Hello all,
I'm newly diagnosed with Crohns (Sept. 2018) and for the most part have been doing pretty well over the past few months. I've been taking entocort 3mg x 3 times per day with good results. My main symptom has always just been never-ending diarrhea. Since Wednesday this week, I started having moderate pain just to the right of my belly button area, that's still there for the 3rd day now. It seems to intensify with how much I eat or drink. By bedtime, it hurts to even stand up straight. I've tried a laxative today thinking maybe something wasn't passing as it should (never thought I'd be taking one of those!), and the pain now has lessened some, but hasn't really made much of a difference. Just very sore to the touch around that area.
For a little background, I was diagnosed after a colonoscopy where they biopsied my terminal ileum, which had a lot of irritation. The colonoscopy was done to investigate my symptoms and since I have a family history of colon cancer.They later did a small bowel follow-thru (barium swallow) that didn't reveal anything significant.
My GI doctor is semi-retired and only in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I wish now I had called Thursday. There's no fever or significant loss of appetite or anything like that, just this dull ache that stays with me. I've read through many posts and see there are a lot of people here with years of experience dealing with this, so any insight/advice is very much appreciated. I'm hoping the pain will subside over the weekend but if not, I'll be calling the doc's office early next week.
I'm newly diagnosed with Crohns (Sept. 2018) and for the most part have been doing pretty well over the past few months. I've been taking entocort 3mg x 3 times per day with good results. My main symptom has always just been never-ending diarrhea. Since Wednesday this week, I started having moderate pain just to the right of my belly button area, that's still there for the 3rd day now. It seems to intensify with how much I eat or drink. By bedtime, it hurts to even stand up straight. I've tried a laxative today thinking maybe something wasn't passing as it should (never thought I'd be taking one of those!), and the pain now has lessened some, but hasn't really made much of a difference. Just very sore to the touch around that area.
For a little background, I was diagnosed after a colonoscopy where they biopsied my terminal ileum, which had a lot of irritation. The colonoscopy was done to investigate my symptoms and since I have a family history of colon cancer.They later did a small bowel follow-thru (barium swallow) that didn't reveal anything significant.
My GI doctor is semi-retired and only in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I wish now I had called Thursday. There's no fever or significant loss of appetite or anything like that, just this dull ache that stays with me. I've read through many posts and see there are a lot of people here with years of experience dealing with this, so any insight/advice is very much appreciated. I'm hoping the pain will subside over the weekend but if not, I'll be calling the doc's office early next week.