Newbie and can't lose weight???

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 8, 2010
Hello My Name is Dawn

I am new here today and currently undergoing tests for chron's.

I had an endoscopy done 2 yrs ago that showed imlamation at the bottom of small bowel and top of large bowel.

The gastro man at the hosp i was attending(not going there anymore) said it was normal???

I am now under a diffeent hosp who straight away said it sonds like chron's but got to redo all tests (oh boy).

I have suffered for last 2 years of daily diahrea (sorry cant spell) pain under left rib.

I am very nauseous in mornings (not pregnant lol).

I have sibo but antibiotics not working????

I also am recovering from thyroid cancer and have an absorption problem so am very badly hypo at present. I have another tumour on my adrenal gland but they not worried about that at moment.

I have put on 3 stone in 2 yrs and really my question (one of 100's) is do all people with chron's lose weight or do some gain or not lose any???

Thanks for reading i will be putting up loads of questions if you don't mind?

Love Fairy Dawn xx
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Hello Dawn - welcome to the forum...

I am recently diagnosed with Crohn's but have had it for a number of years my Dr's believe. I have not lost weight at all - from what I understand it is possible that because my Crohn's is only in my colon, that is probably why I haven't lost weight...

If the Crohn's is in the small intestine, I think that is when people start to lose lots of weight due to the body not absorbing all the nutrients...BUT don't quote me on is a difficult disease to understand and everyone has a different story to tell.

I hope that you get some answers soon and some help as well.

This is a great forum full of wonderful people who are very knowledgable about all things Crohn's!!! :)

Take care....
Hello and welcome! One theory I have heard as to why some people gain weight is that constant diarrhoea puts your body into 'starvation mode'. Your body thinks it is being starved so lays down fat stores as much as it can. The thyroid problems will also affect your weight.
Hi Dawn, welcome to the forum. I'm currently undiagnosed myself and I've been tested for both thyroid and adrenal issues in the past, as my doctor said that both can cause problems like diarrhea and abdominal pain. So I would stay on top of those issues if you know you have them, as they may be the root or at least part of the problem. If you have Cushing's disease as a result of your adrenal tumor, that would make it very hard to lose weight. Or if you have Addison's disease as a result of the adrenal tumor, that could cause diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain (Addison's tends to cause weight loss, though). I was recently tested for Addison's so I have looked into this type of thing a little bit. Things like Addison's tend to be pretty rare, I think the statistic is something like 1 in 100,000 people have Addison's, so not a lot of doctors think to look for things like that. But both Addison's and Cushing's are directly related to the adrenal glands, so I would get that checked out if I were you. Good luck, I hope you get some answers soon.
I'm a newbie too. Just diagnosed Aug 2010. IBD for sure, and was told I had Crohns the day of my surgery Aug 24th. Had a lump/abscess and fistula removed. I have surprisingly gained weight too. I'm hoping its just water weight and not all the meds I've had to take.

I hope you find your answer! I'm very curious too. :)
Best Wishes, GirlyGirl
I lost weight the first year I had a lot of symptoms that went undiagnosed. I lived on saltine crackers for a year because it was the only thing that didn't hurt to eat. After diagnosis I have always battled the weight gain. I am currently about 25 pounds overweight. I lost a little weight right after surgery but started putting it back on within a few months as I could tolerate more foods. I now have a lot of diarrhea every day, but no weight loss. I lost colon and small intestine (26 inches). So I guess everyone is different. Doris
A bit breif, but if you contact me I can explain more.

But try eating smaller meals, but more regular. Every 2 - 3 hours, include protein, complex carbs(wholemeal etc) and some good fats, like nuts, or fish in each meal!:)
I was diagnosed in 06 with crohns and its in my colon and have lost no weight unless i really tried with diet and exercise.I am new here and still learning i think you came to the right place.
I have always been overweight and I think it might be why it took so long to get a Crohn's DX. Even during flares I would only lose a little bit of weight here and there but put it back on again when I was feeling better. In saying that, my diet used to be terrible; very high in carbs and sugar until more recently when I decided to drastically reduce my sugar and carb intake and have lost about 10kg.
Hope that helps :)

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