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Nov 6, 2010
Hi everyone, I'm a 19 year old male, and have finally learned that I have a lot of the symptoms of crohn's. If you could tell me if my symptoms show a a strong chance I have CD it would be greatly appreciated!

The reason I first looked into crohn's was because in high school i took accutane for about a year (16-17 years old). I'm unsure when my symptoms first started appearing, but I do not have any distinct memories of symptoms pre-accutane. Anyways, here are a few things I've noticed that correlate with crohn's

- The first thing that caught my eye was the abdominal pain. Throughout high school I would occasionally have extremely powerful pains in my stomach that would result in me laying in bed FETAL position for sometimes hours. Quite easily the most intense pain I've ever been in, every episode would leave me feeling like I was about to die. I've never known what the cause of this was, but my parents never seemed too worried so neither did I.

- I've also had occasions of sudden diarrhea , forcing me in the bathroom for over an hour. I always get extremely bad stomach cramps whenever these moments occur as well. Like the above point, these episodes are somewhat rare.

- I am also very skinny. I'm only about 5'9"-ish, and weigh around 130 pounds. My weight has always been near constant. Even while undergoing a very intense workout regimen as I attempted to prepare for college soccer, my weight stayed near static. I was working out 1 on 1 with a strength coach 3 times a week for a year, and consuming enough protein shakes for what seemed like 3 people. I was much quicker, stronger, and felt much better on the field, however my weight had only gone up about 5-10 pounds MAX.

- I do not have much of an appetite, ever. I have always felt like I just do not enjoy food, like EVERYONE else does. I am a very picky eater because of this, only truely enjoying a handful of items.

- I have noticed on some occasions (although very rarely), blood on toilet paper after using the bathroom. It has never been much, so I didn't think much of it, but it has still happened none-the-less.

- I have also experienced sores in my mouth, on the inside of lower lip.

- I have a general feeling of being tired or weak throughout the day, on most days.

- I have a spot on my left eye that is always red.

- Not sure if it's a sympton, but I have been dealing with depression for the last 2-3 years.

- Also have been experiencing mucus in my BMs. This occurs more frequently then both the blood and abdominal pain.

Although all of these symptoms have occurred at some point, I cannot precisely remember when in some cases. I have also been recreationally (or maybe medically...ha!) smoking marijuana for almost exactly one year, pretty heavily. I would say I have smoked at least once every other day. During my time of smoking marijuana, I cannot remember one single abdominal cramp episode. All the other symptoms are still present, but it's really been a relief to not have to experience what I would describe as the most terrifying pain I have ever felt.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this. I look forward to hearing what those of you with more experience have to say!
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Hi garbs and :welcome:

Good to see you here. Many if not all the symptoms could be related to Crohns but either way something isn't right and it should be investigated. What I would find interesting to know is, are you are picky eater because you don't have much of an appetite or don't you have much of an appetite because the food causes you pain?

Have you had any tests done related to your symptoms, even blood tests for to check for anaemia or anything?

It might be an idea to keep a diary of your symptoms and diet...................

I hope you stick around 'cause there's loads of support and info here plus heaps of members your age. Good luck and keep us posted!

Take care, :)
it's just because i don't have much of an appetite. i don't care for food so i don't really eat beyond what i would need to not feel hungry.
Hi garbs
and welcome

Well that's rare with weed for a kick off! I eat for 10 people after smoking it, and then some!
Your symptoms do sound like Crohn's yes, but you need clarification, so go to the GP, get a referral to a gastro specialist who will do tests such as a colonoscopy. Maybe the blood on the tissue is a hemorroid? Is it very bright red? Or maybe a fissure, a little tear, these can occur with constipation or frequent diarrhea.
Stick around with us for support, any questions, fire away
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
I guess I should have been a little more descriptive hehe. I definitely am able to put down the food after smoking a little bit. I usually smoke 1-2 times a day nowadays, so there is still much of the day left where i do not feel the increased appetite from marijuana.

I did some more research and noticed how some crohn's patients expressed that they felt abnormal, or different from everyone else. I'm not sure if/how this would relate to crohn's, but this describes my life to a T haha. I truely do feel alien in the way i live. My best friend has pointed this out to me, saying "you look at things so differently than everyone else".

Another thing I wanted to bring up, i don't think I feel like I have this disease. I've read thru many stories on here, and everyone seems to really struggle battling this on a day to day basis. I seem to function pretty fine, and aren't really hindered by these symptoms too often.

Anyways, thank you so much for the replies so far. I'm not attempting to self-diagnose myself, i'm just getting a little worried. I will definitely see a GI if you guys think there's a good chance I could have this.
I think with the symptoms you described you should be seeing a GI and having tests, for sure. Always better to be proved wrong than not knowing and getting a whole lot worse one day.

Good luck if you decide to go see the Drs, it can be a long road and often IBS is the main focus so don't be put off by that!