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Sep 18, 2012
Since being diagnosed in May, and finding this forum with my husbands help, I'm learning to cope. However, i am reaching out for prayers and support. My 17 yo daughter moved to Texas a few months ago to be with her fiancees' family, I'm so worried and stressed as she just called me and said she has been diagnosed with Crohns and i am unable to be there to comfort her. Her fiancees parents aren't supportive and have no idea what she is experiencing. I know, i am still learning how to cope, starting a new job after 8 months removed ( since i was let go for being sick) and have to relocate 600 miles further away from her and I'm very scared for her. I don't want her to have to endure this by herself, and want to be there to help guide treatment options etc..,as i am currently becoming more educated on our new family disease. Please help me by sending prayers and support Tricia's way!! Right now all i can think of is how much my baby girl is hurting, and where she is currently living the doctors are refusing to treat her pain. Any support, thoughts and prayers from my forum family is greatly appreciated.
Thank you! God bless all who hear my plea. Muah - hugs-
Oh my gosh I can only imagine what you are feeling. At least you are never more than a phone call away. Have you told her about the forum? It may be a good resource for her. Maybe also have her contact CCFA to see if there is a support group near by.

You and your daughter will of course be in my prayers.
Hugs ..
So hard when you are far away.
Are there any local support groups at the children's hospital where her Gi is?
What about girls with guts and a few other sites with young girls?
Bless you! If I understand correctly, you have Crohn's and your daughter was just diagnosed? Oh my. My son is 15, so I often think about what will happen when he is off to college and I can't be "in control" of his care. I am sending lots of prayers and good thoughts to both of you. Please introduce her to the forum. She could benefit from the info and support on here and you couldshare with her any info you would like for her to read. I can only imagine hard it is for her there. I imagine this is not something she would feel comfortable talking about with in laws. She isn't too old for a children's hospital who might be more sympathetic about her pain.

You are always just a phone call, text or email away from her and if you can get her on here, we will send her some hugs!
That's some terrible news to receive! I wish all the best to you and your daughter. My mother always reminded me that I may be the one with the disease, but she feels my pain too and is fighting this thing right by my side.

The first thing doctor's usually do to treat the disease is prescribe prednisone (an awful steroid with less than pleasant side-effects.. increased appetite, moon face, foots spasm, etc.) if this helps that's a good sign, the disease may be easier to manage. If not, my GI put me on Remicade right away. In the first few years, Remicade was my saviour!

I hope for the best!
Thank you too all. I'm working on trying to coordinate her care from here and help her manage, but is difficult as i just returned to work and am training 2 hours one way from my disabled husband and other 2 girls, until the relocation. Thus, time is precious, and it is hard to guide her right now. I will most certainly encourage her to get into this forum, as it has been a saviour and relief for myself. Thanks again all. I am so very grateful and blessed to have my forum family. Muah- hugs-
Prayer's heading her way and your family also.
Can she head home? Or is she in college?
So hard even when there in your own house.
We are trying to get her home, and her fiancee too. Trouble is, he's military and on standby for deployment. Ugh...... two crohnies in the house is better than one! Thx farmwife.
I'm so sorry .....:hug:

What a difficult time this for your family.
I could only imagine how hard it is being so far away...... Sending lots of hugs your way....:hug::hug::hug:
Sorry to hear about both you and your daughter. I struggle enough with my son, it must be so hard to try deal with your own issues while worrying about her. I hope you manage to get both of them moved back near you!
I understand God has a plan for us all, it would just be a little easier traveling it together with her.
Thank you all so much. Muah- hugs-
Just sending lots of good wishes and hugs your way! I can imagine your concern with Tricia being so far away:( I hope you are able to get them home, close to you! :ghug:
Glad you encouraged her to join the forum. It has helped me so much. Keeping the doctors in check, overall support and brainstorming treatment options. I hope she joins for that will relieve some of your fears.
Oh my what a lot you have going on at once! I think that with you is definitely a good place for your daughter if her husband will be deploying. You will both benefit from the support system. Hugs to you all!
Oh my acheallova...:ghug::ghug::ghug:

What an awful time for you both. :( My daughter also lives away from home and although diagnosed it doesn't lessen the worry and pain.

Our kids are tough and wicked smart hun and with a Mum like you she will do well. I well understand the urge to jump on a plane and be there and how bloody hard it is when you can't do that, it fair tears you apart. As hard as that is just know that you are with her in spirit and talking makes the world of difference. The sound of your voice and your wise words will go a long way to making up for the distance between you. I still help and guide Sarah this way and between the two of us we have been able to overcome the tyranny of distance.

I hope you are soon able to hold your girl and give her a big squishy hug. Good luck hun and please let us know how you get on.

Dusty. xxx
Thank you so much Kat, my girl. I know how great and supportive you are. Your greatness shines. Muah- hugs-

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