Newbie seeking some timetables

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Apr 25, 2012
Hi All,

Let me start by saying I'm embarrassed to be posting here and I hope I won't offend anyone: though I have suffered off and on over the years from IBS/IBD, it has been under control through diet and exercise for about 5 years and I have no reason to suspect a Chron's or diverticulitis or related diagnosis. If I shouldn't be here, please let me know. From what I've read about Chron's, I have the utmost respect and compassion for those of you dealing with it; frankly, you're kind of heroic, to me.

But I'm here because it seems like one of the better places to get information on anorectal/perianal abscesses and fistulae. I have (at least one of) the former, and it may be developing into one of the latter, as a result of post-surgery complications. First time I've ever dealt with anything like this; past experiences with hemorrhoids obviously pale in comparison.

I'm an otherwise health 43 year old male, 6 ft, 193lbs. Family history of diabetes and intestinal "issues," but no diagnosis (beyond the catch-all IBS) for me of any of those at present.

Did contract HPV about a year or so back, or, at least, had a presentation of the virus about that time. (With up to 90% of the sexually active US population having at least one strain of HPV, and with it capable of laying dormant for over a decade...well, who knows exactly where/when I was exposed...) In my case, the virus presented as condyloma acuminata, aka anal warts. I opted to go after them "aggressively" with laser removal surgery performed by an anorectal surgeon, specialist in this procedure, affiliated with a well respected hospital in my area.

Surgery, on April 6, went well. More bleeding, and more warts, than expected as per the prior anoscopy. But no serious concerns or obvious complications. Discharged home after a few hours.

Six to eight hours later, back in the ER with shaking chills, 103 F fever, and severe, widespread swelling/edema throughout perianal region and scrotum. Diagnosis: transient bacteremia. Suspects: candida albicans yeast infection on skin, or some intestinal flora, or, of course, something I picked up in hospital. We'll never know.

Four nights in hospital. IV antibiotics (Cipro, Flagyl, Vanco), stool softeners, laxatives, pain meds (Oxycodone and Tylenol, after morphine, initially). Discharged with noticeable reduction of swelling and pain, no sustained fever, "successful" bowel movement (OUCH!!!!!), gram-negative test results, normal white blood cell count, negative MRSA test, normal urinalysis.

At home recovery going okay from that Thurs-Sunday. Monday morning woke up to see "drainage" had gone through underwear pads, through towel, through sheet, onto mattress pad. Also notice right side of anus pain and swelling and scrotal swelling considerably diminished. Went to feel around down there and....holy geez, is that HOLE in my body???? AHHHHHH!!!

[Brief freak out. Hand held mirror. Freak out worsens. Memories of every David Cronenberg film I've ever seen. Slow return to sanity....]

Surgeon confirms, yes: I developed, and opened/drained, a sizeable perianal abscess. At first I'd say the opening was the size of a large almond. Now I think I could drive a Matchbox car in there, maybe two.

Surgeon, whom I like and trust, not yet ready to confirm/diagnose it as fistula. Though I think I've had some small fecal matter migrate through, I can't be sure. It's so close to actual anus that I can't be totally certain I don't inadvertently transfer it there myself, even in my very, very careful attempts to clean with flushable wipes. Surgeon reports no visual signs of fecal matter in abscess bed, no smell of fecal matter, no other putrid smell.

Surgeon is, in fact, so damn thrilled every time she sees it--"Oh, this is coming along marvelously! Really interesting!"--that I'm getting vaguely proud of having ripped myself a new one.

Induration persists to greater extent on the other, right side of anus. Surgeon discerns three very, very small "barely worth the name abscesses" openings there along anal verge; evidence on my pads confirms that area is, in fact, slooowly draining on its own. No obvious place to go in for an old fashioned I&D at present--remaining fluid could be honeycombed. Seems to be draining. Taking Amoxicillin/Augmentin to prevent any spread of infection; no fever, diminishing pain.

For now: watchful waiting. Grrrr. So bad a that. Despite my last surgery experience, part of me wants her to just go in there, "lay open" both areas areas as tracts, and let them heal from bottom up. She says "No. Way. Not until and unless we need to. And we may not need to." She says "six to eight weeks--but don't hold me to this--would be reasonable timeframe to say you'd be totally back to normal. But you could be back at work well before that."

Currently working from home, because each bowel movement has the potential of becoming a 20 minute production involving a bath and repacking of gauze.

