Hi Chops, nice to meet you. I see you have had some great support from our community. Everyone is supportive and it is always great to get info and help from those who know how you are feeling physically and emotionally.
You are lucky to be alive after being T-boned, so you are here to fight and help others too! I had two resections too, but 6mp both sister drugs, affected my liver, metronidazole (Flagyl ) really does help me but only be on it short term. You just had surgery not that long ago, and it takes some of us up to a full year for your intestines to work with less of it. I have a hiatus hernia, from Prednisone, and hair loss too but I am also alot older than you and have had it many years. Some people just have more adverse reactions to meds more than others.
As I always say, one day at a time, and if you get bad D, get your doctor to give you Questran, it helped me and now I take nothing for D. :hang: glad you are here!