Newly Diagnosed... What to expect from Prednisone?

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Sep 11, 2012
Hey everyone!
I was recently (about a week or so ago) diagnosed with Crohn's, and met with my GI today to discuss treatment. As I have a fistula developing, she is going to start me on Remicade as soon as everything goes through (health care and insurance wise)... and in the meantime has started me on Prednisone
I am beginning the first week at 40mg a day, and tapering off by 5mg each week until finished...

Ive heard and read lots of "scary stories" about prednisone, the side effects and going through tapering it off... Just looking for people's experiences with this?? I am looking forward to feeling at least a bit better, but just unsure as to what to expect!

Thanks everyone!
My son was started on 40mg and he was actually on that dosage for a few weeks before starting the taper. He did get a little bit of the moon face but it wasn't that bad. His most bothersome side effects he said was the caffeine like energy boost, he had trouble going to sleep and it really affected his sleep schedule, he said it was this ADHD like feeling but it doesn't effect everybody the same way. Drink plenty of fluids while on the pred and back off on the salt that can help with the weight gain. My son had some weight gain but he truly needed. I hope the pred gets you feeling better quickly!! My son went from pred to Remicade and it has worked really well for him! Good luck!
Thanks for the advise! I will for sure be drinking lots of water throughout the Pred, and I did not know about backing off the salt!
Glad to here that Remicade has worked really well for your son! Im hoping for good things from it!

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