It's really tough when it comes to meds and CD...
I myself am either allergic or non-responsive to traditional meds used for IBD...Pred used to work great (short-lived of course) but even that no longer has any affect on my symptoms. Luckily when CD is affcting my rectom (proctitis) I am able to get relief at some at least the rectal meds still work when needed for me.
I've had flaring CD for the entire 18 yrs of having CD...I went 11 yrs with no treatment (other than pred on occassion when I just couldn't take the severity anymore of the symptoms) and rectal meds as I mentioned above.
I never had any internal surgeries as a result and I'd say for the majority of my 18 yrs, my flares have been severe-moderate. My CD mainly affects my colon, on and off in the rectom.
About 7ish yrs ago I got to a point of flaring quite badly with no break and pred wasn't working my desperation I tried the natural route and to my huge surprise found some relief...not full remission, still have major issues with urgency and with some frequency but it's soooo much better than it had been for a long time.
So as with everthing else, it varies from person to person, I was mostly severe yet didn't end up having any surgeries, perforations and such and that's almost 2 decades now of no RX.
Of course what works for some doesn't work for all and it's often a combination of things that work best compared to just taking one thing.
For anyone who's interested here's what I use;
Fibre supplements daily (as directed by my GI) and indefinitely
Bee propolis
Omegas 3-6-9
probiotics (a great one from Sangsters called ProBio TX-11 (Primadophius Reutier is another great one)
vitamins A and C-Calcium Ascorbate (easy on the gut)
vitamin B12 (which I use only because I was in the beginning stages of permanat nerve damage due to lack of B12 being absorbed via foods alone)
I've also altered my diet, I followed the many guidelines I'd seen on google and went by that...learning that fast-foods, processed foods/beverages, refined sugars, sugar alcohols (anything ending in "tol" sorbitol, malitol,ect) animal fats, caffeine can all exacerbate IBD symptoms.
I also exercise regularly.
Like I said, I'm not 100% but I'll take the average 5/day (sometimes more, especially during that "time of the month", but not often less than 5/day) over the 30+ times/day with tons of blood, mucus and bad enough lower back pains to put me in tears every time I was on the major issues are still frequency (since average of 5/day isn't normal for me so it's not remission) and urgency (I cannot hold my bowels if my life depended on it and I have a super short time frame to get to a toilet in time)...even though my stools are formed (thanks to all the above listed of what I take daily and diet altering) I still cannot hold them in...that may largely be due to the serious issues I have with my perianal crohn's skin tags.
Be well everyone, and keep trying new things (one at a time so you know what helps and what doesn't) until you find what works, then stick with it, and don't give up hope, I almost did and it wasn't pretty.