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Jan 11, 2012
Hey everyone, my name is Jessica. I have been researching all night and stumbled across this site. Even if no one responds to me, I wanted to say thank you. Just reading these posts makes me feel like I am not so alone. I have had stomach issues for about almost 2 years now. They started during my pregnancy so I kinda just thought it was the baby. I gave birth to my little girl and hoped that would be the end of it. By the time the holidays were approaching I was so sick I could only eat one to two bites of food a day. I visited a doctor ad they said I had H. Pylori (a bacterial infection of the stomach) and prescribed antibiotics. I was so happy that in 2 weeks I would finally feel better. However, I got worse. I started losing 3 to 4 lbs a week. Horrible diarrhea and hemmroids. I was sent to a GI doctor. They have done an ultrasound, colonoscopy, and endoscopy. I am scheduled to have my gall bladder removed Friday and have just started medications for Crohns. This entire thing is terrifying. I feel like I have lost my mind some days whether it's anger or depression. I know I drive my family crazy. I have been out of work for 3 weeks. I'm scared of how bad it can get. I always thought I'd have way more time to nt worry about health issues. I want to be able to spend good time with my little girl and family. I have even telling myself for months it will get better but how long can you tell yourself that an still believe it? The medicine seems to help some now. I just hope I feel normal again soon..
Hi Gabismommy

I was diagnosed with Crohns in 1986 when I was 16 and it wasn't well known in the UK at that time. I can't have kids due to the Crohns and other health problems.
I've never had any surgery for my Crohns but I've had 15 surgeries and counting for the Crohns related arthritis.
I know how terrifying it is to be told you have Crohns - you feel like a freak and that you can't talk to anyone about it as it's not something you discuss.
There will be anger and depression - it's all part of the rollercoaster ride that is Crohns but you have to remember you have family that loves you and will support you.
Believe me it does get better - Crohns isn't the nicest thing to have but it's manageable and you can still live a pretty full life with it.
Hang in there flower - things will start to improve in time.
Keep a positive mental attitude - it's always helped me.
Lots of gentle hugs and keep us posted
Hi and thank you so much for responding. It is so nice for there to e somewhere to talk about this. I had a boyfriend in high school with Crohns and he didn't even care. He had 8 surgeries before 19 years old and would still just not take his medicines. It terrified me! Now I know no one else to talk to about this and it seems like no one understands. I am on steroids now and they do seem to help a lot but I still have my moments. I'm pretty nervous about surgery. I've never had anything done medically other than what has happened so far with my Crohns. Plus my surgery is Friday the 13th! Eeeeek! Haha. Thank you again for the support! This is great.
Hi Gabismommy

So glad you found this forum. The people here are really great. They are understanding, compassionate and will not hesitate to give you a gentle kick when necessary. I sincerely hope your Doctor treats you well and finds meds that help you into remission very soon. Good luck to you.
Thank you! I really don't know much about this disease which is what gets to me! I have to take 16 pills a day but it seems to help. The support is great, it is so wonderful to know I'm not alone. Thank you!
Hello! I know how this can make you feel, I was just diagnosed back in December with Crohns, and for three years before that I battled C-diff, a bacteria in the intestines on and off. I use to weight 145, now after everything I weigh 109. It's been such a struggle trying to go to college full time and work. The first time in three years, I had to call off a few times the past few weeks from work because I've been so bad, and I'm still taking medicines. I get terrible fevers too. I had to call my teacher tonight for class and let her know I couldn't be there. It's been horrible. I know the pain and anxiety is horrible, but remember we all know exactly how you feel!
That sounds just like me! I had never called in to work until this got bad. It makes me feel useless to lay around all the time! I am hoping to go back to school soon if I can get to feeling decent. Full time work, school, and a baby will be hard but worth it in the end. I have got to so I can get a better job cause this one doesn't cut it!
Hi there Gabismommy!
Great to see another South Carolinian on the board. Good luck with the surgery tomorrow.
