I'm new to this forum, thought I'd write my story... Symptoms started in September 2013, just after I turned 19 and was starting university. I was getting diarrhea and cramps about once a month (sometimes less, sometimes more) but kept putting it down to having drunk too much on a night out, or just thinking it was a random bug. After about 6 months I started thinking I should visit a doctor, but kept putting it off because I wasn't convinced my symptoms were bad enough, or that there was anything really wrong. By summer 2014 I finally got round to it and saw my GP at home where my parents live. She ordered a stool sample and blood tests but they all came back clear except for anaemia. She then prescribed me iron tablets (told me they might upset my stomach!) and gave me some leaflets about IBS and that was it. September 2014 I came back to university and went to see my regular GP here. He wasn't happy with what the first GP had done (thankfully) and decided to refer me to a gastroentorologist at the hospital. That was at the end of September and my appointment is 20th January 2015... My symptoms have been getting worse recently, horrible cramps and diarrhea nearly every two weeks and lots of days where I have pain and can have a BM three or four times. The worst incident occurred a week ago, 5 days of pain, fever and diarrhea with one night where I had 15 episodes of diarrhea between 22:30 and 4:30 (no sleep until 5AM, horrible!). My weight also fluctuates a lot, I'm not underweight by any means, but it can change by half a stone in the space of a couple of weeks. While I'm sure that this isn't 'all in my head' I often feel like my symptoms aren't serious enough for this to be IBD. Anyone think it could be, or am I overeacting to a bit of IBS?! Can't wait for answers in January...
Also thought I'd add that I have extreme fatigue a lot of the time, can easily sleep for 10-12 hours in a night and still have a nap during the day... Friends keep telling me that I'm getting too much sleep which is why I'm tired, could that be the case?
Also thought I'd add that I have extreme fatigue a lot of the time, can easily sleep for 10-12 hours in a night and still have a nap during the day... Friends keep telling me that I'm getting too much sleep which is why I'm tired, could that be the case?