Hi Nick!
I'm Hannah, and I'll be 17 in a few days.
I was diagnosed this time last year, so I'll share with you all I know.
Firstly, this website is fantastic. It's like a club! We're all referred to as "Crohnies" and can talk to each other about anything!
What I've learned from this website:
Don't Google stuff. If you have an issue, write it on here. Google tends to blow everything out of proportion. For the first few months of Crohn's I thought I was going to DIE! (I'm not, and neither will you!) Stupid google.
Stay away from surgeons as long as possible. Luckily, I haven't been spoken to about having bits cut away from my stomach, but I'm certainly going to stay away!
You're never alone. Sounds a bit stalker-ish but ah, well.
I don't know what medications you'll be started on, but some of them have rather irritating side effects (which DO stop once you stop taking them). Prednisone (a steriod) has always been great for me, and totally controls my Crohn's. But I hate it. It makes your hair fall out and your face puff up, and as a teenage girl I wasn't happy with this! Makes me sound superficial but it's quite distressing. Pentasa's good side-effect-wise, though it never controlled mine. Neither did Azapriathine or any of the others that I'm currently taking!
You'll suffer flare ups in your life. There will be phases of good times, and then out of the blue you'll be in pain. I'm in a terrible flare up as I write - my pain now is worse than it's ever been. But being a Crohnie helps you appreciate the good days, and you live life to the full.
There are certain things that act as triggers. Some people can't have alcohol or popcorn (I still have both, haha) but it varies.
I think I've ranted on for long enough.
If you have any queries don't hesitate to ask. Even if you just feel depressed, your Crohnies are here for you