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Jan 24, 2012
Hello my name is Nick. I just turned 21 and i am currently in the hospital and have been diagnosed with crohns disease its very overwelming and scary but im sure most of yall are aware. I just have been doing research on crohns and came across this and thought it would be very helpful. Just two months ago i was a perfectally healthy young adult and now all this. I guess im just looking for advice or anything helpful from people who have gone or going through all this. Thank you.
Hi Nick!
I'm Hannah, and I'll be 17 in a few days.
I was diagnosed this time last year, so I'll share with you all I know.

Firstly, this website is fantastic. It's like a club! We're all referred to as "Crohnies" and can talk to each other about anything!

What I've learned from this website:
Don't Google stuff. If you have an issue, write it on here. Google tends to blow everything out of proportion. For the first few months of Crohn's I thought I was going to DIE! (I'm not, and neither will you!) Stupid google.
Stay away from surgeons as long as possible. Luckily, I haven't been spoken to about having bits cut away from my stomach, but I'm certainly going to stay away!
You're never alone. Sounds a bit stalker-ish but ah, well.

I don't know what medications you'll be started on, but some of them have rather irritating side effects (which DO stop once you stop taking them). Prednisone (a steriod) has always been great for me, and totally controls my Crohn's. But I hate it. It makes your hair fall out and your face puff up, and as a teenage girl I wasn't happy with this! Makes me sound superficial but it's quite distressing. Pentasa's good side-effect-wise, though it never controlled mine. Neither did Azapriathine or any of the others that I'm currently taking!

You'll suffer flare ups in your life. There will be phases of good times, and then out of the blue you'll be in pain. I'm in a terrible flare up as I write - my pain now is worse than it's ever been. But being a Crohnie helps you appreciate the good days, and you live life to the full.

There are certain things that act as triggers. Some people can't have alcohol or popcorn (I still have both, haha) but it varies.

I think I've ranted on for long enough.
If you have any queries don't hesitate to ask. Even if you just feel depressed, your Crohnies are here for you :)

welcome nick.roof! everybody is lovely on here. i actually joined when i was in hospital last year too. i hope everybody is treating you well in the hospital ;) or else they'll have us to answer to!!

can i ask what your symptoms are? and what are the docs wanting to do next in terms of treatment for you?
I was about like you. I'm only 26, and was just fine until i ended up in the emergency room with severe abdominal pain. After emergency surgery i ended up with an ileostomy, and the diagnosis of Crohn's. I am going to encourage you not to let the disease take control over your life. It won't always be easy, and we definitely have to look at things a little differently than everyone else, however you dont need to let it hold you back from doing anything. I went from "healthy" to having two surgeries and being on some of the strongest meds to treat CD over the period of 5 months, but i refuse to let it hold me back from doing anything, and i encourage you to do the same.
Welcome to the forum Nick!

Sorry to hear that you are in the hospital :(. It certainly is a lot to take at first.

I think it is great you are doing research already. There is a lot of information out there so I encourage you to take things slowly in terms of implementing any changes to make sure you understand how it could impact you. The last thing you need to do right now for your health is start stressing yourself out over anything so just make sure to take everything slowly and in stride.

I found it helpful to maintain a food diary and also list my symptoms each day to determine what foods caused me pain and discomfort. Avoiding those foods helped me deal with my symptoms pretty well (before my surgery that removed the diseased portion of my intestine).

Best of luck and let us know if you have specific questions or areas of advice you are looking for.
Hello Nick and welcome to the forum :bigwave: it is very daunting when you first get diagnosed so I totally agree with mickeyarmo about taking things slowly. Definetly start looking at your diet and do a food diary as this is a good place to start for a bit of symptom management if nothing else. One thing to remember is that we are all different so whilst some lf us may need lots of nasty meds you may not, we react to them differently as well so don't worry just yet about side effects. The good thing here is that you can have a good look at different diet and treatment options so at least you can have informed discussions with your doc before making a final desision. Finally I would say sense of humour, you definetly need one with this disease as when it comes to bums what else can you do but laugh (it's either that or cry). I hope you start to feel better soon and keep us updated on how you are getting on.
Hi Nick, I have just joined this forum today, but have had Crohn's most of my life.(Diagnosed 45 years ago, but had symptoms for 15 years before that.) The diagnosis is a big thing to deal with, and we all do it differently. I really feel for you, and know that you must be going through a tough time getting your head round the changes. It has happened so suddenly for you. For me diagnosis was a relief that my dreadful symptoms now had a name and that it wasn't 'all in my head' or ' just for the attention'. For some of us it is so frightening to know that this is something that you will have to share your life with from now on. It's like suddenly having an invisible buddy that you need to consider before you do anything at all. There will be times when you forget that there is a problem and times when your whole world revolves around your symptoms. Some people will deal with it and some will walk away from you. My advice to you? Here goes then......
1. Be open with people - it is amazing how many people will say 'OMG me too' when you tell them that you have a loo problem. For many people it is a relief to say that they suffer too. And this forum is the first step.
2. Never give up - your life will be a bit different from the way you planned it, but there's always a work-round.
3. Assume that you can do it until you have incontrovertable evidence to the contrary.
4. Don't do too many web searches - there is a lot of stuff about Crohn's that is just on the web for sensationalism, and isn't necessarily true. If you read anything that frightens you, don't just accept it as gospel - discuss it with a professional who can give you the truth.
And finally...... keep your chin up Nick. I hope that things improve for you, and that you are soon on a more settled path. If you need to chat feel free to contact me.
welcome nick.roof! everybody is lovely on here. i actually joined when i was in hospital last year too. i hope everybody is treating you well in the hospital ;) or else they'll have us to answer to!!

can i ask what your symptoms are? and what are the docs wanting to do next in terms of treatment for you?

Well i had a colonoscapy two weeks ago and was told i had ALOT of inflamation. My doctor put me on prednizone and a antibiotic and said he beileved it was crohns but still needed me to do sum test to be sure so i went on with my normal life and the pains in my stomach kept getting worse and the inflamtion got worse. I checked into the hospital last night on request by my doctor. I took a ct and ultrasound and he determined i do have crohns. Now my doctor wants to get the inflamation down and im also very anemic so im taking iron and steroids. I believe i am going to start imuran and stay on prednisone. Im very lucky to have a great doctor who is very supportive and keeps me informed and a great family who is very supportive. I have always been very optimistic and looked at the brightside and im keeping my head up but i must admit it is starting to take a toll on me.
Steroids are usually very good and getting inflammation down so hopefully you will feel an improvement in you symptoms soon. Have the docs said anything about when you can go home? I am glad you have a good relationship with your doc - this is key with crohns as you both need to be on the same page with it. A supportive family is also needed at times like these and whenever things are getting on top of you and you just need to vent to people who will completely understand you have us as well now :hug:
Thank you all sooo much!! I see what yall are saying about google and i really needed that advice this website looks awesome and something i will use for as long as i can. I am on my second day in the hospital and starting to feel a little better. For yall that are having flare ups right now im soo sorry and hope it will get better asap. It is awesome to have a place like this were i can reach out to people in my situation thank you all sooo much i feel so much support and that really helps!
Hiya Nick
and welcome

Hospital, been there, done that!
Pred is a fab drug, you'll be on the mend in no time!
Try not to fret about this disease, being anxious may escalate some symptoms,
Tiny baby steps, just concentrate on getting your inflammation under control first, rest, and some more rest, then you can start your mission to manage!
We're all here to help, oh, and WE'RE the experts, straight from the horse's mouth!!
eff Google off!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx

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