Newbie - Still awaiting diagnosis.(kind of gross)

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 31, 2010
Hi, Sorry in advance for the wall of text. I have been lurking this forum for a few weeks and figured i should register. When i was around 10-12 years old i would get horrible pains that struck randomly in my abdomen, i could be walking in the mall or something and BAM i would be doubled over in pain. That stopped though, but i started getting constipated. i would go about twice a week and that went up till about 6 months ago, i started only being able to go once a week, so i went to doc and did blood tests, he diagnosed me with Gluten Intolerance, which made sense since i ate so many wheat products.

My problems didn't end there though. I started going every day once i started a gluten free diet and taking Citrucel. But it was still Difficult to go, and i had to push very hard to get a little out. The main thing i worried about was i felt what seemed like a mass so the hypochondriac in me assumed the worst: Rectal Cancer or Colon Cancer. My grandma died of colon cancer so i just got more worried. I went to a different doctor a few days ago, a GI and he digitally checked my rectum (most uncomfortable feeling ever) and said he didnt feel anything but he did do an occult blood test and found blood. He assumes it is Crohns and i feel it may be too, I've had diarrhea 3 times this week and have lost 25 pounds this month and have no appetite at all.

I have an upper GI Endoscopy on Tuesday and am not looking forward to it. I am still paranoid it is Rectal cancer because this mass feeling in my rectum just does not feel right. Sorry for rambling, I know my Problems pale in comparison to a lot of the forum uses but i figured i would just get my story out there.
Hey Gresh, welcome!! I hope you get some solid answers from the Endo so you can get started with some treatment plan.. Good luck and stick around.
Hi Gresh and :welcome:

Good to see you found us. It's hard not to be scared when you feel something like that and hopefully it turns out to be nothing serious. Why are you going for an endoscopy when your symptoms are in your colon? or will you be having a colonoscopy as well at some point. Either way good luck with the test! and keep us posted on how you go.

I hope you stick around 'cause there's heaps of friendly and knowledgeable people hanging out here and it would be great to get to know you better.

Take care,
Thanks for the replys and warm welcome! Im going for a Colonoscopy a few days after the endo. I don't really know why the doc said to take the Endoscopy honestly. But hes the only specialist in my area that takes my insurance so im just gonna trust him, even though most of the storys that i have read about Crohns makes me thing i shouldn't.
Hey Gresh nice to meet you, I'm relatively new to the forums as well and have been diagnosed with crohn's in the small intestine. While I cannot relate to the fact that you are having colon issues as opposed to small intestine issues I did have similar issues to you leading up to my diagnosis. You mentioned it was most uncomfortable when your GI checked your rectum, well I had a similar discomfort in my rectum when my doctor checked me. Did it feel like someone was stabbing you with burning knives in your bottom? Because that's what it felt like for me. I had trouble sitting on hard surfaces as well, don't know if you have this problem. I know things must seem impossible right now but you will have relief soon. If they did find a mass it may not be too worrisome. When they checked my there was much redness and swelling in my perianal area, this was caused by an abscess they found in my colon. If you do have a mass it may be a fistula or an abscess, I'm not a doctor so a wouldn't know but if it is you need not worry they can operate quite effectively and if you are in a lot of pain they will put you under general anesthetic so you won't feel a thing. You'll feel a lot better afterward. Glad you could make it onto the forum and I wish you the best in your journey to health as I am undertaking it as well:)
I'd say he's being thorough because the faecal occult blood came back positive which means you have bleeding higher up in your GI tract. Sounds like he's making sense so far so that's positive! :)

Welcome, Meg had a colonoscopy, endoscopy and barium meal and follow through within 2 days, as crohn's can develop anywhere from a -z don't worry he just wants to check every possible outcome xx :wink:
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Hi Gresh
and welcome

don't think for one moment that your problems are little ones compared to others! they are massive problems for you my friend and hopefully both procedures should/may find something to relieve you of these anxieties.
good luck and stick with us, lots of friends here for you, you're no longer alone with this.
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hello Gresh and welcome to the Forum!

Please don't think your problems are minor..

Crohn's symptoms can appear anywhere from the mouth(canker sores)
to the anus.

Sounds like this is a very thorough doctor who is not going to leave one stone unturned.

Please pop back in and let us know the diagnosis...
I hope you enjoy your time with us.

There is usually someone around to talk to.

Welcoming hugs~Nancy
I feel like you told a good piece of my dx story. Although, I believe you caught yours a little sooner than mine which is a good thing.

I had a couple months of constipation leading up to my dx, it started mild and before I knew it, there would be ounces upon ounces of blood after a went. It felt pure sometimes even. If that wasn't bad enough, I couldn't use the muscle you use to "cut off" (even while going #1)... the pain literally made me faint a couple of times.

I didn't go #2 for two weeks and the pain was unbearable

When I went in, thank god there was a bright doctor in the ER who realized what might be happening. I had a fistula supplying an abscess that was directly in the anus muscle, causing complete blockage. I had the abscess drained successfully after a great prep night of liquid morphine :) and I felt absolutely amazing afterward.

I know the diagnosis of Crohn's sucks for anyone but as you can possibly already feel, it's a lot better to know what you're dealing with at a young age than to deal blindly, potentially making things a lot worse in the long run.
Thanks for the support everyone, It's really nice to hear that a lot of people went through the same problems as me as they were getting their Dx. In response to Superbloop, Yes it felt like a burning sensation, but i wouldn't describe it as Knives.

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