New stoma isn't working!!

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Nov 13, 2011
Ok, I'm in the hospital....I had my old stoma taken down and a new one made, but its been four days and nothing! I'm miserable and bloated beyond belief! No food or drink yet and I'm walking the halls once or twice a day as much as I can. Any other ideas?? The bloating pain is horrible! My last stoma started moving the next day!!
hi hope you're feeling well again soon.

i may sound dumb, but i'm a little confused, why are you not allowed to eat or drink yet?
i wouldn't expect there to be any output until you're eating/drinking first?

i've gone a day without eating before, the stoma was basically inactive and i was bloated with air.
I would assume its because I had a bowel resection too? I don't know why but I guess I should push the surgeon about it tomorrow. I'm starving!
If you have no bowel sounds, they won't let you eat. Your guts are probably still asleep. It can sometimes take days.
Have you tried chewing gum?
I've heard it can stimulate things and at least get some air moving - just a thought :)

Hope you get to eat soon!
chewing gum works - many studies showing that. Are you on opiate pain killers? If so, ask to stop those. They keep the gut sleeping.
It took my guts 7 days to start working, but thankfully they just decided to feed me after 5 days lol. It can sometimes just take a while . Good luck!!
Don't panic, the gut can take as long as 5-10 days to start working again after an operation. There was a lady in my ward whose stoma didn't start working for at least a week. Mine on the other hand was working within 24 hours, it always does!

They won't give you any food if there are no bowel sounds because you will just vomit it back up as your bowel will still be resting.

Keep us up dated, and good luck!

Emma x
Thanks for the suggestions...I asked for gum but was told no, so it wasnt until the fifth day when I was relieved.
Having your stoma moved to a new site was not a fun experience....11 days in the hospital....a wound vac over the old stoma site....and about 10 inches of staples going right up my abdomen from having the bowel resection.

Finally home now and resting. Besides these painful wound vac dressing changes, I'm pretty comfortable. Liking my new stoma....its not herniated, doesnt have fistulas and abscesses around all will be good soon!