Woohoo on the weight gain! :banana:
Before I forget, the reintro diet we were given was:
Food is introduced in stages, each stage was to last 3-5 days (I stuck to the five days).
Stage 1 - 'white' foods - rice, pasta, bread (any type), potatos, plain muffins, rice krispies (no milk). A little bit of toppings are allowed (low fat cream cheese, butter, strained tomato sauce, etc. - but just a bit!)
2 - proteins - any type - I stuck with fish, chicken and eggs but we were told pork, beef, lamb, etc. would be fine.
3 - veggies/fruits - soft veggies/fruits, no skin, no seeds (includes poppy, sesame, tomato, seeds in/on berries, etc.), no membranes (ie 'skin' around orange segments).
4 - dairy - low fat dairy, any type
All else as tolerated. Permanent restrictions are:
- Seeds - Stephen is careful when ordering out to ask if bread comes with seeds, etc., we're careful at home straining tomato sauce/salsa but when ordering pizza, we haven't worried overly about seeds in their tomato sauces and it's been fine
- Popcorn - 'may' also have been corn in general but foods made with corn have been fine and Stephen doesn't like 'real' corn anyway, so we haven't tried corn kernals
- Fruit/veggie skins - GI says we can try skins but, 'pickiness' again comes into play, he doesn't eat many fruits/veggies so hasn't been an issue - we peel apples and he primarily sticks with melons, oranges, etc.
I believe we were told to extend or back up a stage if we encountered any problems - he didn't have any issues, so don't remember exactly what their instructions were regarding issues.
I did go slow with foods that I thought might be a problem, giving him just one questionable food at a time and just a little to begin with, ie steak, beans, granola bars, etc.
Good luck with the reintro!!! Jae will be soooo happy! EVERYTHING will taste great at the beginning!