Currently packing the large abscess as needed, at least twice a day, usually at least once or twice by myself at home (amazing how quickly that's become "normal") and every day or at least every other day having surgeon or nurse at my GP look at it. She has cut off some necrotic tissue at margin/just inside wound bed. YOWTCH. Cauterized with silver nitrate.

So: is six to eight weeks reasonable? For a non-Chron's, non-diabetic patient like myself?

Should I push back/get a second opinion on the pack, watch, and wait treatment for the abscess? Am I dooming myself to recurring abscesses there and, eventually, a fistula and required surgery anyway? Why not get it over with?

How long should I stay on antibiotics? (I know they can't treat/penetrate an indurated infection site--merely keep it from spreading.) Current RX due to run out on Saturday. As I've been tolerating them fine, I'm nervous to go off...

How quickly can you really notice healing starting on an abscess? Is it wishful thinking on my part that I think that while it is larger in diameter it is also shallower?

What the heck do you tell people?

Thanks for any advice you may have...
Sorry, this is not a forum for people like you. Get the hell out of here!

Just kidding! We would love to have you and there are lots of people on here with similar problems. Were all here for support. And if you makes you feel any better I had a nasty run with an abscess back in November and again December (due to the nurse packing it wrong) I required a second surgery. I now have a 7.5" incision that is still open and healing 6 months later. Hang in there, they take some time to heal.
Sorry, this is not a forum for people like you. Get the hell out of here!

Just kidding! We would love to have you and there are lots of people on here with similar problems. Were all here for support. And if you makes you feel any better I had a nasty run with an abscess back in November and again December (due to the nurse packing it wrong) I required a second surgery. I now have a 7.5" incision that is still open and healing 6 months later. Hang in there, they take some time to heal.

I am SOOO glad that I am not the only smart ars!! :)
Sorry, this is not a forum for people like you. Get the hell out of here!

Heh. Well played....

Yikes--your story (6 months!) doesn't make me feel better--for either of us. But I'm assuming that your recovery time is affected by your actually having Chron's? If I understand correctly, that slows down the healing of these things significantly? So sorry....
Umm I'm not sure to be honest. I was just trying to make you feel better if it isn't healed up within the desired 6-8 weeks. There's a member on here who's abscess took either just over or just under a year to completely heal. I've definitely still got a while to go with mine as well. Although it doesn't hurt or need packing anymore, its still an open wound and is trying to close up properly. I guess it would depend on a variety of things like size, depth, if there is infection inside, etc. I was only packing mine for about 6 weeks after the last surgery.

Do you know what kind of packing is being used with yours?
Understood, thanks. But hearing that it could take six months or a year not making me feel better. :) Hearing that it should take six to eight weeks, or less, would. :) I feel like I can do anything for eight weeks. Thinking that this may take year or more depresses me to no would completely explode my life, job, etc, if I had to keep dealing with it at the level it is now. Each bowel movement requires a nearby bathtub, and at least 15 minutes. Can't do that at the office.

I know, I know--I want it all.

Just using regular non-sterile gauze for the packing--one small square, unrolled to a sheet. Putting Calendula ointment around the edges (also helps hold the gauze in, I find). Taking probiotics, Vitamin E, multivitamin, Garlic, and Vitamin D to boost immunity/healing.

No sign of internal infection. Probably about finger-tip to first knuckle (or less) deep, now about fingertip to second knuckle "long/wide"--seems to be getting slightly wider as it gets shallower? (Anyone else experience that?)
WasMark1969 (and a fine year it was too!) welcome!!! Since you arent a crohnie, or diabetic you should heal quite a bit quicker than us!

And yes this is certainly the right place to ask the question. And as for embarrassment....honey, we talk about EVERYTHING!

Love your sense of humour...indeed, you certainly did grow a new one!

6-8 weeks, on antibiotics, proper dressing, doesnt sound unreasonable actually. If everything goes to plan that is! What concerns me is why the heck you got it in the first place. And not to cause you any more trouble, but maybe they should be investigating that. Have you had a CT scan??
WasMark, I've been fighting the urge all day to not make a crack about the "was" part of your name, and!
You folks are awesome and funny. I love it here already.

"WasMark1969" is indeed a play on the year I was born, and on a name I used to (sort of) have. Long story, and no where near as interesting as that of the Artist-Formerly-and-Now-Once-Again-Known-As-Prince. (Though he is awesome, it must be noted.)

