New(ish) - here's my story ...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 2, 2009
Hi I'm Hayley,

I've posted a couple of times but never got round to telling 'My Story' so here goes ...

I'm Hayley , 38 and live in Sunderland , NE England. I am single and work as an Accountanty type person.

I was diagnosed 7 years ago after 3 years of being told I just had a stomach ulcer , IBS etc etc - I started to think I had just become a hypochondriacbut eventually after moving back oop North from the SE of England I saw a new GI who scoped further down and discovered I didnt' have just one stomach ulcer but several hundred of them. In the 3 years of misdiagnosis I'd developed some severe narrowing and needed surgery in the spring of 2004. I was booked in for what was billed as a quite simple routine surgery - a Roux en Y Gastroscopy to bypass the narrowing at the top of the stomach and a right hemicolectomy to remove narrowing further down.

The surgery went ok - I was discharged after about a week but within 3 hours of being home , unfortunately the join at the hemicolectomy failed and I was admitted back to hospital. I had to say goodbye to my family as my chances were very slim due to the rupture and delay getting to hospital (my boyfriend at the time didn't take my requests to ring an ambulance seriously and I slipped into a kind of coma).

Obviously I survived the surgery but woke with an ilestomy pouch which caused great upset as I was completely unprepared for this possibility. My surgeon agreed to resection as soon as possible - it was about 8 weeks until I had the reversal , slightly delayed due to MRSA which I'd caught during surgery number 2. Surgery number 3 was eventful too - I lost all of my blood into the stomach cavity but after several transfusions and days in intensive care I came through that and was released with everything intact and touch wood it's stayed intact since !

I've had two flares since then , last one was last autumn which required a brief stay in hospital mainly to rebalance potassium etc.

I find now that the D is pretty constant - good days I go a couple of times , bad days I can go 40/50 night and day - I think maybe it's just down to the removal of the small bowel. I take Questran if I really need a good day but if I'm close to the toilet I sometimes just let it go as less discomfort (apart from the nappy rash - ouch !) and Questran is disgusting ! . Other meds Omeprazole as I can't absorb the bile produced Iron and Potassium tablets and quarterly B12 injections. Oh and I'm now taking an anti depressant to try and increase energy.

I try not to let it rule my life but like everyone I have pity party days which I think are inevitable - just got to try and remember others are worse off and that I'm lucky to be as fit as I am.

I do really struggle with the exhaustion - do many of you take a vitamin supplement ? My GI just says I have to get used to the exhaustion and reckons a vitamin supplement would be a waste of time ?!? Maybe I need to change my GI

Any advice is appreciated - thanks for allowing me to tell you about my trials and tribulations =D

HI Hayley :welcome: Wow you went the scary route didnt you! It is not a nice disease to say the least and you are welcomed here anytime whether your are looking for info or just to vent. You have plenty of reason to vent, and I know about the Questran yuck. I had two resections and both times I need the Questran but not any more, however I am teetering on a 3rd resection still waiting for a referral. I am on absorbable Calcium , vitamin D3 and Magnesium Citrate (not the oxide which makes D worse). I have b12 shots once a month and since I am not in the exhausted category, most people do. I have had Crohns a long time and symptoms since I was a teen so I listen to my body and try to improve it with diet and supplements.

We are not the same in this disease, and I know some day I will end up with a bag, but for now just one day at a time. We all want a normal life but this disease is so unpredictable. I had remission for 7 years after my first surgery and then boom.... back in for more surgery. NO one is exempt from landing in the ER, because it is so unpredictable. Eating the wrong thing if you are scarred or inflammed can cause an obstruction. I avoid those as much as possible. Glad you shared your story. Lots of great people here to help you get through bad days. Welcome aboard!!
Wow, what a story! I don't think vitamin supplements are a waste of time, maybe you should try chewable or liquid supplements to make them easier to digest. If you are constantly exhausted even though you are not in a flare you may need B12. If your doc won't prescribe injections, you can get sublingual (under the tongue) liquids, or you can take huge doses (around 2000mcg) of oral b12 and hopefully you will absorb some of it.
Hi , I do get B12 injections but only quarterly - I asked my GI about increasing to monthly but he told me there was no point. He's of the opinion that those of us who feel better after injection are just wishful thinkers , though my nurse who administers them said all her patients expressed an improvement since getting them ?!

