Hello to all, well my title says it all, I'm new to the forum...but, unfortunately not new to the Dx of Crohn's. I was Dx in 2005 and since then have undergone 11 surgeries for complications of perianal abcesses and fistulating Crohn's Disease. I've tried I think every med on the block and finally have been somewhat under control with Remicade Infusions every 8 weeks. About 3 years ago I was what most call in "remission" for a while until I started the Registered Nursing Program in 2011 which caused me to come out of remission due to the high level of stress. It has been difficult to complete this program with my illness and instability from one day to the next, but I keep fighting to prove to myself that I can do it. I truly feel from my own experiences with this illness that stress is a major factor in future "flare-up's." I'm glad to say I have only 4 months left of the R.N. program and will graduate in Nov, so since I'm on the downslide I now feel less stressed, which is good. As I mentioned before I've undergone may surgeries and have taken various meds, so if anybody has any questions about anything or is new to the Dx please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to give you some of my feedback. Remember the mind is a very powerful tool and being mentally healthy is almost as important if not more important than all the rest, because everything starts with a thought. We need to keep positive things, people, and thoughts in our minds and block negativity, stress, and anxiety if all possible to see any improvements in our overall condition. :heart: