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Aug 11, 2012
Hey all my name is Casey and I am a 26 year old female. I have a lot of medical issues such as clotting disorders, migraines, heart problems, seizures, ocd etc. When I was little I had horrible problems with constipation and had exploratory bowel surgery at a young age. Nothing was ever found then. I had lap band surgery in 2007 too. Since then nothing has been the same. Ive had severe stomach pain at times, other times dull aching pain. I have diarrhea usually once a week. The rest of the time it is deff not normal bowel movements. They are hard to get out, yet its not constipation. I have had bright red blood in my stools and on the paper. Last week I went to the hospital by ambulance because I had severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hard time breathing, my face legs and arms were numb, my pupils were dialated, and I felt like I was dying. They did a CT scan and blood work and sent me home. A couple days ago I saw my Primary doctor and he said the CT showed inflammation in my duodenum. Ive had endoscopies several times, usually every time it shows inflammation in my stomach, and "gastritis". The last one I had the doctor was checking for celiac but everything came back normal. After my latest trip to the ER the doctor is thinking its either Gallbladder or Crohns. Sometimes what I eat causes worse pain sometimes it doesn't. I have been having chills and cold sweats, and a fever that ranges from normal up to 100.2 this has been going on for a week now. Last year my sed rate was also elevated. Im just wondering if any of this is common in Crohns patients? I have never had weight loss as a symptom, and only have the D once a week. If anyone can shed some light on this it would be greatly appreciated. Ive had horrible stomach pains for a long time. I usually take Bentyl for it. Right now my pain seems to be in the upper left part of my abdomen, and sometimes the lower left. Im just looking for input from anyone, and if any of this is common in crohns. Not too sure what to think right now. So please help!!!!!
72 views and not one answer or opinion. Could someone please reply. I find it a bit rude when you are new on a forum for people to view your post, yet not say a word to you. Not cool. Im here for the same reason everyone else is, and I deserve the same respect.
I think a lot of times people read a post and do not reply is they have no answers and are not sure what to say.
I can not offer you any advice on what is wrong with you your symptoms are way beyond what I have.
Give it a little time, the people that can answer your questions will show up sooner or later.
Please don't get frustrated. Z Ghost is correct - the reason no one has responded of the 72 that have viewed is probably because none of them have experienced what you are experiencing. I am included in that. Most of us are not doctors or GI specialists, all we can do is offer support by sharing our stories. I don't think anyone would want to give you incorrect advice when it comes to dealing with a serious health issue. Also, there are many different symptoms involved with Crohn's. Some people are in excruciating pain while others hardly have any pain. Some have diarrhea 14 times per day while others may not. Someone will come along that will read your post and will be able to share their story. Please be patient and hang in there!