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Sep 27, 2010
Hi everybody,
I found out I had crohns in nov 2005. I have not been too bad since then, the odd flare up now & then but nothing serious.
Just been told that I have to go in & have a small bowel resection, which I will be having on the 15th dec 2010, yikes!!
Just wondering if anybody can give any advice!?
How long will it take to recover, how long is it before eating gets back to normal, & any other things you think will help me with this!

Many thanx
Donna x
Hi Donna!!!! :bigwave: glad you found how to post your story and you have joined us. The 15th of December, quite a ways away, hard on the brain lol.

I have had two resections and the first one was a blessing in disguise. I had infected intestines so I was in the hospital 1 week prior with and IV and antibiotics, had a Laproscopic resection and pain control of Morphine I think. I was alot younger then and in shape, the healing time was about 6 weeks, and was good for
7-8 years! I still was on Entocort after to keep it in check. It will take awhile to eat and never rush that, the bowels can take awhile to get back to normal. Most likely you will have Diahreah. I was on Questran because Imodium is not good longer term. Didnt know at the time but having Ensure after your surgery is a good way to get nutrition and your bowels moving. Slowly got to normal. Your fitness, age, and your severity or surgery you have is going to set your time for healing.Some people have an epidural but mostly on the old fashioned way of surgery, and that takes longer. Great people here to help you. Any questions just ask. We can give you our experience, but remember no two are the same. I see you are a Brit!! Many Brits here! :hang:
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Welcome Kebab!

I had a small bowel resection done about 4 years ago (4.5 if we are being precise) that removed about 1 foot of bowel. I was in the hospital for 1 week and then at home recorver was about another 5-6 weeks. I think it took closer to 2-4 weeks before I felt 100% better.

Like Pen I had Laproscopic surgery, which I recommend getting if possible. It is less invasive, which means it should result in a shorter recovery time. I also recommend that you walk as much as possible (without over exerting yourself) while in the hospital/afterwards as this can help your recovery (especially getting your bowels working again).

Like Pen said dhiarrhea is common for at least a few weeks.
Hi Kebab, as you know everyone is different and recovery time can differ. Our daughter Meg (aged 16) had a small bowel resection I know they removed 15cm at the terminal ileum. She was in hospital for a week. Her first bowel movement was a bit bloody and runny - however she only had diarrhea for a couple of days after that before it returned to normal. She had laparoscopic assisted surgery so therefore has a slightly longer scar above her bellybutton and tiny ones around. She had IV fluids for the first 3 days and started eating a low residue diet in conjuction with Ensure Plus to keep up the calorie intake. She is able to play sport again in a couple of weeks (it's been 6 weeks since surgery) and she is doing really well. Welcome xxxxxxx
Welcome Kebab!! I don't have any advice for you-never had a resection- but wanted to welcome you to the forum! I hope you find lots of answers that you are looking for!
Thanks everybody! So glad to know there are people out there that know what having crohns is like. Even though have good friend & family they just don't know what it's like!
Hiya Donna
and welcome fellow Brit (not so far from me!)

I haven't had Crohns surgery but just to welcome you to our community!
lots of friends here for you and support!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Donna and :welcome:

I'm glad you found your way here. First up.........Good Luck with the surgery!!! My daughter had a small bowel resection but hers was an emergency. She was in hospital for six days and back at school about 3 weeks after discharge. She was in very poor condition pre op so I would say she ran at about 80% for a few months. DougUte has just commenced a thread about surgery and what to expect so you may find it helpful if you haven't already found it................

Loads of info and support here so please stick around...............Welcome aboard!

All the best, :)
Hi Donna! Welcome.

I can't advise on the surgery..... yet. I was diagnosed on Sept. 4th and am scheduled for surgery on October 12th. I have a Crohn's mass that needs to be removed so I will be having the full blown open surgery. Laproscopy will not work for me.:stinks:

I have not been told anything about diet changes, etc.. I think its because, in my case, the surgeon does not know how much bowel he'll have to remove. He also needs to remove at least 1 fistula.

I'll try to give you suggestions when I have experience to relate to you.
Welcome Donna!
I don't have any advice to offer either but I want to wish you the best of luck with everything and I hope you recover quickly and that your surgery puts you into remission :hug:
:welcome: Donna,

Sorry I can't give you any advice, just wanted to say good luck with your surgery!! See you around and I'm sure you will find what you're looking for in the forum, there is so much information on here. It's really helped me since my flare started 3 months ago.


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