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Jan 26, 2011

I wanted to tell my story and see if anyone has any advice.

On 11/29/2010 I went to our local ER and was rushed to St. Mary's in Rochester, MN. It was not until the afternoon of 11/30/2010 that they took me in for emergency surgery. They had learned that I had a perforated colon and was septic. I was in so much pain I do not remember anything that entire time. I remember them prepping me for surgery and telling my family they had to leave the room because I was needing surgery or it was my life. Woke up a week later learning what had happened. I had already had 4 surgeries. They resected my cecum, appendix and about 23 cm of my ileum. I woke up with a lot of bandages and an ileostomy bag (my worst fear). I was in the ICU for about 2.5 weeks and in my own room for a few days before I was discharged on 12/21/10. I was very delusional in the hospital and had many nightmares. I was very scared to be alone. I am glad to be home. Last Sunday I was taken back to St. Mary's for dehydration which they say is common with an ileostomy. I was discharged last Tuesday. I am still recovering at home. Started working very little hours at work.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this. If this has happened what medications were you on prior to the surgery, what are you on now, what is working. I have had terrible side effects to meds. As I am learning this could happen while you are on meds or off meds. It makes me nervous to be on immunosupressants if I now have resistance to some antibiotics and have had sepsis. If I would have been on immunosupressants there is a huge chance I would not have made it. I was close enough to death with having a very strong body. They were very happy with how healthy all of my organs were. I have done a lot of natural things. I was wondering if I was ever going to be able to heal this section since it is where it started 10 years ago and they talked about resecting it 6 years ago. I feel this spot had to go before I could move forward.

Thanks for your feedback!
:getwell::hang:Oh my goodness what you have been through I am so sorry. But most of all I'm so glad your still here after all that. not sure how you are doing right now ? not sure what VRE is but if its anything like cdif and when they put me on vancomyacin and that wasn't even working for me . hope it s not something like that. I pray your hanging in there .and maybe others on this form can help you better. keep us posted.
You most certainly have been through a lot
and I am so glad that you joined the Forum! :)
I hope you will take the time to do some reading in here...
any questions ask away...
if you want to just vent...feel free!!

"Healing" Hugs~Nancy
I thought I had a hard time my my my...

Glad you are still here. I can relate wiuth you on the part of having a bag. I had both kinds in a short 6 mnths periode. Waking up with a bag is a story I rather not repeat myself. It's quite hellish!

Your health however is the most important thing! Keep up the moral stay strong!