pancreatitis. The meds have eliminated the stomach pain which has been great. I still have attacks with diareha after meals with fat, etc., which are unavoidable at times. I really want to find out what this side back cramping pain thing is. I need to know what it is and how to combat it. The arthritis in my legs in a killer...I dont sleep very well because of it. i feel like an old man. I am terribly worried that I wont be able to return to active duty as a police officer. I am equally worried that work wont understand the situation im in. I think im running out of medications to try and that surgery will be the only option. Thoughts of a clastomy bag keep running though my mind.

Thank you to all that have posted and replied to my posts.
My daughter suffered with pain in her side and back, right side, and it was due to the inflammation and swelling of her bowel pressing against her ureter which then caused urine to back up into her kidney, hence the pain.

Have you had bloods done lately to test your inflammatory markers? Perhaps it is time to have some further tests done to see where your disease is at. That way it may go some way to explaining your ongoing problems and what the best course of action is.

Both of my children have had surgery and for them it has proved to be very successful, I understand that it is something that isn't desirable but it can give you your life back too when you don't have any other choices.

Dusty. xxx
Hello and welcome to you Ryan...:)
Congratulations also on the birth of your daughter.
Brutal to hear about the CD you have..and its affects that it is having every day life.
Sleep deprivation is horrible as it just makes our own situation worse...
At your next visit to the doc...have a list of your concerns wrote out (we tend not to remember them when there) and ask for a course of action.. As Dusty says, more tests may be needed to work out proper meds for you..
Stay in contact if you can as this is a great resource to have Ryan..
Take care...

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