I do think 1969 was a pretty darn good year, yeah. No offense to '63 or '66.

Some answers to questions and some updates:

1) Nope, have not had a CT scan, ultrasound, or MRI. Cause of the inflammation(s), and, hence, the abscesses was the "transient idiopathic bacteremia" I developed post-op. Translation from doctor-speak: "Wow. Holy ****. You got some kind of serious bacterial infection, there, after or during surgery. We don't know exactly what. Looks like it's under control now, and all your tests for the all the truly Big Bads are fine, so, um, don't sue us."

2) If the remaining pockets of pus and debris (induration) do not continue to drain well, my surgeon may order an MRI to help map options for possible surgical intervention. She doesn't think we're there yet.

3) As of today, I know am the proud owner of not merely one extra hole, but FIVE! I'm so proud. The Big One (I'm working on a name) down by my perineum, at the anterior edge of the anus, has now been joined by four teeny-tiny ones--three on the posterior left side, and one on the posterior (back toward the cleft) right side. I'm told this is good, because more holes means more drainage, and less induration, and the fact that my body is doing this on its shows a healthy immune system. Abscesses, I'm told, are our friends. (Note my hardwired skepticism. Hurrrrmmmmm.) None of these other four even comes close to comparing to Big Guy, and don't require any packing with gauze beyond just shoving a folded small gauze square or two in the cleft, like a dollar bill at a male strip show. Sort of.

4) In a week or so, my surgeon may opt to connect Big Guy (Gaston? Yeah, that'll work...) to the smaller one next to him with some kind of pipe or stent or some other nonsense to ensure that the pus pocket between then doesn't find equilibrium and stay there and never drain. I confess I didn't follow this, but did understand that it would all be taking place on "surface level" only, not punching a loop through my anal wall. Hooray for small favors.

5) Gaston is showing "wonderful granulated tissue growth." Again, I'm so proud, I guess. I have been eating/drinking as much protein as I can stand. I'm told to expect him to bleed more exuberantly, and a brighter red blood, in days to come as this new tissue continues to come in via the healing process. Hence, packing the gauze in lightly and changing it often will be key.

6) Soon we get to be on watch against "pernicious packing" of Gaston. That is, shoving in so much gauze or shoving it in so tightly that we don't allow enough of the tissue growth and healing and moving toward closure to occur. For now, the gauze is keeping things from going too quickly on the top level, if I understand correctly, which would just leave me with an open abscess waiting to be filled in/fistulized again underneath--a time bomb.

7) Surgeon still not ready to commit to declaring Gaston a fistula or no-longer-a-fistula in waiting. I confess this vexes me. I do not do well with prolonged uncertainty. There is a part of me that just wishes she would treat it like a fistula, go in, and do the laying-open surgery and then let me heal. I realize this is kind of crazy thinking.

8) I will continue to need a bathtub handy (I suppose I could try the sitz bath thing again, but what a disaster that was the first time....) after most/all bowel movements. While this is happening, for the 10-15 minutes it takes, it depresses me to no end. Otherwise I'm okay with it as a concept. I'm averaging 1-3 BMs a day, and staying on stool softeners for the foreseeable future. I suppose there are worse things to deal with--but this aspect does really prevent me from going back to work in the office anytime soon, or going too far afield from home. Since my system tends to move twice in the mornings, I'm anxious about scheduling anything away from home before 11 am or so. Does one get used to this? I imagine a certain Zen like serenity about it is possible. Not sure it's possible for me, but I'm sure some people out there get it....

9) I'm staying on Amoxicillin and the Tylenol/Oxycodone combo (very low doses) for at least another week. Doc is somewhat concerned I might be encouraging antibiotic resistent bacteria at this point (I've been on one antibiotic or another for 20 days, now), but isn't yet confident enough to take me off entirely. Thoughts from the peanut gallery? Fortunately, Amox doesn't seem to be having any effect on my gut/digestion--I am taking HLC probiotics twice a day, an hour after the Amox.

Thanks, all...good to have found you.
Crikey, you've got a breeding colony there mate! And the surgeon wants to join two of em up??? What...are they laying eggs or somat??? (thats brit and aussie, whatcha think?)

Umm, I'm sure your surgeon is fab. But I'm thinking another specialist might want to have a 'look see' at whats happening, just in case? And personally I think the sooner you could get an MRI, the better off you could be. I dont like 'assumptions', and it sounds like you dont either!

