NG tube for cleanout?

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Mar 22, 2012
Does anyone drop an NG to get all the "goexplosively" liquid for colonoscopy prep in?

I just can not handle that much volume and I have to start my cleanout tomorrow afternoon. They said I should start at noon instead of 6 since I could have issues, but I really just don't think I can drink that much. I have some NGs and I think I'm just going to drop one and not worry about the drinking part. I've been averaging maybe one total meal over two to three days lately and I just can't handle worrying about getting it in. Liquids do tend to do fine in me, it's just the impressive volume I worry about.

Will I screw up the magical portents of golytely if I pump it in over more time than the allotted 3 hours?
As long as its an ng tube then you can bolus the liquid in with a syringe quite quickly. The stomach can hold quite a bit. If you really think you won't be able to drink it and can put your own ng in... Why not!
Ok, so it's the volume that's the big issue. I've got 1000 mls on board in 3 hours. I fail at this. I was supposed to get 4000 ml in 3 hrs. I look pregnant and it hurts. It's at least better now that I'm deflating in spurts.

Should you keep drinking till it's totally clear? Does the little flaky white bits ever go away? I'm mostly clear with those flaky bits.

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