New member! For my DH

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 13, 2009
Hi everyone
I just joined today. My husband has Crohns. He was diagnosed in 2001 when he had to have surgery for his Crohns. His surgeon said it was the worst case of Crohns he's ever seen! That's because it took me so long to convince him to see a doctor!

Anyways, he's has been doing rather well since surgery. Started on Remicade in 2006 I think.

He was recently hospitalized and put on prednisone. He started at 35mg and was to taper once a week by 5 mg. He's on 20 mg now. He's developed a pretty bad cold. Today he woke with a bad headache/migraine and nausea. He threw up once but I think related to the migraine, not anything related to Crohns.

Now should we be worried because he's on the prednisone? He doesnt have a fever. He does feel a bit better now but is resting.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I am on Pred and a lesson I just resently learned the HARDEST way was DO NOT just stop taking it.... if he needs a refill or is getting low on his script.. CALL THE DR.. if the Dr doesn't listen.. go see the Dr. I say this because my Dr got too busy for me, I am going to say this was about a month ago now and the reason why I changed Dr's... I was on and still am on 40mgs a day, no taper and according to my Dr I will be on it for a very long time to come. Anyways, when I ran out I was ok for a few days. Not too long after tho, I got bad headaches, got really tired (seriously I slept for almost 48 hours and didn't so much as move a muscle the entire time) but the worst thing was my skin broke out in a really bad rash, I was basically a big red dot and it itched, but it also burned and hurt and... I was miserable. That lasted for almost 3 weeks before I got back on it. It took almost a full week of being on it again for my skin to return to normal. That is a good example of what they call adrenal crisis, I had never heard of it so I wasn't too worried but in all reality I should have went to the hospitial! I can't say it is a bad drug, but it is something to very careful with and there is alot of information out there on the internet about it that I recomend you reading. The worst thing about all of these meds is that it will supress the immune system so if he doesn't already take vitamins then he should start. The biggest concern I think with any med is "are you alergic to it" I never thought I'd be alergic to anything, but then I got put on flagyl.... many of my post's mention it almost killing me. Just remember, Crohn's is something that you have to treat with one thing or another and none of the treatments have a side effect list that I can say sound 100% safe BUT when you go without the med then that is even going to be less safe. Always be sure to know the risk's and keep your eye open for any sign's that something is wrong and contact the Dr at the first sign of troubble. Like with me, something that just seemed to be VERY annoying could have seriously hurt me.... dont ignore that like I did! I am one of those people that learn through my mistakes, and I have learned to stop doing that and start speaking up right away. Hope I helped out some, and by the way welcome to the forums! :)