Now, when you are praying to the god of toilets...thank it. You dont have chronic diarrea...and thank g'd for that.
She wants to join two to make sure the pocket of swelling between them doesn't get set in. Something about "drainage equilibrium"--think of draining a bunch of water out of a canopy by poking holes in it: you can end up with pockets of fluid that remain right where they are if they are just far enough away from two nearby holes that are otherwise draining the areas around them. Makes sense to me, in terms of the physics. And she doesn't necessarily want to do it--she's raised the possibility that she might want to, in time. Or not.

My brother-in-law is a radiologist, so I can get an MRI at a moment's notice. I've talked it all through with him, and he's not pushing for me to get one at present. Agrees with surgeon that it wouldn't tell them much they don't already know. Time for MRI is if induration persists AND drainage seems to have stopped, which is sure as heck hasn't.

I don't mind assumptions, actually, long as they're based on experience and some facts in hand--which hers seem to be. I don't actually question her diagnosis; I just struggle with the level of patience it requires from me. :) I know that's contradictory....but I'm Whitmanesque, and contain multitudes.

I am indeed grateful that I don't have chronic diarrhea. I shall remember that the next time I get depressed over using my bathtub as a giant bidet. :)
If you find that patience somewhere, DO let us know where it came from?

I just hope you drain...(that sounds naughty) the way you should, and all goes according to the 'master plan'!
Yeah, patience is the hard part, isn't it?

Wow. This situation has me really feeling down today, and whipsawed emotionally all weekend. Felt great to be able to get an (upper body) workout in on Sunday, but then Sunday night I was just so amazingly exhausted. I guess healing this many open "wounds" takes a lot out of the body's energy reserves?

The middle parts of the day aren't so bad. Getting up and confronting breakfast and that first bowel movement and the cleaning and packing--and trying to get ready to be online for work, at the same time--is a major drag. Then, at night, it's sort of a game: will I need to have another bm before bed? So will that be a full-blown washing and redressing/repacking? Or will I just get away with the same as a daytime cleaning and repacking? What the hell happens to me if I mis-time my bowels and thing I'm fine and head off to a work meeting or a doctor's appointment and find myself in a Starbucks bathroom trying to hold toilet paper over my abscess to keep fecal matter out of it, etc. etc.

I know, I know: cry me a river. There are worse things, and most of the people here deal with them, for far longer, than I'll have to. It's all relative, I guess. Just feeling blue today. I want my life back, sooner than they say I'm going to have it.

And, if I'm going to have fistulae, and the surgeries, I just want to go ahead and get that over with. Frustrated that medicine doesn't work that way, and that they insist on seeing what happens. I mean, I know why they can't just go in and cut away--it's just....I want action.

Okay: send me serenity. I am healing well, I'm told, and that's really my only job right now, or is supposed to be, if I let it be. :)
We have all had those days, hon. No need to apologize or try and make yourself not feel it. In my experience, I have to let it wash over me, so I can get past it. We ALL understand, we do. And yes, ease up on yourself, just let your energy be on healing for now.
I think all of us can seriously relate Mr 1969 model, with optional extras. :ycool:

I found when the healing was slow, and I was seriously loosing the plot and getting stressed about my mess of a body, the slowness of healing, the sheer shittiness of dealing with it on a day to day basis...and unable to kill something, or someone to relieve the stress....

I just had to laugh. I had to breath, and laugh. WTF did I do to deserve this? Well, I musta been some kinda *&% in a previous life. Sooooo, I took ONE day and moment at a time, and found that by Gawd I would find something funny about it. And I would keep track of my progress. Because each day should bring some tinny weeny bit. If it isnt..and you are going backwards, you need to be seen to again ASAP.

Dont get down, get EVEN!!!
Terriernut and CLynn,

Thanks so much--really helpful encouragement. I do by nature try to find the humor, and the silver lining, in all situations, so that's serving me well even in this one. I think I'll come out the other side of this a more patient and compassionate man--including toward myself, which is the area I most need work on with those skills anyway.

Yesterday was decent: good surgeon visit--she still "loves" what she sees in terms of healing and granulation and blood flow and all that and is still not willing/able to call Gaston one way or the other as a fistula. I just think of him as a fistula in waiting, I guess.

The two that were on the right side of my anus have joined forces, so, technically, I'm down to 5 from 6. Take the win where you can find it, right? She's pleased by this--says it's better for the drainage of the remaining induration/pus and saves her from having to do anything like that artificially.

