New here and would like some advice please

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Jul 12, 2016
First of all i would like to say I have not been diagnosed with Crohn's as of yet, so sorry if I'm gate crashing your forum

I had pain in my bottom area for about a week. I'm in the uk and it often takes me a good while to get into docs, finally got in last Thursday to be told I had a perianal abscess.

I was put on strong antibiotics as it was draining itself and strong painkillers so I could get about my business

I've vomited twice the past few days feel hot clammy and sweaty and going for a number 2 has me in agony. But the weirdest thing I have noticed is that when I trump or go to the toilet it's like I'm pooing or trumping a bit from my abscess and now I've started to leak poo from that area. Googling lead me to this forum and a mention of something called a fitsula which it could possibly be?

My doctors are not the best if I'm honest, and with other nearby surgeries full to capacity I've no option to change. I have another appointment this Thursday for them to check but where should I request this goes now? Should I request a referral?

I need to keep working as I can't afford to live without my wage. So I don't want this to be made worse by any sort of delays in treatment etc.

Is there anything I can do myself to promote healing? I've been having the sitz baths and trying to keep as clean as possible down there

THANKYOU for taking the time to read
I am sorry for what you are going through. Yes, I would ask for a referral. Keep up with the sitz baths. Please keep us updated.
Sorry I can't be of help regarding your fistula,but there are many on the forum who have more experience of them than they'd like,and I'm sure someone will be along soon to help.
I agree with Ron,ask for a second opinion.You're obviously troubled and you know your body better than anyone else.Maybe it's the strong pain med.that's making you vomit.Also,have you finished the course of anti-bi's ? If so and you've seen no improvement,then you definitely need to see your doc. again. Feel better soon.
I've been back to the doctors today

She tells me there is a hole above my anus but the lump that was present, which I presume was the abscess has gone right down so it was obviously draining from the hole and has gone.

I was on flucloxacillin 500mg 2 tabs 4x a day and now she has put me on clarithromycin 500mg 1 tab 2x a day

She has told me this is where doctors help stops now! If it comes back I have to go to a and e or back to the docs for a surgeon referral. I've been advised to dress the area but what can I use to make stuff stick down there?

Last night I went to bathroom felt a great relief this morning tho I've been to the bathroom and I'm in so much pain as I type this. I understand from googling it could take months to heal, is there a good diet to promote healing?

I'm still no better off either with getting my bowel problems sorted. Three years I've had chronic dirrhea for. Blood tests picked up a fatty liver nd then a scan found gall stones. After that I had a bleed and I had a sigmoid camera to check where it was coming from. They found a polyp and that was removed then I had a colonoscopy a few weeks later and they found another polyp in the same area as the first and removed that. My follow up was poor I wasn't told what the polyps was just that I would need a colonoscopy again in 5 years.

Since then I've been left just to put up with the chronic diarrhoea. Tried sorts of changes to my diet and yet to find a cause and now I have this!
I've been back to the doctors today

She tells me there is a hole above my anus but the lump that was present, which I presume was the abscess has gone right down so it was obviously draining from the hole and has gone.

I was on flucloxacillin 500mg 2 tabs 4x a day and now she has put me on clarithromycin 500mg 1 tab 2x a day

She has told me this is where doctors help stops now! If it comes back I have to go to a and e or back to the docs for a surgeon referral. I've been advised to dress the area but what can I use to make stuff stick down there?

Last night I went to bathroom felt a great relief this morning tho I've been to the bathroom and I'm in so much pain as I type this. I understand from googling it could take months to heal, is there a good diet to promote healing?

I'm still no better off either with getting my bowel problems sorted. Three years I've had chronic dirrhea for. Blood tests picked up a fatty liver nd then a scan found gall stones. After that I had a bleed and I had a sigmoid camera to check where it was coming from. They found a polyp and that was removed then I had a colonoscopy a few weeks later and they found another polyp in the same area as the first and removed that. My follow up was poor I wasn't told what the polyps was just that I would need a colonoscopy again in 5 years.

Since then I've been left just to put up with the chronic diarrhoea. Tried sorts of changes to my diet and yet to find a cause and now I have this!
I've been back to the doctors today

She tells me there is a hole above my anus but the lump that was present, which I presume was the abscess has gone right down so it was obviously draining from the hole and has gone.

I was on flucloxacillin 500mg 2 tabs 4x a day and now she has put me on clarithromycin 500mg 1 tab 2x a day

She has told me this is where doctors help stops now! If it comes back I have to go to a and e or back to the docs for a surgeon referral. I've been advised to dress the area but what can I use to make stuff stick down there?

Last night I went to bathroom felt a great relief this morning tho I've been to the bathroom and I'm in so much pain as I type this. I understand from googling it could take months to heal, is there a good diet to promote healing?

I'm still no better off either with getting my bowel problems sorted. Three years I've had chronic dirrhea for. Blood tests picked up a fatty liver nd then a scan found gall stones. After that I had a bleed and I had a sigmoid camera to check where it was coming from. They found a polyp and that was removed then I had a colonoscopy a few weeks later and they found another polyp in the same area as the first and removed that. My follow up was poor I wasn't told what the polyps was just that I would need a colonoscopy again in 5 years.

Since then I've been left just to put up with the chronic diarrhoea. Tried sorts of changes to my diet and yet to find a cause and now I have this!

I can definitely commiserate with you as my GP and GI doc both thought I needed my gallbladder out, but my gallbladder was fine - my liver, however, was fatty. My GI said it was nothing that I should be worried about too much, but he put me on a diet of "no red meat" and said to avoid NSAIDs - not only for my liver and stomach, but in case I have inflammation in the intestines.

Anyway, have you ever had a hydrogen breath test to check for SIBO? It can cause chronic diarrhea if left untreated.
I've not had any breath tests as of yet but will mention it next time I go to the doctors.

Today I've been bleeding a lot from the hole where my doc says the abscess is draining from. The hole is just above my hole and the abscess itself is on the right hand inside of buttock. It feels really odd and when I pass wind feels as tho it's escaping from the hole. I don't know how this may heal if that is the case as surely stuff coming from the hole will stop healing?
It doesn't sound like you're being given proper medical care. If I were you, I'd go to the ER. They shouldn't have left you in so much pain. It is my understanding that surgery is usually necessary to heal a fistula. Good luck!
Just thought I would update

Last night I was in huge agony all night. After about a hours sleep woke for work not feeling too bad. Lasted 4 hours before unbearable pain set in so I decided to take myself up to the hospital.

5 hours later I was released being told I had a anal fitsula and the abscess was still present. They have given me a further two lots of antibiotics to be taken together over the next week and tomorrow I call back to be given a time to attend to be put under in order for them to clear abscess and investigate and maybe do work on the fitsula.

Not sure how long I will be in pain for after the operation but hopefully things are moving in a better direction now!

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