New to crohn's

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Aug 21, 2011
new to crohn's

hi! my name is Steph and I am 20 years old, and have recently been diagnosed with crohn's. I had a terrible flare up and was taken to the emergency room where the doctor's thought my appendix had burst. After a ct scan, the diagnosis was crohn's. I was in the hospital for a week, with a no food/no water diet, just nutrition through an iv. Currently I am taking prednisone and am on a no fruit,veggie, or fiber diet.

Crohn's runs in my family but I never experiences any of the "typical" side effects. my stomach would hurt after I ate certain foods but that was about the only stomach problem I ever encountered. My dad and his 2 siblings have Crohns so I am kind of familiar. I had my first colonoscopy last week but the doctor couldn't get into my small intestine because of the tissue scaring. I am currently waiting on results of blood tests to see what my treatment plan will be. My gastro doc talked about humira or remicade as my best treatment options. I was just wondering if anyone wanted to share their experiences on either of these meds? I am kinda nervous about all of this and just wanted some feedback :)
Hi Steph :) Glad you found us here.

Sounds like your docs are on the right track with your treatment so far. Hope you get your test results back soon so you find out which meds you will be on. You might want to check out the following forums to get a better idea of what to expect with Remicade or Humira. There is the Remicade Club and the Humira Club. They are filled with personal experiences on both drugs.

Keep searching through the different forums, especially the Treatment forum. Thanks again for sharing your story with us :)
Hi Steph and welcome!

I don't have any experience with Remicade or Humira, but I know they have worked wonders for so many. I sure hope that whatever option you go with, it will get you well quickly.

Keep us posted on your results and what treatment plan you decide to go with.

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