Hello. Im concerned about my 65 year old mother who was diagnosed with Crohns and ulcerative colitis at 24 years old. Her large intestine was removed at that time as well as a large portion of her small intestine. From the time she eats food to the time its coming out the other end is about 10 minutes. She is on Remicadee and had good results at first but now its not doing much but making her feel exhausted. She is a smoker and won't quit. She also doesn't take care of herself. She has other medical issues related to malnutrition such as hair loss, teeth loss, osteoporosis and COPD from the smoking. She has a history of long standing fistulas. She about 5'2 and is at her lowest weight of 85lbs. What is the best pre packages nutritional shake I can order and send to her. She live far away but I want to send her a care package of nutritional supports, vitamins, shakes, anything....to get her to gain weight. Ensure is sickeningly sweet to her. Raw veggies and fruit bloat her double her over in pain. She can't tolerate much dairy. Hates yogurt. She eats ALOT of bread and butter. She can't lose any ore weight. She's skin and bones. Thanks.