@ Julie
How's that for an early mornin' southern-fried rambling rant? Dex - don't ask what's up ever again! You might get what you asked for!
As he should!
And the moral of the story is................if you don't try you'll never know! Sounds like something I would do Julie so you're not alone there! Good to hear there was a happy outcome.

@ D. So fab to hear that Meg is going great guns, woohoo! Ahahaha I have not long completed the learning to drive with my two, I don't envy you mate!

. Nah just kidding, it is wonderful to see them take that next step. :hug:
@ Astra. :bigwave: Thanks for popping by hun.
@ Mom. Woohoo for Daniel! I hope it stays that way for a very, very, very long time to come! :hug:
As for my two:
Roo is doing fabulously well. Fast approaching 5 years in remission. Uni has just started up again and she has hit the ground running. Has started her job as the SRC welfare officer and it has now been made official (media release) that she is running as the Labor candidate for Northern Tablelands. She rang last night and said she had been doing radio and newspaper interviews for most of the day. I am a little concerned about full time study, job and campaigning but she seems to be thriving on it so that's gotta be a good sign right?
This is her official campaign photo: Haha Vote 1 Roo!
Matt: Well if you have been following my novel in another forum you'll know all about it. :lol: Long story short, we head to Sydney on Sunday for follow up Monday with the colorectal surgeon and gastroenterologist. I'm working off the assumption that the surgeon will set a date for surgery around the end of the month, hmmm maybe 90% sure of this outcome, BUT I'm not entirely ruling out that he will keep us down there and operate this week. (((shrug))). Hell nothing has gone according to plan since he was diagnosed so why should it be any different now! :ylol:
He had another good trip to the GP's yesterday. WCC normal, CRP still up but reducing again and the doc said the mass was smaller and less solid, woohoo!
Either way come Monday I will know where we stand. :shifty-t: