Newbie and a little confused

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 26, 2014
Hi everyone, so glad I found this place. I am still a little confused and unsure if this is the right place for me, so I will start at the beginning. I have had digestive issues for years, but chalked it up to IBS as my problems were periodic. I would get super sick with what I can only describe as severe "food poisoning" for a few weeks and then my symptoms would disappear for a few months. In January I got sick. I had upper left quadrant pain, nausea, severe diarrhea, and back pain. Went to my doctor who sent me for a CT scan as he thought it was pancreatitis. It showed inflammation of my pancreas, but my labs were normal. So I was sent for an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy, which showed mild to moderate chronic inflammation of my stomach and esophagus. I had a negative MRCP as well. The only thing that is puzzling is a high gASCA, elevated liver enzymes, and a weak positive IgG. It says suggestive of Crohn's Disease, but pattern is not conclusive for disease, so I am having a capsule endoscopy. I'm really nervous about what results will come as a result of this test. I am still having abdominal pain, and scared to eat, but the diarrhea has stopped for now. Anyone share any similar experiences when they were diagnosed?
Welcome to the Forum - I had the Pill Cam where they found Crohn's & blunted villi in my small intestine so for me it was a big help!

Good luck!:ghug:
I know you must be anxious about the investigations but it is important to get a confirmed diagnosis. My son had similar symptoms for around 2 years but kept denying it. His symptoms deteriorated and he became acutely ill, he was diagnosed with crohns disease 2 months ago, but had to have emergency surgery almost 2 weeks ago. You need a diagnosis in order to get the right treatment.

Good luck
Thanks guys, it's hard to know what direction to go. I find myself between admitting there is a problem, and denying its very existence. I just want to get better, and if it needs to be treated, then treat it, and then I want to get on with my life. Right now, I have been feeling pretty good, and it's hard to believe anything is wrong. The problem is I know it won't last long. Hope the pill cam will show what is wrong :)