Seriously paid??
Only members with Crohns or parents of kids with Crohns are on here
Please read the leaflet on Tylenol
It's given to infants without a second thought
It can have potential side effects of
Liver failure ,Steven Johnson syndrome or even death
No one is saying remicade is without POSSIBLE side effects
All drugs have possible side effects
Crohns meds are ALL ugly and scary in terms of possible side effects
6-mp/imuran have high risk of lymphoma and very hard on the liver
Increased risk of basal cell skin cancer
Methotrexate (mtx) liver issues increased cancer risk
Remicade /humira
Liver damage
Risk of cancer
Skin/nerve issues
And and and ...,
The thing is you are modifying the immune system with these drugs
That slows the disease
Modifying the immune system regardless of drug has risks
Leaving Crohns untreated or under treated in kids has risks
Cancer due to inflammation reoccurring over and over
Surgery to remove damaged intestine
Resulting in short bowel syndrome
Poor growth
Uveitis/iritis (blindness)
Liver damage
Brittle bones
Non medicines
Een (exclusive enteral nutrition - 100 % formula only )
Een is used instead of steroids in kids to induce remission
Een typically last from 6-9 weeks while waiting for maintenance med to kick in
Some big ibd kiddie hospitals offer
90/10 or 80/20
80 % Een and 20% solid food as a treatment
Doesn't work for everyone
Get a second opinion at
Boston children's
Children of Philadelphia
Cincinnati children's
Since you don't seem to feel comfortable with your doctors suggestion
(Not that any parent feels comfortable ever )
Tagging optimistic her child is on een /scd
Scd diet is extremely difficult most kids lose weight and not necessarily recommended
Ds has been in remicade for 8 months
He had two minor allergic reactions
He was then switched to humira for over 5 years
Added mtx for juvenile spondyloarthritis
Humira recently stopped working
So he was started on Stelara
Still waiting for that to work
And using steriods plus 50% een and 50% solid food
There is a parents research section
With peer reviewed papers from NIH etc in all the different treatments
Current treatment of pediatric Crohns