If it's any consolation, I'm in a similar boat with my husband's job situation. He's currently very under-employed (working 1-2 days a week in a shop for minimal pay) and he's been looking for full-time work for awhile. He recently had a very promising interview, they told him they had 100 applicants and he made the top 3. But since his 2nd interview, it's now been over 2 weeks and they haven't called him, so I'm guessing he didn't get it which is depressing. He has a different interview tomorrow so hopefully that one pans out.
So anyway, I know how frustrating the waiting game is! It's a weird job market right now. Good luck and try not to get discouraged - advice I have to remind myself of as well (I work full-time but it's difficult at times being the sick one and the only one really working, while the healthy one in the relationship frustratingly spends most of his time not working).