The three on the left (I'm thinking of calling them the Kindly Ones/The Furies/The Hecatae/The Eumenadies/The Three Ladies) are healing up well. Feels like I have two giant puffy paper cut slits on both side of my anus.

Pain is manageable. Off Oxy almost entirely. Tylenol suffices during the day; one Tylenol PM sends me off to sleep at night. Never thought I could love stool softener this much. Wow.

Got certified by the surgeon last night for up to 8 weeks of short term disability leave. Thanks to my employer's programs, that's going to be a paid leave (out of their insurance policy) and at 100% based on the time I've been with them. They also require me to take FMLA at the same time, so my job is protected. They approved it today, but only for four weeks at first--they want a reassessment at 4 weeks. Fine--I'm grateful to have the time off to heal. Working from home last week wasn't good for anyone, as I can see only now.

Today not so good in the bathroom incident department. Was out to the office the morning to hand in the paperwork and take care of a few coverage issues, then made the mistake of getting a coffee on the way home. Man--my gut has lost all tolerance for caffeine's more moving effects, it seems. Barely made it in the door--and, in fact, evidence on the pads/gauze suggests to me that I may in fact be dealing with at least one fistula. I dunno. It felt like such a close call that I suppose with the effects of the stool softener and the way the pads kinda keep things a evidence could have just been from that--but I really don't think so.

More proof, as if I needed it, that this condition, in its present form, absolutely requires me to be home with access to a full, clean, bathroom with supplies and tub and shower. I suppose that's the Universe's way of getting me over my "guilt" at going on disability for something like this.

Worst part of the day should be over. Doctor says that the extreme tiredness I feel is normal and a good sign of healing, too. to nap.
Mark, feel no guilt about being on disability! It's not like you are one of the ones who is scamming the system and COULD work (who, by the way, never feel guilty AT ALL), and you have paid into such things all your working life! Glad to hear you got the time off approved, should help you greatly. And when you need it, we'll do our best to keep you laughing too!
Nice to know you have the 3 ladies on your side. Lets hope that they arent the Furies in disquise? Or worse, the Norns.

I would love to see your surgeon to get you into a GI. And for your friend to do an MRI for you. Just to be sure about everything.

I AM GLAD you are going to be getting the rest you so require to heal! The toilet incident, well, I am glad you didnt have a complete catastrophe. But the stool softeners are not gonna help with not having accidents unfortunately. Damned if you do, damned if you dont innit?

I am so glad you are here 1969 with optional extras. Alot of us on here can sure relate to the fatigue, the being fed up, and the sheer exasperation involved. One way or the other, it's gotta get better mate.
Abscesses, Assemble!

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Update: well, the healing continues at its own pace, which my doctors LOVE, and which I find maddeningly slow. Great granulation...blah, blah....good exuberant epithelial tissue...yadda yadda....easy debridement....I even get compliments on my gauze packing skills. As I continue to need to shower after each bowel movement to get everything truly clean, I focus on these good things, and it helps a little.

I am told that I'm on the verge of being able to actually see much more rapid improvement--that sounds good to me.

On the Fistulae Front: last week she did a much more thorough digital exam than she'd done previously--for fear of actually damaging the tissue while it was still very thin--and was able to describe two "very tiny" fistulae. One goes from the largest abscess (aka "Gaston") to the skin level in the anal canal, another connects Gaston to one of the abscesses on the side of the anus, again on the skin to skin level only.

I'm told this is all going to be fine, because neither of them is skin to muscle. This is particularly good news in the one going into the anal canal, because it doesn't go into sphincter muscle. Skin to skin fistulae, absent Chron's or diabetes, tend to heal on their own, without surgery, or even Setons, especially if they heal in the right direction: interior to exterior. Fortunately, both of the interior openings in my case are smaller than the exterior ones, so should tend to heal faster and first.

The only intervention she's thinking of making at this point is some strategic shaving. :)

So, no MRI necessary. (And my brother-in-law radiologist concurs.) It wouldn't be able to tell us anything we don't already know with fistulae of this type and size. And since all the other swelling/induration is essentially gone (I'm off antibiotics), there's no reason to bother with it at present.

Many thanks to all for good wishes thus far. Still practicing patience.
:dance: Glad everything seems to be healing up now. That patience muscle must be getting a really good workout!

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