Nine year old with Crohn's Disease

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
One of the kids at the school where I work has Crohn's. I used to work with him 2 years ago, and he was having some health problems then, which they put down to 'growing pains'. But apparantly it's all due to Crohn's. I just feel so sorry for the kid, he's only 9 and has been suffering so long! I don't know whether to introduce myself (and 'come out' as a Crohnie) to his mum or not, if he was still in my class I would but I don't see him much now so I don't know if she would think I was butting in.
Aww that sucks for him. I was dxed when I was 9 too after being really ill for at least a year.

I probably would, I think my parents would of appreciated knowing someone with Crohn's when I was that age as we'd never even heard of it before. Plus it might be helpful to them to know what he's going through. I'd just say it in a really non intrusive way, like saying you heard and that you actually have crohn's too, so if they ever want to talk about it you're always there.
i think you should say crohnie's need al the help we can get..its terrible 4 a 9yr old to get it though at least i got a couple of years living it up...poor lad..
I agree. I would have a quiet word with his Mum. If it were my child I would be comforted to know that there was someone at school that understood what my child was going through.

Dusty. :)
All of my parents and students know about my Crohn's. It was pretty unavoidable because I was diagnosed during the school year. I was in the hospital during the high stakes FCAT testing, although I think the hospitalization caused a Crohn's flare, not the other way around. I've found that my fifth graders are very understanding. Last week, I told them that I was going to let them walk out to the bus ramp with another class because I had to take care of something real quickly, and one of my boys said, "like going to the bathroom?". lol Can't fool them.
I haven't kept my Crohn's a secret from the staff, I was off for a couple of weeks in April/May while I was being diagnosed. And the kids know I have a 'poorly tummy'. But I think that because a lot of people don't know what Crohn's is, and I seem fit and well, they have actually forgotten!

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