Maybe I need a new GI - his 'get used to it' response is wearing a little thin after a couple of years of feeling this exhausted ! I didn't feel this tired in the years after the surgeries it's been the last two years that it's happened. The antidepressants do seem to be working a little - not any less tired but I've stopped beating myself up for not doing stuff around the house etc and that overwhelmed feeling has lessened a bit. Think I'll try some multi vits then and see if that helps - tried the eating more fruit and veg strategy and that was not good on the D frequency scale lol x
Hi Hayley,
Sorry about the tough time you are having. When I was having terrible diarrhea, the only medicine that worked for me was low dose codeine. I don't think it is used too much today, but it was recommended by one of the top docs in the US. it worked for me and provided great relief.

My first surgery was also a right hemicolectomy and I had constant diarrhea after that. Now I have a perm Ileostomy and life is so much better. Yes, the pouch is no fun, but not having diarrhea, rectal spasms, urgency, and accidents is wonderful.
If you're getting bad D then you're probably not taking in the nutrients you need, so i'd go for a simple multivitamin with iron.
Hi Hayley
and welcome fellow Brit

WOW! You've been thro the wringer, and then some!
I have to agree with Joe, codeine phosphate is a great med for diarrhea! Of course it has it's drawbacks, ie dependence and constipation, but to be honest, if it stops you going 50 times a day, it's worth it giving it a shot, ask your GP. I only take it when absolutely neccessary and was given it in hospital for a week. It also knocks me out at bedtime! What anti depressants are you on Hayley? Some can make you tired and drowsy.
Hey! your GI sounds the business! NOT!
get used to the exhaustion? Multi vits a waste of time? Time for a second opinion?
My supps are listed in my siggy.
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx

It sounds like you've been through a lot, but can I just say how tough you are??

I haven't had much luck with vitamin supplements, meaning some days I have enough energy and some days I just don't. I'm trying to learn to listen to my body and take it easy when I feel so exhausted that I don't think I can take another step.

Thanks for sharing your story,
:welcome: Hayley,

Sorry to hear what you've been through. I can't image waking up from surgery and finding that out :(

Glad you found this forum, I'm fairly new and it has really helped me with lots of information, kind wonderful people and advice. Hope you find what you're looking for.


Thanks for the hello's

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who replied to my post.

I just had a little sob (fortunately I'm alone in the orifice today) - sometimes the worst thing about this crappy disease is keeping the facade up to friends family and colleagues that I'm ok so they don't worry too much or in the case of work view me as a liabiity lol ! Being honest and telling my story and admitting my continued struggles to you guys honestly helps so much.

There are days now when I think the pouch option would be easier - think my reaction was so bad to it as I'd been through a bit of an ordeal and I just hadn't had time to get used to the possibility.

My next GI visit is in 2 weeks - going to ask him about codeine and mention the vitamin thing AGAIN and if no luck I'm going to ask my GP to refer me to a GI my friend uses over in Newcastle who she really rates. In my school class of 20 girls , 3 of us have Crohn's - what are the odds of that !

I'm taking Citalopram 20mg a day , finding no real change in the energy levels but saying that I have tackled a couple of projects like wardrobe decluttering etc recently which were getting me down.

I was high fiving myself lastnight as I managed to eat a 3 course meal without vomiting , wasn't so smug at 1am , 2am , 3am , 4am when I was stationed on the loo -ah well got to take the rough with the smooth ?!

Love to you all wished for us all to have a good day.

Hi Hayley and :welcome:

I'm glad you found your way here and what a journey you've had! So you aren't on any meds to try and the keep the Crohns in check?? When did you last have bloods done??

Sorry about the questions but just ensure that when you do have blood tests that they test for B12, Folate and most importantly Iron Stores. You can still be shown to have a normal Full Blood Count, B12 etc but have depleted iron stores and this will certainly add to the lethargy. Please stick around and keep us updated.......welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
I had my bloods done about 3 weeks ago - after I'd had a viral infection and broke down in the doctors office about the even worse exhaustion and mind fog . My B12 was a little low but I am due for my injection in a couple of days , Iron was only slightly down but my potassium was a concern so I've been on the potassium fizzy tablets for a couple of weeks and back to normal level of exhaustion , not the bawl my eyes out at the doctors stage. I'm due for my 6 monthly GI check up mid October and will have them done again then.

Yeah I'm on nothing to control the Crohn's , just Questran to try and help with the D - my last flare I had Pred but since then I think things have been ok , I don't get a lot of pain it's just the urgency issue to deal with. I'm one of those who can flare but show nothing in the bloods - just to be awkward !
Welcome Hayley!! I have no right to advise anything really but from all I've read on here about stomas, they have greatly improved the lives of all who have them. If it becomes necessary in the future, I hope you will read through the stoma subforum on here and be some relieved. I hope your discomfort doesn't continue and you don't have to go down that road!!! Best of luck to you, stick around!!

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